Chapter 2391: On departure

"What do you think?"
After Emily stopped her narration, after thinking for a while, Yun Hai turned to look at Yunyue beside her.
"I think what she said makes sense."
Yunyue answered sincerely.
"How about you?"
The object of Yunhai's exchange this time was the smart light-screen desktop in front of him.
"Seriously agree!"
A few words appeared on the desktop of the light screen, which obviously appreciated Emily's proposal very much. The "exclamation mark", which expresses strong emotions, is rarely used, but this time it is an exception.
"it is good."
"Just do it."
"According to your plan, notify all entourage to be prepared."
"At this time tomorrow, we will leave on time."
It is not the role of mother-in-law either. Since the two most trusted and solid allies have expressed their approval, Yunhai naturally has no other words, and then he said categorically.
There was a burst of fierce applause in the huge conference room.
More members of the "super think tank" applauded excitedly.
Taking into account that not all of them are humans, to those dull and strange applause, Yunhai stood up and clapped his hands while holding a sincere smile.
He probably understood the excitement of these people.
This action, this war, is the first full-scale attack by the "Alien Alliance" on the "Zerg".
"Intelligent micro-civilization" went out more than half of the warships, and "alien civilization" is the same.
The intelligent and civilized races under the "Alien Alliance" also selected 100,000 outstanding elites to participate in this operation.
No one can tell why it was originally just a tentative action to try to contact the "primitive body" and form an alliance to deal with the "Zerg", but everyone was excited and enthusiastic from the heart.
"If this time loses a terrible defeat, it will be a big trouble!"
Standing up and smiling, looking at the various faces below, Yun Hai clapped and said at the same time.
Of course, he just said this in his heart.
The army is about to leave, Yun Hai does not want to ask for bad luck, although he does not believe this.
The meeting was closed with fierce applause.
"The staging area is set outside the star system that dominates your return."
"The assembly of warships can be completed in at most half a day, and this also includes a small part of warships controlled by humans."
"I am waiting for you there."
As soon as Yunhai and Yunyue walked out of the parliament building, the former received the message from Ganuo.
"it is good."
"Aliens will be assembled before departure."
"Don't forget to bring a space base. If it doesn't work this time, I need you to leave as many detectors as possible in the dark zone and the nearby river system to facilitate monitoring and obtaining information."
Yun Hai looked up at the sky, and at the same time responded.
High in the sky, an aircraft quickly moved away.
Of course, it is not Gano.
Ganuo can only communicate with Yunhai through a remote network connection, and now it has more things to be busy.
"I won't go back with you."
"I'm going to the Zerg Clan, and restrain them before I leave."
"Is the alien over there to notify me or what?"
Yunyue looked at Yunhai and said.
"You don't have to worry about the alien side, I will arrange it."
Yun Hai nodded and responded at the same time.
Regardless of the people coming and going in front of the parliament building, Yunyue flew directly, and then a flicker disappeared.
Watching Yunyue leave, a voice rang in Yunhai's ears.
Turning his head to look behind him, Yun Hai immediately showed a smile.
Not far behind him is the "trio" that will determine the major events of the "Alien Alliance" for some time to come.
It was Totomi who was talking, and Zhihan and Catlannis were with him.
Unlike the previous dress, Zhi Han wore a capable professional attire.
The black and white professional outfit set off her graceful figure, but it was full of youthful breath.
"You are leaving tomorrow. We still have something to talk to you."
The three walked side by side, and Tortomi spoke first.
"Go, go sit there."
Seeing Zhi Han's serious and excessive expression, Yun Hai felt amused, but he still controlled his expression, nodded and led the three of them to the side of the square to rest.
There were originally some members of the "super think tank" sitting here, either discussing excitedly or saying goodbye sincerely. When they saw Yunhai coming over, it was clear that they must have important things to talk about. People left wisely.
"Don't be like when you were walking just now, don't focus on Zhihan."
"Although she is already a mother now, she might be older than you if she didn't consider her original dormancy, but when faced with some important matters and decisions, she may not be better than you two."
Before Tommy and the others could speak, Yunhai said as soon as he sat down.
Totomy, who had always been very submissive in front of Yunhai, habitually "yes" and nodded at the same time, but immediately realized something was wrong, and his expression suddenly became awkward.
As soon as he did not see Zhihan's bulging eyes, Yunhai looked at Catalannis, and said: "It depends mainly on you. The meaning of Zhihan's existence is actually more like a symbol. She represents me. Totomy is loyal enough. But there is more than wisdom. Catlannis, you have to take responsibility."
"Zhi...she is actually not as unbearable as you said, and Mr. Totomy has her own unique insight on many things."
"Don’t worry if you are the master, not just the three of me, but there are more people in the alliance standing behind us. If there is something we will discuss and listen to more. We dare not say that we will never make mistakes, but we will definitely make as few mistakes as possible. ."
Catlannis quickly responded humbly.
"Needless to say polite words."
"You came to me this time, I probably understand what you mean."
"Originally, I planned to let Zhihan tell you. Since you are here together, then I will just say it straight."
"I did not pass the parliament's proposal."
"Small universe is very important. I will not expose it if I have to."
"In other words, if the Zerg suddenly appeared in this star field after we left."
"The fleet of intelligent micro-civilization will cooperate with the aliens to fight against them. If the situation is serious, the intelligent micro-civilization will organize a transport fleet to transfer everyone."
"But this transfer is not a transfer to a small universe."
"Even the forward direction of the transport fleet will be opposite to that of the small universe."
"You don't need to fight for this question anymore. I won't agree to it."
"But you can rest assured that the Zerg does not have the energy to fight with us in an all-round way, at least not until the original body is killed."
"And when we go to the river system where the Zerg is located, we will establish an information communication network."
"In other words, if the Zerg appears in this star field, we will react immediately."
"I said that, do you understand?"
Looking at Catalannis and Totomi, Yun Hai kept talking.
"Well, we understand."
Catlannis and Totomy responded at the same time.
"If there's nothing more, just go ahead and make arrangements."
"Aliens and intelligent micro-civilizations are easy to say. Humans will also dispatch 100,000 elites this time. Let's hold a mobilization meeting before they leave. You'd better attend too."
Having said this, Yunhai stood up, habitually held Zhihan's hand, and then said goodbye to the two with a smile.
"Am I really as unbearable as you said?"
Following Yunhai's side and walking far away, Zhi Han finally couldn't help but asked depressedly.
Seeing her cute expression, Yun Hai couldn't help but kissed lightly, but smiled and said nothing.
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