Chapter 2448: Unforgettable

"Stupid bug."
"What's the point of your attack like this?"
As if the giant giant beasts of the universe pierced out of the void, they had already covered the star system in front of them with their spiritual senses at the same time they appeared, and the "primitive body" couldn't help but ridicule.
Fear or excitement, ridicule or praise, these emotions are not originally possessed by the "primitive body".
Only after integrating the special body of the "Tower War Clan", the "Essence Body" clearly found that not only did it become stronger, but also its consciousness, wisdom and emotions were enriched.
At first, this discovery made the "source body" a little uneasy.
Although it turned out to have instinctive consciousness and just follow its own instincts all the time, it is not a stone, but really has a soul.
Independent life personality, no one is willing to be replaced by another life, whether it is consciousness replacement or whatever.
After feeling a tremendous change in its own consciousness and wisdom, and even the emotions that it didn’t know or understand before became rich, the
primitive body
became uneasy, and it was not sure whether it had the
primitive body
residue. The re-awakened "Tower War Clan" still combines the body of the "Tower War Clan" and the "primitive body" of some residual consciousness.
This anxiety did not last long.
Although the "source body" is not so smart, it is definitely not stupid.
It only used a very simple method to determine who it really was.
"who are you?"
It's such a simple question. The "source body" has determined that it is still itself.
Because the answer is the only one, it only knows that it is the "source body", and the only connection with the "Tower War Clan" is this powerful corpse and some residual information.
Having determined that he is still himself, the "origin body" has gradually become accustomed to who he is now.
The spiritual senses enveloped the entire star system, watching an unknown number of insect swarms surging, and after discovering their presence, they rushed forward violently. The "Essence Body" sends out insects in the form of space broadcasting, which can be received, and it must be understandable. The spiritual message rushed past quickly.
Energy radiation is not necessary.
Energy does not appear out of thin air. Although the "primitive body" can obtain energy directly from the star, it also takes time, not to mention the current one, at least at this time there is no need to use energy radiation to remove these insect swarms.
A series of energy rays, like an energy attack from a fleet of fire, penetrate the void from different areas, even enough to cover the entire body of the "primitive body".
However, the "Essence Body" seemed to have not seen it, but kept accelerating forward.
The dense energy ray attack shifted when approaching the "primitive body".
The terrifying gravity and even the energy ray attack that made light exist has changed from straight to parabola.
Most of the energy ray attacks from the "alien dragon" still hit the body of the "primitive body".
It's just that these energy rays, which are enough to penetrate the metal battleship, did not even leave a trace on the surface of the "primitive body" that was smooth enough.
At this time, in the "primitive body" mental senses, all the planets in the entire star system, including stars, have shifted their original orbits under their own gravity.
The stars that originally moved around the huge star began to move closer to it, and even the star left its orbit and moved slowly toward it.
Ignoring how many "poplars" were moving quickly, they began to explode in a chain. In the breeze-like energy impact, the "primitive body" had already selected the target, and it speeded up again. .
It is a black terrestrial rocky planet, of course its original color may not be like this.
The thick blanket of bacteria has almost completely enveloped the planet.
Coupled with the dark green blood pools filled with dark green energy clouds in different regions, the black "worm's nest star" looks like a "swamp star".
This "worm's nest star" is on the edge of the star system. It is a little far away from the star, but it does not seem to be affected by the coldness of the universe.
Ignoring all attacks, the "primitive body" that had plunged into the worm tide just flew towards the black planet.
But just as the "lord" said to the "hero Abathur", in front of the "primitive body", the resistance of insects is just like some primitive civilizations they once attacked. Any resistance of the latter is futile. And powerless.
Long-range attacks have no effect at all.
If you rush to the front, it makes no sense if you are far away. If you are too close, before the insects attack, they will be torn into pieces, and then absorbed by the body of the "primitive body" and become an insignificant part of it.
In this way, when the "primitive body" passed by, it had already rushed out a blank in the worm tide.
The sturdiness of the "Zerg" is also fully revealed at this moment.
Although in front of the "Essential Body", their attacks are like mosquito swarms attacking the behemoths of the starry sky without any meaning, but none of the bugs gave up, but they still pursued the "Essential Body" without hesitation.
At this time, the "Essential Body" had already rushed to the vicinity of the "worm's nest star".
Under the terrifying gravity of the "primitive body", the "worm's nest star" changed the shape of the original sphere as soon as it approached.
Leaning on the "original body" side, "worm's nest star" stretches like noodles.
If the "source body" remains stationary, then under normal circumstances, this "worm's nest star" will be stretched under the gravitational force of the "source body", and the material on it will be continuously absorbed by the "source body". Until it completely becomes part of the "source body".
However, the "primitive body" is not static; on the contrary, its speed is still very fast.
As a result, the black "worm's nest star" just began to deform, and it was hit by the much smaller "primitive body".
Time seemed to stagnate for a while at this moment.
Afterwards, the "worm's nest star" is like an orange pinched by an invisible giant hand, and its volume is obviously decreasing rapidly.
Immediately afterwards, the "Essential Body" knocked out from the other side of the "Worm Nest Star" and flew to another "Worm Nest Star" deeper in the star system.
After it left, the black "worm's nest star" became "normal".
Without the gravitational interference of the "primitive body", a large number of cracks appeared on the surface of the Worm Nest Star in an instant.
The fiery molten slurry was ejected from different cracks like a fountain, and was thrown straight into outer space.
During the dispersal of the molten lava, the huge planet completely disintegrated.
Everything that would have happened during the collision, but completely evolved after the "source body" left...
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