Chapter 2416: Luotu City

For "Yumeng", "Luotu City" is a very strange existence.
Since "Yu Di" killed the legendary "Luotu Beast" from "different space", "Yu Meng" transformed its corpse into a huge space base, and since then "Luotu City" The status of existence in "Yumeng" is somewhat special.
The corpse of "Luotu Beast" contains peculiar energy, which does not exist in the universe that "Yumeng" has discovered.
It is for this reason that the "Alliance Academy of Sciences" has given the theory that "Luotu Beast" comes from "different universe", although they have not been able to confirm the existence of "different universe" until now.
Although "Luotu Beast" was killed by the powerful "Yu Di" and its corpse was also eaten by those in the Alliance, it was discovered in the "Alliance Academy of Sciences" that its bones actually contained more energy, and These energies have formed a special energy field, and "Yu Di" stepped forward in time to stop other more greedy high-rankers.
The energy of "Lotu Beast" can be absorbed by most other creatures.
This energy can promote their or their evolution.
You know, for these old things who don't know how many epochs exist, evolution has become extremely difficult, and now there is a glimmer of hope, how they and they would easily give up.
It was also "Yu Di" who came forward in person, and with absolute dominance, it gave orders, at least no one in the alliance dared to disobey.
In this way, the corpse of "Luotumon" was built into a huge "space base", or a "space city".
Of course, those who can live in such a city are naturally those in the league.
There are some things that even the powerful "Yu Di" has to scrutinize.
Of the hundreds of millions of elites strictly selected by the middle-level of the tens of trillions of people in the alliance, only some of them can get the opportunity to live in the "Luotu City" for a period of time each year.
It's just that these are things that happened a long time ago. With the passage of time, the energy contained in the "Luotu Beast" bones has already dissipated.
Since then, the status of "Luotu City" has become awkward.
Those who were accustomed to living here suddenly discovered that this huge space city comparable to a planet was not so comfortable.
It doesn't have the splendor and variety of life planets, and unlike some special stars that can give them some special insights, it seems to have no characteristics at all except for being crowded.
Only when it first moved to "Luotu City", the alliance also specially formulated a "Luotu Act."
In this bill, it is specifically proposed that after moving to "Luotu City", the residents of "Luotu City" enjoy absolute "special right of settlement" unless they are uncontrollable factors. If he or it does not violate the law, Under the premise, no person or force may expel them or them.
This bill seems to protect the rights of these superiors and elites.
But now they understand why "Yu Di" contributed to this bill, because "special right of settlement" means the only thing. Except for "Luotu City", these people have no private territory in other positions in the alliance, or even A simple residence.
In other words, it was long expected that the energy in the corpse of "Luotu Beast" would be exhausted sooner or later, but "Yu Di" used this method to express his dissatisfaction with those superiors at that time.
But in the final analysis, it is a matter of comfort. Even "Yu Di" can always live in "Luotu City", and has not left because of the disappearance of the energy field, so there is nothing for others to say.
Anyway, crowding is everyone crowding together, at least this crowding has not reached the point of being intolerable, so everyone also endured it.
At the same time, because of the permanent residence of "Emperor Yu" and other high-ranking people, "Luotu City" has almost evolved into the "administrative center" of the alliance, and not many high-ranking people will leave this circle.
So today, "Luotu City" is still a city that more people of "Yumeng" yearn for, although it can no longer bring more biological growth and evolutionary help.
Quietly suspended in the dark universe, the "Luotu City" at a long distance looks like a gem.
"Luotu Beast" is comparable to the huge corpse of a planet, and it has long since recovered.
According to its corpse structure, the "Alliance Academy of Sciences" personally designed and constructed it. After an unknown number of constructions, improvements and constant restorations, this seemingly deformed "space city" now has the most reasonable shape.
A huge spacecraft, constantly taking off and landing in more than a thousand docks.
After a series of rigorous interrogations, giant beasts, small or large, entered this "space city" from the only remaining hideous giant skull of "Luotu Beast".
Everything seemed so harmonious, but when a giant tree-like alien beast approached the checkpoint, the checkpoint suspended in front of the giant head of "Luotumon" suddenly flashed a red light.
A triangular miniature battleship quickly flew over and surrounded the giant beast.
"Warning, serious warning."
"The Saint Zagali tribe from the planet of Fini in the Yige River system, the number is Saint 90876, please cooperate with our inspection and open your body immediately."
In the checkpoint, the two pieces of information were repeatedly transmitted to the behemoth at the same time.
It looked like it was frightened, the huge body of that giant beast trembling slightly, and the huge "tree crown" was shaking more severely.
Dozens of triangular warships disproportionate to the body of the giant beasts began to have light clusters at the bow of the ship.
Seeing this scene, the behemoth trembled even more.
It's just that its body opened in the tremor, but it revealed a large mass of fleshy huddled together and trembling in the hollow body.
"Citizen numbered Saint 90876, you tried to bring an unauthorized, quarantined creature into Lotu City, which violated the Union Law. Now we are going to take you away and deliver it to Tiger Star's Union Law Institute. "
"Warning, don't try to resist. All resistance against the Union military and police is a serious crime. We will fight back or even kill you without hesitation."
The checkpoint once again sent a message to the behemoth, and at the same time the warships that surrounded the behemoth dispersed, revealing a passage.
The body was closed, and the head of the giant "crown" of the giant beast drooped.
With its head down and frustrated, it turned its body, and under the of those warships, flew towards the "Tiger Star" nearest to "Luotu City".
"It's another one who tried to bring the smugglers into Luotu City. Are their heads made of wood? How could they get through the blunder."
In the checkpoint, an "orc"-like creature laughed.
When another octopus-like creature wanted to say something, he saw the flashing light spot on the light screen in front of him and the identity code given by the brain above, but he tremblingly stretched out his hand and closed the "Luotu Beast". The energy barrier at the entrance of the giant skull.
A body quickly passed the checkpoint, and then disappeared into the gloomy mouth of the "Luotu Beast".
"Yes Yes……"
"Yes, it's Yu Di... Yu Di is back!"
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