Chapter 2402: Can we afford it

"The matter is not as serious as you said, sit down."
Yun Hai smiled and said, and then took Yun Yue to sit beside him.
The restless people in the "conference room" finally felt calm after seeing Yunhai's expressions and movements.
What Yunyue said is indeed a bit exaggerated. Although there are many people like what she said, these people are definitely a minority.
There is a fundamental difference between smart people and those who are used to playing tricks.
Really smart people, they will look at problems from a different perspective, they will not be like smart people, just self-centered.
Those people who can follow the "Alien Alliance Expeditionary Army" to perform this important mission and are qualified to sit in the "conference room" are naturally really smart people.
Fear may cover some people's eyes, but it is definitely not all.
"Master, I suggest you think twice before acting."
"Emily's plan is indeed more direct."
"But before we make a decision, I hope you can consider the possible consequences."
"If the source body has not appeared, if we become the main target of the Zerg, based on your own understanding and estimation of the Zerg, you feel that the Alien Alliance can bear the current loss."
At this moment, Modi finally spoke.
"Also, Emily's plan, I or others have not thought about it."
"It's just that this is an absolutely impossible plan in our opinion, so there is no more thinking or even to perfect it."
"But Emily is different, she was taught by me, and I know her character."
"Anything, as long as there is a chance, she will not let it go."
"In this process, she will not consider the loss or the cost at all, but will only pursue victory or the greatest benefit."
"Emily, do you agree?"
Speaking continuously, Modi's gaze shifted from Yunhai to Emily, and asked at the same time.
Emily nodded.
"Your goal is to draw out the source body as much as possible. For this, you don't care what the alien expeditionary army will pay, do you?"
Modi asked again immediately.
"But please make it clear to everyone. Since the war between the Alien Alliance and the Zerg cannot be avoided, why can't we take the initiative to attack."
"Through this active attack, we can thoroughly understand the advantages and disadvantages of each of the Zerg arms, we can figure out how much damage the warships of intelligent micro-civilization will cause to the insects, and find out the advantages and disadvantages of the aliens and the insects."
"These are not just talks on paper, they must be confirmed with blood and flesh."
"Our vision is the future, not just the immediate victory or defeat."
"If we figure this out, we will be able to defeat the Zerg in the future."
Emily responded calmly to Modi, just a seemingly delicate woman, but no matter her sonorous voice or vigorous aura, at least Yunhai could hear and feel a bit of iron and blood.
"I agree with you, but I don't approve of your plan."
"If it is only a small number of warships or a small number of aliens, I will definitely agree with both hands."
"But your plan may ruin more than half of the Alien Alliance's power. We cannot afford such a loss."
Modi refused to give up, and the old man who stood like a javelin also objected aggressively.
"We can't afford it?"
"Master, I want to know if we can afford such a loss?"
This time, Emily threw the topic to Yunhai.
"Well, let Ganuo respond to this question."
"As the mastermind of the intelligent micro-civilization, and has participated in the alien reproduction plan from beginning to end, it will use data to explain the problem in detail."
Yun Hai responded with a smile.
As his voice sounded, the stereoscopic projection image in the center of the "meeting room" appeared.
"Up to now, the alien reproduction plan has entered a virtuous circle."
"Our carefully selected host organisms live on thousands of different life planets, and a large number of new hosts are multiplied every day."
"On the alien civilization side, the number of face-holding bugs produced by the alien queen is all added together, but it is even less than the number of hosts born every day."
"However, the evolution plan of the Alien Queen is also underway. With the emergence of more Alien Queens, this number will soon be flat."
"Of course, we won't let this happen."
"When the number of alien worms born is close to the number of hosts, we will transform more life planets and create more hosts."
"As of now, on average, alien civilization can add about one to 1.5 billion aliens every day."
"According to the ruler, if all the alien queens overdraw their vitality and enter a violent breeding state, this number will increase tremendously."
"For one thing, if we want to get more aliens in the shortest time at any cost, as long as the alien queen can keep up, all the hosts on our tens of thousands of life planets add up to more than tens of thousands. Billion!"
In the three-dimensional projection projection, different life planets flashed by like a horse, including the "alien queen" passing through the air and sprinkling the scene of "alien hugs", and the parasitic host of "alien hugs" Wait for the screen, but in the end a group of detailed data is displayed.
The expressions of the people in the "meeting room", including Emily and Modi, immediately became wonderful.
Or dumbfounded, ecstatic, or shocked.
They didn't know much about the past and detailed information of "Alien Civilization". Only then did they really know the true strength of "Alien Civilization", but where they could be calm.
"According to the time unit currently used by the Alien Alliance, one day is calculated as one billion, so there are 30 days in a month, which means that 30 billion aliens are added every month."
"In this way, there are thirteen months in a year, and that is nearly 400 billion aliens."
"Trillions of aliens are just over two years old."
I don't know who couldn't control his emotions, first he muttered, and finally he almost shouted excitedly.
"You are wrong, how can there be trillions of aliens in more than two years."
"I will calculate, one billion a day, 30 billion a month, one year..."
At last there was some calmness, but when a "Star Clan" person took the human's words, he was silent in the end.
Although the numbers are large, anyone present can get the answer in an instant as long as they use mental arithmetic.
The number of trillions in more than two years, the "Stars" person questioned the number calculated by the humans around him, not because he first calculated the answer, but he was a little hard to believe the number.
But after he calculated carefully, it became clear that the other party did not make a mistake.
This unbelievable number is the true and correct answer.
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