Chapter 2318: Energy thread

The same is an energy ray attack. The difference between the particle light weapon of a scientific and technological civilization and the ray attack from the sea of ​​clouds is completely different.
The same goes for bone spur ejection attacks. The damage from the bone spurs ejected by the
thorn worms
of the
is fundamentally different from that of the worm behind Yunhai.
If the bone spur attack of the "thorn bug" can pierce the shell of a battleship, then the bone spur attack from this bug can penetrate the entire battleship completely. If there are more battleships in the same trajectory, it may continue. Continue to penetrate.
Just like the sea of ​​clouds, now he stands there still, the "thorn worms" of the "Zerg Clan" are constantly shooting and attacking with bone spurs. Not to mention hurting him, it is just leaving some on the hard bone armor. The possibility of attack traces is very small.
But this bug is different. When Yunhai's evasion that Yunhai could have easily failed failed due to the restraint of a certain force, the massive bone spurs from the blast directly shot Yunhai into a hedgehog.
Each bone spur is more than tens or hundreds of meters long.
The sharp bone spurs directly pierced Yunhai's hard bone armor with terrifying power, and more than a quarter of the bone spurs penetrated into his body.
"It can be stronger than Ying Sui!"
In an instant, this thought flashed in Yun Hai's mind.
In Yunhai's past experience, the defensive power of "The Beast Ying Sui" is the strongest.
It cannot forgive the attacks of energy weapons, but when it comes to hand-to-hand combat, no matter the sharp-mouthed fangs, bone spurs, or tail blades, the "exotic beasts should be stunned" will not even be injured in the face of such attacks.
Back then, on the "Mother Nest Star" of the "Zerg Thorn Clan", I came to pick up the cheap "Alien Beast Ying Sui". If it were not surrounded by the alien sea, or bitten by the energy attack frenzy, Yunhai might take it a bit. There is no way.
Using Yunyue's special gene as a medium, Yunhai has already acquired the defensive ability of "another beast Ying Sui".
After that, with the exception of opponents like Salmon who could break his bone armor, the melee Yunhai other than energy attacks had not been severely damaged.
But this time is obviously different. In Yunhai's heart, the more powerful "Zerg" and other hero-level insects like "Insect Generals" actually possess stronger attack power than "Alien Beast Ying Sui".
From the smooth skull to the tail vertebra, the back of the sea of ​​clouds, which was subjected to a violent and dense bone spur ejection attack, looked different from the original shape, as if it had only become a "thorn beast".
Fortunately, the bone spurs on the body made Yunhai's head a sharp pain.
The torrential pain even made him feel his nerves twitching, and his brain seemed to be boiling.
Even so, when the body of the "thornworm" behind him began to faintly swell after shrinking, Yunhai didn't seem to feel the bone spur ejection attack that it might appear again, but his attention was placed not far in front of him. On the bug.
The bug is not big, and its body doesn't look like a "Zerg".
The body is like a python, the slender body is composed of many body segments.
The surface of the dark gold body is a hard bone plate, while on the smooth body surface, there are a lot of tentacles like walking feet.
These step-like tentacles look like human hair, slender and soft.
The length of each tentacles is more than ten meters, but it moves without wind on its side, gently stretching and stretching.
Its size is more like a "centipede" whose steps have been magnified countless times by the sea of ​​clouds in the "earth".
And this insect is the opponent that Yun Hai most wants to kill right now.
Because he was 100% sure that the bug that restrained him was this bug that didn't seem to have much horrific attack power.
Among Yunhai's spiritual senses, the dense tentacles on the side of the "centipede" are very long, very long, even extending from a distance, tightly binding him.
The tentacles themselves are not long, only ten to twenty meters in height.
But at the top of each of its tentacles, a longer energy thread extends.
The bright white energy thread in his mental senses, after crossing a large space, extended to his body, entangled him tightly.
If only relying on the special energy thread bondage, and controlled by his own power, Yunhai is convinced that he only needs to flash backwards once, and he can drag it in front of him with brute force to kill it.
But this kind of restraint is very peculiar, but it is a special restraint he has never experienced or seen before.
On the surface, it seemed that the "centipede" had tied Yunhai's body with the energy thread on its tentacles, but that was not the case.
It was not Yun Hai's body that the energy thread bound, and he did not even touch his "Nether Energy Shield".
It just formed a cocoon-like existence criss-crossed from outside of Yunhai's body, completely enveloping the void he was in.
When Yunhai tried to break out of this strange bondage, the energy thread didn't have any special reaction, but he just couldn't move.
"What's happening?"
Although Yun Hai was not disturbed, he tried to break through the shackles of the energy thread once again.
This time, the power and energy are thoroughly mobilized. If Yunhai is compared to a motorcycle on the "earth", then at this moment, he started in first gear but hit the throttle to the bottom.
The body still failed to break out of the shackles of the energy thread, but this time Yunhai grasped the key.
He clearly felt that with the brutal collision he had just now, there was a fluctuation in the emptiness that could be contained in the mental senses.
"This is a space ability, a special space ability."
"The energy thread is just a means. It is integrated with the void through the energy thread."
"In other words, it's not its energy thread that traps me, but the void power."
"It's like a person who wants to pull a tree out of the ground. If the roots are shallow, they may be able to do it. But if the roots are deeper and deeper, it's not just the tree, but the whole tree. A piece of land."
This thought flashed through his mind, but Yun Hai already had a judgment in his mind.
Unsurprisingly, when the bug behind him hadn't made the second wave of bone spur attacks, the other three bugs had already rushed to Yun Hai's side.
A bug somewhat similar to "Tyrannosaurus" except that its forelimbs are much longer than "Tyrannosaurus".
The right foreleg was clenched into a fist, and the "Overlord Insect" was also clever, as if it hadn't been disturbed by the energy thread, it slammed into the bone spur that inserted the front skull of the sea of ​​clouds.
Another "mutant cancer"-like bug, a pair of large tongs clamped towards Yunhai's neck, and at the same time, a giant needle-like tail needle with a raised tail pierced Yunhai's chest.
These two larger insects looked very fierce and fierce, but Yun Hai's attention was focused on the last insect.
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