Chapter 2345: Do a favor

Yunhai's response to Krov made a few "Morning Star Federation" survivors who were neither sitting nor sitting nor overjoyed.
Indeed, just like Yun Hai said, Yun Yue scared them.
Genetic and biological experiments, in the eyes of more people, are linked to dissecting these words. They are evil and cruel.
"Man is a knife, I am a fish!"
They don't know this sentence, but this is their current situation.
Although they had escaped from the dangerous place, but had just arrived in a new star field, their understanding of the "Alien Alliance" was limited to what a mutant named "Totomi" said.
After all, they were still dubious about Totomi's words.
Believe only what you see with your eyes, otherwise it will be useless even if you say that the sky is falling in disarray. This is a common problem of human civilization and more intelligent and civilized creatures.
Now that the "Alien Master" has made a promise in person, how could these people not be excited.
However, without waiting for Krove to say anything, the door of the cabin slid open silently, and Alcott came in with a robot.
Compared to Alcott's seemingly advanced and brand-new self-service suspension vehicle, the robot seemed to crawl out of a garbage dump.
I don't know what corroded scabies, I don't know what is soaked in messy colors and dirty things, plus some parts of the robot have been seriously aging or even damaged, it is really horrible.
"It's you!"
Following Alcott into the cabin, the robot made a weird sound, and the moment she saw the sea of ​​clouds, she couldn't help but said in surprise.
"Sure enough, the master knows Vivian."
Alcott stepped aside, faintly excited.
Yunyue was not the person who spoke to the "Alien Alliance", although her words were very important, which Alcott had already made clear in his previous conversations with Totomi.
As long as there is something to do with "Alien Domination", this is the best situation for Alcott.
The only pity for him is that Totomi is not here. If he did not go to the planet to help place the "Morning Star Federation" survivors but was here, maybe through his relationship with the "Alien Master", everyone could set up a relationship again. .
"it's me."
Looking at the dilapidated robot but still the one he had seen before, Yunhai smiled and nodded.
But in his heart, he was a little surprised or surprised.
Vivienne, she was exactly the same as Alcott said, and had almost nothing to do with humans.
The last time Yunhai saw Vivienne, perhaps because she hadn't completely completed her evolution, her life form and vitality were a bit weird.
It is like the turbulence of space in the "wormhole". They are also a part of space, but they are constantly changing every second. The more chaos may be chaos.
This was the first impression Vivian gave to Yun Hai. Although her life breath was very peaceful, her life form was completely chaotic with a light ball of constantly changing shapes and colors.
But now it's different. Obviously, she has completely completed the first key evolution. She already has a complete and stable life form.
Among Yunhai's mental senses, the robot's brain was completely empty.
A thing similar to human brain tissue exists in the robot's brain, and on this brain-like thing, countless energy rays extend out, like a neural network organization, all over the whole body of the robot.
"In addition to the core alien civilization, the most powerful alien alliance is the intelligent micro civilization."
"They are an intelligent civilization, or like the mechanical civilization in your understanding."
"I will say to the mastermind of the intelligent micro-civilization, and let it build a more advanced and suitable robot puppet for you according to your characteristics."
Looking at Vivian, Yun Hai said so.
"Thank you for your kindness, dominate your lord."
"But no need, I'm used to this body."
"Although it is very shabby and poor, but I feel that I have become one with it, and I will not be used to changing it."
Bowing politely to Yunhai, Vivian responded like this.
"Sure enough, she is a literary and artistic young woman. There is nothing she is used to. The robot puppet produced by Ganuo can be 10,000 times more advanced than this."
Thinking in his heart, Yun Hai smiled and shook his head.
"Vivienne, don't disappoint the goodwill of the master."
"We have also initially come into contact with the technological level of intelligent micro-civilization. As a mechanical civilization, their level can be imagined, not to mention that the main brain will create a robot puppet for you by yourself. Others just want to ask for it. ."
Alcott, who hates iron but not steel, hurriedly said to Vivian.
Shaking her head firmly, Vivian said to Yunhai: "Seeing that you are the Alien Master, I probably understand everything. I just don't know what you want to do with me now?"
"There is one thing, maybe only you can help."
"Come out with me, I'll take you to see... to see something."
Yun Hai said straightforwardly, and then, regardless of whether Vivian agreed or not, she stood up and walked out.
"Hurry up."
"Vivienne, your ability to shelter so many survivors at Sapphire Star shows that you still have someone else in your heart."
"Now the Alien Lord is in control of our lives and deaths. Try to build a good relationship with him. Only the survivors of our Morning Star Federation can survive better in the Alien Alliance."
I didn't dare say anything this time, Alcott didn't care if Yunhai could feel the spiritual communication between him and Vivian, and hurriedly sent a spiritual message.
"I know."
In response to the spiritual exchange, Vivian followed Yunhai.
Yun Hai did not say, she did not ask.
In this way, the two arrived in the hangar of the "Hive Ship" one after the other.
On the huge apron, several miniature transport ships are already on standby.
These transport ships were obviously prepared by Ganuo, but Yunhai did not board those transport ships. Instead, they boarded a miniature transport ship belonging to the "Protoss" equipped with the "Hive Ship" itself.
Having already learned to manipulate this kind of spacecraft, Yunhai left the "hive spacecraft" with the spacecraft after the inner door was closed and the outer door opened.
Of course, his driving is not manual operation.
When he boarded the spacecraft, he had already hacked into the spacecraft's control system, but left by autopilot.
This is not the reason why Yunhai wants to show his hand in front of Vivian, and the latter may also regard this driving as the automatic control of "smart micro-civilization".
This kind of driving does not mean that the sea of ​​clouds is lazy. He only wants to determine whether the "intelligent micro-civilization" has been implanted in this spacecraft.
No matter what happened to the "Earth", he intuitively felt that the "Earth" was everything. Under the circumstances that he could control and choose, Yunhai did not want others to interfere too much.
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