Chapter 2630: Is the master dead?

Whether it is a legend or not, Salmon is also dead.
Just like what a certain "lord" just said, Salmon, who was torn into pieces and swallowed, and then washed by "Blammers", did not even have any hair left.
I did not know how many epochs were in a deep sleep, and was accidentally awakened by Zhihan, traveled through an unknown number of galaxies to find the "life boat", and worked hard to rebuild the mother civilization.
The cruel Salmon, in order to achieve himself, he personally destroyed tens of millions of people, this even includes the "Protoss" who escaped from the "Zerg", not to mention the "Morning Star Federation".
If the sea of ​​clouds did not appear in time, if Salmon had enough time to evolve and grow, perhaps he would become the most powerful creature in this universe and this era.
At the most dangerous time, Salmon decisively chose to surrender to the "Zerg" and survived with his own wisdom, and even became the "hero Abathur" of the "Zerg".
With the disappearance or death of the "Zerg Lord", Salmon, who was about to reach the pinnacle of his life, was torn to pieces by a group of "lords" he had been too lazy to take a look at.
This "Sarnaga" man with a legendary life, at the moment he reached the pinnacle of his life, he really didn't even have a single hair left.
Extremely legendary, extremely glorious, and in the end, it is also extremely sad.
"Now, what should I do?"
After the end of Salmon’s legendary life, the "lords" did not gather together, but flew in different directions. In the process, a certain "lord" suddenly asked.
It's just that no other "lords" responded to it, and they thought it was a tacit understanding, just like no "lord" mentioned "master", they just flew to different areas.
"Where is the master?"
"Why can't I feel its existence? Even if it has never appeared before, I can feel the existence of the master, but why can't I now?"
Not every "lord" has superb wisdom, and not every "lord" has the ability to become a "lord".
For some "lords", "lords" only represent their types, not their status and "titles."
Just like the "lord" who is constantly asking questions on the communication network, its spiritual information, other "lords" just haven't received it, and there is no "worm" response at all.
There was a strange peace on the "Zerg" side.
On the "Alien Civilization" side, all the "Ningbrain Alien" were figured out in the shortest time, and they gave orders without hesitation.
The "First Generation Alien Queen" is in a mess, and the "Ningbrain Alien" is very clear.
It can clearly feel the confusion, confusion, and unspeakable anger of the "First Generation Alien Queen". At this time, the "Ningbrain Alien" took over the command unwillingly.
"Kill every bug!"
The mental command of "Ningbrain Alien" resounded in every alien's mind.
However, there were only a few aliens who obeyed its spiritual order, and a few followed him and the aliens that the "First Alien Queen" had just arrived.
"Master" is unique, but "Alien Queen" is not the only one.
Although the "master" disappeared, but due to genetic control, all aliens found another supreme existence that they must obey when the "first generation alien queen" arrived.
As for the "Ningbrain Alien", more aliens confirm that it is also an alien, but it is just that.
After all, the identity of the "Ningbrain Alien" is only given to it by the "Master" and the "Alien Queen". At the genetic level, it has no dominance at all.
In other words, there are thousands of aliens in this battlefield, and I don't even know what it is for.
It was with the Alien that it rushed over with the "First Alien Queen" to determine that it also has the power to rule.
Following the spiritual command of the "Ningbrain Alien", billions of Alien directly rushed into the worm tide.
At this time, even if there was no command from the "lord", the insect immediately responded to the alien rushing over.
The black-pressed worm tide reversed like a curtain of prologue, and the worms exceeding tens of billions directly envelop billions of aliens.
When the anxious "Ningbrain Alien" was about to communicate with the "First Alien Queen", the latter's indifferent voice sounded in all the aliens' minds.
The sound was ordered, this time, all the aliens did not hesitate, and rushed directly to the insect tide that was almost beside them.
When another tragic battle was about to break out, an accident happened.
Tens of billions of warships that have been evacuated from the battlefield suddenly rushed over tens of thousands.
However, they did not attack the "Zerg", but suddenly attacked the alien that had just arrived through the "Wormhole" with intensive energy cannon fire.
It was just a few hundred aliens, they were far behind, and they didn't seem to have any intention of participating in the war.
The fleet attack of the "intelligent micro-civilization" made these aliens obviously caught off guard.
Hundreds of aliens are almost all "guard aliens".
However, in the face of the fierce attack from the "intelligent micro-civilization" warship, hundreds of aliens caught off guard were almost killed on the spot.
In this process, a transport ship that appeared in the space jump skimmed the void, and then quickly evacuated with the tens of thousands of warships that had just attacked.
This scene happened too quickly. When the "Void Beast" flickered to catch up, it was greeted by the violent energy bombardment of the fleet as it retreated.
"come back!"
"How is this going?"
"Didn't you say that they are allies?"
The "First Generation Alien Queen" didn't seem to have any intention of chasing the fleet, and it looked to the side with a trembling kiss.
A "alien queen" curled up, facing the angry "first-generation alien queen", she never knew what fear was, but Suo Suo tremblingly responded: "They are allies, and I don't know why this happened. Kind of thing."
Resisting the urge to tear up the "alien queen" in front of him, the "first-generation alien queen" once again tried to search for the "master" with mental senses.
Without any clue, the weird blank area that had just appeared in the center of the battlefield was already filled with melee bugs and aliens. No matter here or nearby, the "primary alien queen" did not feel the existence of the "master".
"Is the master dead?"
Turning his head, "The First Generation Alien Queen" asked the "Spirit Brain Alien".
"do not know."
This question, "Ningbrain Alien" did not know how to respond.
"Now is not the time to consider these. The number of bugs is far beyond our imagination. If you don't cheer up, then it is not only the master who disappears, but our alien civilization!"
Just finished speaking, "Mingbrain Alien" couldn't help but said anxiously during mental abortion.
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