Chapter 2219: Intrigue

Among the "Zerg", more insects do not have much consciousness and feelings.
From a "Zergling" to a swift "Thunder Beast", they are all the same in this respect.
They are more like technological and civilized mechanical combat units, only produced purely for combat.
"Euglena" is an exception, because more "lords" evolved from "Euglena".
They are alien far-reaching reconnaissance and exploration units. The visionary "Hero Abathur" has added more to the genes of "Euglena".
"Lords" are naturally not to mention, there are more things in their genes.
Such as information, or memory.
Ordinary bugs may not know about the "Sarnaga tribe", but every "lord" knows it well.
No matter how imaginative the "lord" is, it is impossible to expect that the humanoid monster in front of him, who is better than more ugly bugs and can't see where to go, turned out to be the legendary "Sarnaga".
Indeed, in the eyes of more "lords", the "Sarnaga" exists in the legend.
Regarding the civilization that made the "Zerg Insect" tribe and was eventually wiped out by the "Zerg Insects" tribe, at least this "lord" was full of flavours in his heart, and he didn't even know what to say for a while.
It doesn't know what to say, but Salmon knows.
"Before we communicate, I must first explain one thing clearly."
"It's not so much your Zerg clan that destroyed us, but it's actually them themselves."
"In our civilization, some people who are adventurous are called degenerates, and almost all of them are conservative conservatives."
"If they were willing to start merging slowly at an earlier time until they evolved to perfection in the process of searching for other target organisms in the universe, then your Zerg would not be able to destroy us at that time, or even be a threat."
"Their behavior is like a rich man with countless wealth, but before he can fully arm himself with his wealth, they are brutally killed by civilian mobs who they look down on."
"Do you know how many excellent biological genes they possessed when our civilization died? You know that if they incorporate one or more of these biological genes, they will definitely not be beaten by you in the initial stage. Be caught off guard, and eventually lead to destruction."
"I'm telling you this just to tell you one thing. I am from the Sarnagar tribe, but I have evolved to be more perfect, beyond the biological definition of this civilization."
"I am not interested in the hatred between the Sarnagars and you at all."
"From now on, I am interested in finding more perfect creatures to evolve to more perfect."
"Now, can you tell me what it is?"
"This is just an exchange. Of course, I will exchange information that you will definitely be interested in."
In the spiritual communication, Salmon's tone was very peaceful, as if he was making a housework with an old friend.
"Your information, I am not interested."
"I won't tell you anything."
However, the "lord" was like a hob, and no matter what Salmon said, it still refused him without hesitation.
There was a "dark energy tossing" in the body, and in that instant, Salmon acted murderously against this "lord".
Only in an instant, this murderous intent was suppressed by him again.
"Let me tell you this, before I appeared here, the Sarnagar had already rebuilt civilization in a river system."
"But not long ago, an alien civilization appeared."
"They are very similar to you, almost born for fighting and evolution."
"Originally, we didn't value this civilization."
"However, no one expected that a large number of wormholes suddenly appeared in the star field under our control, and these alien creatures gushed out of the wormhole like a tide."
"If you want to talk about the single combat ability, they are more powerful than most of your Zerg clan."
"Moreover, their abilities are diverse. We did not expect us to be destroyed by them again."
"Now I want to tell you, whether it's the Zerg clan or this civilization, I have no hatred for you."
"I tell you this, just to exchange information."
"You tell me more detailed information about the civilization you are fighting, and I tell you all the information about this alien civilization."
"If we can, let's talk about it. If not, I will kill you and try to figure it out by myself."
Salmon had finished talking about it, he looked at the "Lord" calmly, waiting for its response.
"I don't trust you."
"Lord" suddenly said this after a brief silence.
"I can swear in the name of the Sarnagar family. After the exchange of information, you and I will go our own way. I will not kill you, nor will I follow you."
Salmon immediately made a guarantee.
"In the name of the mother clan..."
"Lord" hesitated.
Salmon's oath has no meaning to it.
But under the circumstances that can choose, no life is willing to die, at least this "lord" thinks so.
The appearance of Salmon is an opportunity for the "lord".
As long as it returns with this information, "Hero Abathur" will definitely not punish it, not to mention that there is intelligence information about an alien civilization that sounds very powerful.
"It can't attack me either."
A decision was quickly made, and the tentacles of the "lord" raised and pointed to the metal ball on one side.
"Of course, it will never attack you."
Salmon replied affirmatively without thinking.
After gritting his teeth, the "lord" also gave up.
It told Salmon everything it knew about the "origin civilization".
Only on the issue of the war between the "Zerg" and the "Original Civilization", the "Lord" made no surprises.
"Essential civilization" has become the alchemy stone of "Zerg". According to "Lord", "Zerg" has not found a powerful civilization in several river systems in the universe for too long.
A stronger enemy will make the "Zerg" stronger.
Therefore, the "Zerg" was not eager to eliminate the "origin civilization", and kept attacking with different combinations and numbers of insect swarms.
In this river system, although the "Zerg" has failed in several wars, it is precisely because of this war that the "Zerg" has given birth to several brand-new insects, and they are the main force that will inevitably destroy the "origin civilization" in the future. .
The narrative of the "lord" quickly ended, and Salmon did not break his promise, and began an exaggerated description of the "alien civilization".
Almost at the beginning, the "lord" believed it.
Because it has already heard of the "alien" deeds, but it has never thought before that the "alien civilization" can be so powerful.
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