Chapter 2410: A planet

Different life forms have different characteristics.
Just as humans or bugs cannot understand how "energy life forms" perceive other or even the existence of the universe, "energy life forms" cannot understand how other organisms perceive.
Of course, these exist without knowing as much detail as possible.
At least for now, the "primitive body" already knows how bugs perceive the existence of the universe.
They have eyes to see, ears to hear in special environments, and even more senses.
In this respect, the bug is similar to the more civilized creatures it has destroyed.
As for the "primitive body" itself, there is only one spiritual sense.
But the creator of the universe is fair. Although there are no other senses besides the spiritual senses, at least the "primitive body" feels that it is enough.
The spiritual senses of insects, or the powerful existence of insects that have been imprisoned by themselves, the "origin body" can be 100% determined, and their spiritual senses cannot be compared with their own.
Its mental senses are very powerful, powerful enough to envelop several star systems in an instant.
The spiritual senses cover a star system, which is nothing, most powerful cosmic monsters can do it.
However, covering two or more star systems with mental senses at the same time is very anti-sky.
After all, the distance between different star systems ranges from a few light-years to tens of light-years. Such a distance is almost an insurmountable moat for the elementary civilization, but it is only a conceptual distance for the "primitive body".
The weird "sliding" suddenly stopped.
It has been moving forward and has been searching for the "source body" of all anomalies. After searching for 172 time units, it finally found the anomaly.
In its mental senses, there is a special planet in the interstellar medium region between the two star systems to the left of the front.
Slowing down the speed of advancement, out of instinctive vigilance, the "primitive body" did not speed up and rushed past.
The two star systems closest to that planet are at least not abnormal in their mental senses.
The distance between the two star systems is about five light years.
The unit of "Light Years", the "Essential Body" was learned from an "intermediate technological civilization" that was destroyed by it.
Such a distance is common in the universe, and the distance between most star systems is similar.
The two star systems seem to have nothing special, one with one hundred and three celestial bodies, and one with only 86 celestial bodies.
There is no sign of civilization, and there is no sign of life.
The river system where the "Zerg" is located has no other civilizations or creatures, which is normal.
"Essence" wants to know whether there are bugs in these two seemingly ordinary star systems.
After carefully observing for a while, the "source body" was finally determined, the "Zerg" might have been to these two star systems, but at this time there was no bug in it.
After confirming this, the "Essence Body" began to focus on that planet.
Normally, this is a wandering planet.
Regardless of whether it was ruthlessly abandoned by that star system, it seems that it took a long time to wander here.
Under normal circumstances, when the distance between it and a certain star system is too close, then the star will be captured by the gravitational force of the star, and finally thrown into that star system.
In this process, because a huge celestial body suddenly intervenes, the originally stable star system will definitely collapse.
Even some celestial bodies will collide together when their orbits change, and the huge energy generated by the collision will throw some celestial bodies away from the star system, creating one or more new wandering planets.
Of course, these are not what the "source body" cares about.
In its mental senses, this planet exists strangely in the middle of two star systems.
To be precise, it exists in the middle of two stars.
On the surface, it seemed that it was captured by the gravity of two stars at the same time and started a tug-of-war rally.
But in fact, this is not the case.
The two star systems are not the same, and the sizes of the two stars are not the same.
According to the rules of the universe, this planet cannot appear in the middle of two star systems.
Under normal circumstances, when it is close to this star field, it will inevitably be gravitationally captured by a star system that is larger in volume and mass, and fly towards the star system where it is located.
But the current situation is that two stars with fundamentally different sizes and masses, but with exactly the same gravity, are silently competing for this wandering planet.
This weird situation makes the "origin body" more vigilant.
While leaning carefully, it tries to find more keys with its mental senses.
However, at this time, the problem reappeared.
That planet was in the spiritual senses of the "primitive body", but when it tried to scan the planet carefully with its spiritual power, it found nothing.
In other words, the wandering planet that exists in its spiritual senses does not exist in that star field.
This discovery made the "Essential Body" surprised, and immediately accelerated.
I don't have much time to waste. The "source" of this point is very clear.
During its journey of 172 time units, the "Essential Body" has encountered many "Euglena", even including some insect swarms.
At first the "Essential Body" also killed those "Euglena" and not too many insects, but as time passed, the "Essential Body" found that it didn't make much sense to do so by itself.
The "Zerg" must have a complete "information and communication network" in this river system, and these "Euglena" that will come across from time to time are "network nodes."
Kill them yourself, and there will be a new "Euglena" supplement soon, and the "Zerg" will also determine its whereabouts.
It doesn't matter if you don't move them. The "Zerg" knows that it has just passed the star field.
So after encountering the "Euglena" and the swarms of insects one after another, the "Essential Body" just flashed past, almost ignored them.
But the bugs did not catch up. Of course, the "source body" determined that it was not those bugs that were afraid of themselves, but the order they received was like this, to observe without attacking, or even tracking.
"The Origin Body" can probably guess what idea the "Zerg" made.
Either they have absolute confidence in the river system and let themselves jump; or they have tightened their defenses, just guarding the key "mother star", as long as the "source body" is not close there, what it wants to do and where it wants to go , "Zerg" ignored it.
Of course, they may also figure out what they are bothering to run to this river system, so they don't want to interrupt its actions.
No matter what kind of consideration it is, the "source body" knows that if it finds the key, it is very likely that the "Zerg" will suddenly appear through the "wormhole".
Therefore, no matter what you are looking for or what you find, the "source body" estimates that it will not have much time.
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