Chapter 221: Life and death contest

Like light like electricity.
The dry and hot wind peculiar to the desert hits their faces, shuttles through the dark streets and lanes, the two Yunhai and the "parasitic" one after another, quickly moved away from the city.
There are no fortifications like city walls on the edge of the new city. Occasionally there are some sand scorpions and sand lizards that are not too big. They feel the approach of the "parasites", and they are extremely sensitive to biological auras, and they quickly get in. Among the sand.
After leaving the city, he rushed for about tens of kilometers, and when he entered a mountain col, the "parasite" finally stopped.
At the same time, Yunhai and Yunyue also stopped.
Instead of pursuing it with all his strength, Yunhai also wanted to stay away from the new city a little bit Hong Kong dream.
The appearance of the "parasite" was just an episode, and Yun Hai did not want to affect his primary goal because of him.
"Swallow me, or be swallowed by me."
The pale young captain looked at Yunyue, and the blue eyes were shining brightly, full of expectation.
"Then I will devour you."
Yun Yue smiled Yanran, and then she went completely violent.
As she said, it is irresistible nature for "parasites" to swallow and merge with each other.
Now that there is no scruples about each other, and the part of the nature that belongs to the "parasitic race" is completely let go, even Yunyue can no longer bear or resist.
The delicate face instantly twisted, and the head stretched and widened strangely.
The white and delicate skin quickly turned greenish black, and the cuticle split to form pieces of hard bone scales.
The body swelled slightly, and a cold tailbone quickly protruded under the tail vertebra. The hook-like tail blade was erected on the top of the head that day, and under the moonlight, it was as straight as a snake that chose people to eat.
Instead of choosing to become a tentacle, Yunyue directly transformed into an alien state that was more suitable for singles and close encounters.
A body full of mechanized style. Under the shroud of night, there was a breath of horror bursting out without hiding.
The huge kiss trembled, and the corners of his mouth rose in the sound of hiss. It seemed to smile contemptuously at the other party.
The only thing that is a bit horrible is the three-point pose on his body.
Chen Gong did not exaggerate the facts. Using a fusion of mutated animal and mutated plant fibers and other composite materials, the clothes made of it are extremely elastic.
Yunyue's alienation has reached a height of about three meters, and the tight cups on the chest and the tight lace on the alien "pelvis" have not even cracked.
This resulted in a terrifying and fierce monster, with an irritating and a strange contrast, making Yunyue look terrifying again. It's funny again.
The young captain's eyes brightened, like a pair of shiny sapphires.
"Perfect! Super perfect form. Powerful! Intoxicating breath."
His pale face flushed with excitement, and the captain made a dreamlike sound, and then he was unwilling to show weakness, his body turned like a tide.
Inflated rapidly, the young captain still maintained his human form.
In a blink of an eye, he went from a young man about 1.78 meters to a strong man with a height of five meters.
The neat military uniform was split to the ground, and his lower body and his pants were probably made of new duplex materials. It didn't even break.
It's just that the trousers that were originally at the ankle position have completely turned into boxer shorts.
Yunhai suddenly felt that she was a little worried about eating radish, and it was all about the knot. How can I care about these important and productive details.
Perhaps it was because he was not nervous at all.
Yunyue made a move, even if he couldn't take down this captain, he couldn't suffer a big loss. After all, the "s" grade or super life body had the foundation there.
If you add his own, two to one, Yun Hai feels that he can already sentence the other party to death.
It wasn't just getting bigger, the giant captain's skin was walking like thin snakes, and large pieces of tendon tissue began to bulge into the ice.
Soon, he became a muscle knot on the surface. Exactly like a killing machine of a humanoid beast.
There are also left and right hands, the change is still significant.
The left arm starts at the elbow. Thoroughly keratinized in the direction of the palm, and finally formed into a giant blade.
The right arm bursts more exaggeratedly. Especially the biceps and triceps, almost becoming thicker than his waist.
As for the right fist that was even bigger than the head of others, Zhang Hejian made a violent noise, which made people no doubt about its violent force.
"The same race has completely different evolution. Yunyue is a tentacle system like a golden oil, with a relatively balanced speed and power, and he has clearly evolved towards a pure power system."
This physique alone, although not as perfect as the alien form, is full of extreme violence. Yun Hai felt a burst of enthusiasm in his eyes.
The blood that belonged to the "Mother of Alien" body was ignited, and Yun Hai could not wait to summon Yun Yue down, and went up to a violent confrontation of strength and strength with the opponent.
The body bowed slightly, and Yun Yue opened her mouth and let out a sharp neigh.
Almost at the same time, the monster's shoulders stretched back, and when he stretched his neck, there was a terrifying roar.
Yunyue shot out like an arrow, under the moonlight, trailing afterimages trailed behind her.
The monster was like a heavy tank, rushing forward, a pair of giant feet stepped on it, gravel splashed, and the ground shook.
Before it was completely approached, Yunyue's left foreleg, which was about to grasp, shot out countless tentacles and quickly wrapped around the monster's body.
Turning a blind eye, the monster didn't seem to see it, but just rushed over violently.
That amazing momentum, as if there was a mountain in front of him, he could easily break it apart.
The right fist slammed out, almost wiping Yunyue's body and hitting the air, and the airflow in the void space appeared strange shock waves.
If this punch is firm, Yun Hai estimates that Yun Yue will be seriously injured if he does not die.
Fortunately, she avoided it early. When the tentacles entangled the monster's neck, Yunyue jumped up and avoided the fatal blow.
The tail blade resembling a sky hook was charged by the wind and pierced the monster's eyebrows with a thunder and thunder. Yunyue's move was the ultimate move.
A metal explosion sounded with a "clang" sound. At the critical moment, the monster's left arm suddenly lifted, and the left lower arm, which was completely transformed into a giant blade, with its palm blade blocked the same fatal blow.
Sparks are flying everywhere, blurry and beautiful.
With a wave of the monster's strength, its fully metalized left arm cut off several tentacles.
While Yunyue's nest teeth popped out on his left shoulder and hit a hole, his right fist swung back violently hit Yunyue's back.
The invincible inner nest teeth almost pierced the monster's entire shoulder, and scarlet blood poured out like a fountain.
And the monster's equally unstoppable force directly knocked the alienated Yunyue's back bone into a pit, full of four blows from tortoise cracks, black and corrosive liquid constantly seeping.
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