Chapter 2239: Ah ah ah

The giant beast half lying in front of Yunyue was extremely ugly.
In the eyes of more creatures, other races may be ugly.
The human being in the eyes of aliens is ugly, and the eyes of "silicon-based creatures" are ugly. As long as they don't conform to the aesthetics of this race, all other creatures may be like this.
This creature is different. After all, the aliens and the alien worms have some fierce meanings. They are like mechanical beasts. At least their body shape has a feeling that makes people look crisp and refreshing, and the giant in front of Yunyue The beast is just ugly.
Its head is irregular, like a huge ball of meat that has been severely stepped on by a few feet, and there are some irregular sarcomas with thick liquid growing on it.
The eyes are also very strange. One of its compound eyes is on the forehead, and the other one ran to the right cheek.
Without a nose, a nostril-like organ dripping with black pus grows near the middle of the two eyes.
Its mouth is also very strange, with a bone plate on the right half, but there is a mouth-like organ on the left half of the cheek.
Without a neck, its body looks a bit strong, but the body with skin and bone plates cannot be seen. Under the gray translucent fleshy membrane on the body surface, the peristaltic muscle tissue can be clearly seen.
The forelegs were long and short, the long one had been ripped off the first half by Yunyue's violence, but the short one was only one-fifth the length of the former.
The hind limbs are the same length, short and thick, but the wounds on the legs are one after another, and it looks so miserable.
The whole body is about 100 meters long. This size is not considered a behemoth in alien civilization, but considering the perspective of more civilizations, it is definitely a behemoth.
"What am I asking you?"
"Do you know who you are?"
"Do you know the Sarnagar and Salmon?"
Seeing that the forelimbs of the giant beast were quickly corroded in the thick liquid of the "extraction chamber", Yunyue turned to look at the giant beast again, and at the same time asked in a spiritual exchange.
An inexplicable light flashed in Compound's eyes, and the giant beast shook his head first, then nodded again.
"do not know?"
A little impatient, Yunyue raised her tentacles.
The huge body trembled, and the giant beast was drawn on its face by its tentacles before it could dodge.
A cry of wailing squeezed out from the depths of the throat, and the violently trembling giant beast's head suddenly suffered a cracking wound. A large amount of flesh and blood was thrown around, and blood poured out like a fountain.
"Or not."
Shaking her head disappointedly, Yunyue immediately issued a spiritual order.
Not far from her, some "drone aliens" who had just completed their first molting evolution rushed over and were replenishing energy on the "fungus blanket". In fact, they still prefer to devour the flesh and blood of these "super life forms". Get energy.
And the behemoth faced the tearing of dozens of "drone aliens", and it had no intention of resisting at all, but it did its best to just let out a dull and miserable howling until it finally suffocated.
"what are you doing?"
"what are they?"
The terrible howl of the giant beast before its death attracted an alien. Yunjiang, which was already very different from the sea of ​​clouds before leaving, arrived from the horizon in an instant, but stopped by Yunyue's side and asked.
It is not the first time I have seen such a situation.
On this life planet, Yunyue left it a large continent, where there are at least hundreds of powerful alien beasts, and there are more than dozens of "super life forms". Yunjiang is about to regard it as a paradise. Paradise.
Of course, it does not stay there all the time.
Most of the time in front of Yunhai is silent or rebellious, but Yunjiang is very honest in front of Yunyue, and he has to report at least once a day, even if there is nothing to say.
Yunjiang hasn’t seen what happened just now. It’s just that it didn’t ask a few times before, but today it can’t help it.
"Experimental product."
"The person your Lao Tzu brought back, I made some modifications to its genes, and then implanted them into those mutated Sarnagars."
"Originally, I wanted to see if I could create a powerful super life form as powerful as Salmon. I didn't expect that whether it was consciousness, wisdom, or body, it would create something stupid."
Stretching lazily, Yunyue looked at Yunjiang.
Feeling her mental power enveloped her, Yun Jiang couldn't help but fought a cold war.
These days, it did not know how many alien beasts it had killed, and it had also been injured by some "super life forms". Even if it might be in danger of death in the most tragic battle, Yunjiang has not been afraid.
But somehow, every time it faces Yunyue, it will be frightened.
"Why do you do that?"
Fearing that Yunyue wanted to do something to herself, Yunjiang decided to draw her attention away.
"You can't rely on others for everything."
"You have seen intelligent micro-civilization. Ganuo is a special existence. It is an intelligent life form. Even if it doesn't betray us now, who knows what will happen after evolution in the future."
"So before the alien cannot avoid the problem of the parasitic host being born, we must find a way to be self-sufficient and make an excellent host ourselves."
"Salmon is great, Yunjiang, believe me, I rarely admit that other creatures are great."
"The Zerg is just like that, they rely on the terrifying worm sea tactics."
"But Salmon is different. According to what we know now, it only took less than a day to transform Salmon from a better Sarnagar into a super life form."
"He is not only a super life form, but also an extremely complex super life form."
"Now there is his split body that can be studied. I want to try it to see if I can create some super life forms through his genes."
"After all, before we can do the Zerg sea tactics, then we must find a way to cultivate a cutting-edge soldier."
"If the number of super aliens is large enough, in future wars with Zerg, the number of aliens will not match them, but we can at least perform decapitation tactics."
"How about it, I have a good idea."
During the spiritual exchange, Yunyue kept talking, but smiled a little smugly when she finished the last sentence.
"Uh... it sounds feasible."
"It's just, why don't you let the worms parasitize these failed experiments? After all, can you create some super aliens or similar super aliens?"
Yun Jiang nodded silently after listening, but asked inexplicably.
"How can I look at these stupid things? If you want to be parasitic, you must be a successful experiment. What kind of powerful aliens can be born from these things."
After skimming the giant kiss, Yun Yue said lightly.
"You think I don't want to, I will fail!"
"Every time these experimental products are parasited, both the worm and the host will have a gene breakdown!"
"The most annoying thing is that I can't find the reason at all..."
The front paws were slightly clenched, Yunyue, who had a breezy surface, roared in her heart.
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