Chapter 2265: The last line of defense (below)

Speed ​​is not the advantage of "origin organisms".
Since the start of the war between the "origin civilization" and the "Zerg", both sides have evolved.
The "Nydus Worms" of the "Zerg" have evolved the ability to transfer from the original monotonous "wormhole", and now they can carry a large number of insects at once to move within a certain range.
The evolution of "primitive organisms" is more significant, perhaps this has something to do with their birth soon, "primitive organisms" not only greatly evolved in terms of movement and speed, but more importantly, they also evolved "wormhole" capabilities.
The "wormhole" ability is the "origin civilization" that really threatens the evolution of the "Zerg" ability.
The evolution of the way of movement and speed has given them a greater advantage in the war with the "Zerg".
The war in this star system clearly shows this.
Without the help of the "corruptor", nothing can stop the "primitive creature" from advancing quickly and firmly.
The "alien dragon" army that was retreating to the edge of the other side of the star system was already caught up by the shadows.
Facing the shadows coming from the pavement, the "lord" gave scattered orders.
The 300 million "alien dragons" gathered together quickly collapsed, but they didn't last long, and then they were "swallowed" by the divided shadows.
From the beginning to the end, the star system defended by more than one billion bugs, the "origin civilization" killed all the bugs with an unstoppable momentum in a very short time, and absolutely occupied this place.
The war in this star system is not alone.
In more than sixteen star systems, the "origin civilization" is advancing rapidly with absolute advantage.
Some "lords" did not understand at first why the "primitive creatures" would spread out and fight them in multiple star systems.
If all the "origin creatures" assembled in batches are brought together and just move in one direction, the "Zerg" will definitely have no way to stop them.
This doubt was quickly solved.
The same "lord" has different conscious thinking. When most "lords" couldn't figure out this problem, a "lord" responded to this question.
What the "origin civilization" needs is the absolute dominance of this river system. They are not in a hurry to occupy the "wormhole", but they want to kill all the worms in this river system.
After killing all the worms in the river system, they will occupy and pass through the "wormhole".
Prior to this, the "origin civilization" was not in a hurry to lay a "wormhole."
This answer was accepted by more "lords", and at the same time it aroused the anger of those "lords".
When did the "Zerg" be so suffocated, not only was it suppressed and beaten by other civilizations, but even the other party had to completely kill them.
However, anger does not change anything. If anger can kill the enemy, the "Zerg" may have been killed by the anger of the civilized creatures they have destroyed.
Around the "wormhole" multiple combat points, "Zerg" repeatedly lost.
From the beginning of the war involving more than 30 star systems to the present, the "Zerg" has lost more than half of the star systems.
And this is the reason why the "origin civilization" keeps "resting". If they continue to attack, the "wormhole" may have been completely lost.
This is the case at this moment, killing about a billion bugs like a bamboo, and the "primitive creatures" that have occupied this star system have left again, and have not continued to push toward the "wormhole".
At the same time, it was the same in the other three star systems, but the victorious "origin civilization" had another truce.
This kind of truce has appeared in this star field six times.
The more "lords" of the "Zerg" all know what such a "truce" means.
"Original creatures" are not tired or need to replenish energy, or even as special energy life forms, just like they don't know what fear is, they also don't know what tiredness is.
As for energy, not to mention, "origin organisms" do not need to supplement energy at all.
According to the speculation of more "lords", including the interpretation of known intelligence information, they have come to a fact that they do not want to face.
"Native organisms" do not have energy needs like other organisms.
They are a special life form, and they are also energy.
The life cycle of "origin organisms" is actually like the energy battery of technological civilization.
How long they can live depends on the reserve of energy batteries.
The attacks of "origin creatures" do not consume energy, and their own energy radiation is the means of attack.
Only when moving, the "origin creature" will consume its own energy.
But this kind of energy consumption is very small, not enough to affect their existence.
Therefore, it is untrue to want to exhaust the "primitive creatures" by lengthening the front.
The "truce" exhibited by the "primitive organisms" is actually just a concrete manifestation of steady combat.
Destroying a part of the bugs, occupying a part of the star field, stopping and waiting for the new "origin creatures" to replenish blood, "origin civilization" behaved very cautiously.
This may also be a manifestation of the "Essential Body" worrying about its own safety, pushing forward slowly and firmly, and absolutely not giving the "Zerg" any chance to attack.
"They stopped again."
"According to past practice, this shows that they will soon have to add an unknown number of new original organisms."
"And the next attack will definitely be more violent."
"How long can we last?"
Around the "wormhole", otherwise the "lords" who were defending in different areas received news of the fall of three star systems. After a long silence, a certain "lord" asked.
"According to their past performance, even if they only supplement one-tenth of the current original creatures, if they want to take down the wormhole at once, we can't resist it."
"What's more, we also know that this is impossible, because every increase in the original civilization, the number is almost a one-third increase."
Soon, a certain "lord" responded like this on the "Zerg Communication Network".
"That's not necessarily."
"Now we have assembled hundreds of billions of different dragons here in Wormhole, and with the help of tens of billions of Corruptors, we may not lose immediately."
Feeling that the "lord" who just expressed his opinion was a bit pessimistic, the other "lord" said unconvincedly.
"Before Abathur-sama did not create a new unit for the original creature, I felt that it was not ours whether to lose or not."
"Failure is doomed. At least when it will fail, it depends on the attitude of the original civilization."
"If they don't care about gains and losses and choose to advance immediately, even if it is the army of primitive creatures around us now, I believe it will be enough to solve us."
I don't know which "lord" said, so that the "Zerg communication network" established by this star field calmed down.
Many "lords" dislike the last "lord" view, but they cannot deny that it is a fact.
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