Chapter 2658: Sure enough, dark energy beads

The huge building is actually more like a honeycomb.
In the center of the honeycomb, criss-crossing passages connect different surrounding buildings together.
Obviously, there are some prohibitions inside this building. For example, it is clear that flying can be used to reach the target building faster, but everyone is walking up and down the passage. Except for creatures without limbs that float forward, the sea of ​​clouds Did not see any creature flying forward in the space beyond the channel.
Under the leadership of "Butterfly Man", Yun Hai followed behind "Crack Kiss", and it was only an eye-opener along the way.
The walking plants are like the "heterogeneous tree clan" civilization he once encountered in the small universe. Yunhai saw a "tree man" who was more than six meters tall, and also saw a vine-like creature curled up.
Semi-mechanical life forms, flesh and metal perfectly fit them, are completely walking weapons.
Even Yunhai saw elves-like creatures, wherever they go in hordes, they will bring vigorous vitality.
There is no doubt that Yunhai has also seen humans and different humanoids.
Human beings are no different from "Earth Humans", "Silver Dragon Empire Humans" and "Morning Star Federation Humans".
In Yunhai's cognition, the birth of the species "human" originated from the creation of the "Sarnaga".
It's just that he doesn't know what the birth of these humanoid species originated from.
In particular, some of these creatures are only slightly different from humans. Yunhai can only regard them as the products of humans mating with other species.
The sea of ​​clouds is watching other creatures, and other creatures are watching them.
No matter "Kiss" or "Fenrir", obviously more people here know or know their existence. When they meet, other creatures will politely retreat to the sides and bow their heads to show respect to them.
As for the sea of ​​clouds following them, it didn't attract too many people's attention.
After all, there are too many alien creatures here or in this alliance. At least Yunhai has seen so many alien creatures in a civilization that is clearly dominated by more intelligent creatures.
As far as Yun Hai is concerned, he doesn't think he can be more peculiar than the previous "Hellfire" body shape.
At this time, Yunhai noticed an abnormality.
At the end of some passages, there are not buildings of different colors, but only transparent glass covers embedded in the walls.
A half-human-height machine is placed in front of the wall. When some creatures operate on the screen of the machine, the glass cover will slide open. After different creatures walk in, they or their bodies will be shrouded in light. , Then quickly decomposed into light waves, particles, and eventually disappeared.
"Quantum Transfer Technology..."
Seeing this, Yun Hai immediately came up with this sentence.
"Quantum transmission technology" is not difficult for high-tech civilization.
Ganuo had studied this technology, but finally gave up.
Because compared with space technology, "quantum transmission" consumes too much energy.
According to Ganuo, Yunhai estimates that the energy consumed by Yunhai to transport a human from the surface of the planet to orbit is probably all the energy that human civilization had before the "earth" was destroyed.
The development of space technology has made this easier.
Now that miniature spacecraft can leap into space, ordinary warships can open the "temporary wormhole" "alien alliance", "quantum transmission" is completely a tasteless one.
"Either space technology is not developed, but it seems unlikely, then they have developed a quantum transmission technology that consumes less energy, or they have so much energy that they don't care about this consumption."
Along the way, I saw at least dozens of creatures disappearing through "quantum transmission," Yunhai thought.
"It sounds like a fight is about to start?"
"Who is it with this time?"
Suddenly, "Fenrir" who looked very bored looked up and asked.
"Sorry, Lord Fenrir."
"I can't answer your question."
"After all, I am just a respondent."
"Butterfly Man" waved its wings and fanned out a floral fragrance, and at the same time responded respectfully.
"Kiss, how about discussing one thing?"
Probably just asking casually, "Fenrir", who didn't want to get an answer from "Butterfly Man", looked at "Crack Kiss".
"Cracked Kiss" answered casually.
"Ten thousand, not many, only ten thousand."
"I picked out 10,000 descendants, can you let them stay on your planet for a while."
Originally a domineering wolf, at this moment, while talking, he squeezed out a pug-like flattering smile.
"Crack Kiss" directly responded to "Fenrir" with one word.
"Don't be so stingy."
"It's just you and One Tooth, such a big Dark Energy Orb, such a big planet, isn't that a waste?"
"On my planet, my children and my grandchildren are almost too crowded."
"I didn't say tens of billions, you won't agree to ten thousand?"
"What about friendship? What about friendship?"
"How do you say, we were allies who fought side by side back then, is this request too much?"
Sticking out his tongue, "Fenrir" said grievously.
"Who makes you so capable, if I agree, it won't be long before my planet will be crowded with your descendants."
"Crack Kiss" did not even look at "Fenrir" and said lightly.
"I don't know they are so capable."
"But then again, what are you doing without birth?"
"It's nothing to do, and you can't wantonly invade and kill as before. If a civilization like ours is not consumed by war, it will definitely not be crowded on the home planet if this continues."
"Fenrir" lowered his head a little wronged and said.
"That's your business."
"Crack Kiss" replied casually.
"You said, if I propose to ask for another dark energy orb to open up an energy star, will they agree?"
"Fenrir" asked "Crack Kiss" tentatively.
"Forget it."
"It's impossible. I don't know how many dark energy beads the entire alliance has accumulated over so many years."
"But the Alliance is not only the Wolf clan, you also have a dark energy orb, you know how many civilizations with great potential do not even have one."
"I want another one, Fenrir. If I were you, I will go back and find a way to destroy some descendants."
"Quantity is certainly an advantage, but if the existence of the quantity seriously affects and threatens the quantity, you do not make some decisions. Sooner or later, you will suffer a big loss."
Rarely, "Crack Kiss" spoke a lot to "Fenrir" in a comforting tone.
"Do it yourself, I really can't do it."
"If this alliance really is going to war, then I will send more descendants to fight."
"These guys can't just lie on their mother star and eat for nothing. It's the ability to come back alive. If you can't, go and die."
Nodding depressed, "Fenrir" replied dullly.
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