Chapter 2260: white dwarf

Low-to-medium-mass stars pass through the main sequence phase of their lifespan and end their hydrogen fusion reaction. Helium fusion will be carried out at the core, which will burn helium into carbon and oxygen, and expand into a red giant star.
At this time, inside the red giant star, a white dwarf star has been born.
When the star's unstable state reaches its limit, the red giant will explode, throwing all the matter outside the core away from the star body, and the matter will spread out into a nebula. The remaining core is the white dwarf we can see.
This is the white dwarf, the white dwarf in the cloud.
The density of white dwarfs is very high. Take "Earth" as an example. A white dwarf star equivalent to "Earth" has a surface gravity of about 180,000 times that of the earth's surface.
In front of the sea of ​​clouds, the white dwarf is about half the size of the earth, and he can feel the powerful gravity of the white dwarf.
It is precisely for this reason, coupled with the material results of the spiritual force scanning the planet, Yunhai confirmed that it is a white dwarf.
However, what puzzles him is that this white dwarf is not a sphere.
Of course its shape is infinitely close to a sphere, but it is not an absolute sphere.
Its shape is like a sphere made of plasticine, and it is squeezed fiercely with a hand. There are a lot of irregular depressions on the surface.
In addition, around the white dwarf star, the sea of ​​clouds did not see any nebula.
After the star evolves into a red giant, the outer layer will spread into space to produce planetary nebulae.
But in the vicinity of this white dwarf, the sea of ​​clouds not only did not see any nebula-like matter, nor even felt the radiation emitted by the red giant star.
Of course, it is also possible that the matter scattered by the star was captured by the terrifying gravity of the white dwarf, and it was eventually swallowed by it.
But the problem arises. If that is the case, the white dwarf must have existed for a long time, so it will definitely not be the shape it is now.
Also, according to the estimated time of the sea of ​​clouds, if the white dwarf star formed normally, then he has been in this star field for some time, but he has not captured any explosion when the star died.
The speed of light also takes time.
However, Yunhai finally determined that the white dwarf star was abnormal, and it was a special kind of energy radiation.
Similar energy radiation has been found on all the "dead stars", including the universe and space filled with corpses of worms, and on the "Zerg" destroyed insect nest stars.
This kind of energy radiation, Yunhai has not found in the insects he has encountered.
Obviously, this energy radiation is related to the unknown creatures attacking the "Zerg".
This was also the main reason why Yunhai determined that the other party was a heterogeneous civilization. However, at this moment, he realized that the unknown creature he had been wary of repeatedly had still underestimated it.
The surface of the white dwarf is evenly covered with this special energy radiation, and it is unprecedentedly strong.
From Yunhai's point of view, unless there is absolute physical contact, it will not leave such a strong energy radiation.
And he was almost certain that the unknown creature was not in contact with this white dwarf star.
This white dwarf star was created by it.
In Yunhai's mind, a picture appeared.
Here, there was originally a star, or the main sequence star phase.
Every moment, it exudes endless light and heat.
Suddenly one day, an unknown creature appeared.
The war with the "Zerg" consumed too much energy, and it urgently needed more energy.
There is no doubt that it has taken a fancy to this star.
As to whether it swallowed the star in one bite, or completely covered the star with a special body, it didn't make much difference.
In short, it can absorb all the stars in the main sequence phase in a very short time.
In this process, no trace of stellar material was wasted.
Eventually after it left, a huge planet became an irregular white dwarf with high density and high quality.
Intuition, his own inference is correct, but Yunhai can't imagine what kind of creature can do this.
There must be more weird beings in the universe, and Yunhai has long established this.
From aliens to insects, from "different planting species" to "silicon-based life", the universe is full of miracles of life.
But the sea of ​​clouds can't imagine that there are still huge creatures that can swallow or cover stars in the universe.
"Perhaps I was wrong. To swallow the stars or cover the stars, it does not necessarily have to have the size of a star."
"It must have special abilities, it must be like this."
"Otherwise, such a living body will strike a wound on it that is larger than my alienated body. For it, it's probably like losing a piece of bone, nothing at all."
"Also, it's no wonder that no unknown creature has been found on the battlefield. It is probably the same as the Void Beast. It is just a terrifying star beast that exists alone, not a group civilization."
"Zerg, obviously cannot cause harm to it."
With these thoughts flashing in his mind, Yunhai hesitated, but slowly flew towards the white dwarf.
The previously discovered energy radiation was too little, so little that he would not feel it if his mental power had just become stronger.
So in that case, Yunhai could not be sure whether this energy radiation would affect or even harm itself.
It is different now. Because of the close contact, the energy radiation on the surface of white dwarfs is unusually strong.
As for the gravity of white dwarfs, Yunhai is not worried.
Not to mention the gravitational pull of white dwarfs. During the search for this period of time, the sea of ​​clouds has once approached the more terrifying celestial bodies in the universe-"neutron stars" and "black holes".
Although the density and mass of white dwarfs far exceed those of ordinary planets, they are far from "neutron stars" and "black holes". Yunhai naturally does not worry about this.
Slowing down, when Yunhai felt a force pulling him and began to accelerate toward the white dwarf, he immediately flew slowly toward the opposite flight.
He didn't use much energy. Such a flight in the opposite direction only offset the gravitational force from the white dwarf, making him rush to the white dwarf much slower.
A chill came into his body as the sea of ​​clouds approached the white dwarf.
This chill not only made Yun Hai's body slightly stiff, it even slowed down his consciousness.
Yun Hai's heart shuddered slightly. He finally understood why the corpses of different races found on the "Death Star", including the bug corpses of the "Zerg", were all stiff.
In the end, when he landed on the surface of the white dwarf, his stiff body and dull consciousness clearly told Yunhai that this kind of energy radiation or unknown creature would definitely be the most troublesome cosmic creature he had ever encountered.
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