Chapter 2663: Inquire

Coming to this star field through the "Purple Light Channel", the sea of ​​clouds has been hit continuously since being injured by several spacecrafts of "Dawn Civilization" or even breaking their hind limbs.
Now, even a "Butterfly Man" who can almost blow out a sea of ​​clouds, even speaks in this tone, he can't help being a little depressed.
"Everything depends on strength."
"With strength, you can be arrogant in front of Split Kiss."
"Without strength, a receptionist dare to taunt you."
Squeezing the sharp claws slightly, Yun Hai relaxed his mind and began to observe again.
With all kinds of creatures, Yunhai doesn't know them or what they are doing here, but they all seem to be busy.
This time, "Kiss" and "Fenrir" were not around, Yunhai simply let go, trying to use mental power to explore more creatures.
The light of life is bright and dark, and the breath of life is also strong and weak.
However, what made Yunhai calm down a little is that when he walked to the entrance of the "Cities", he did not encounter a few powerful creatures, and the brightness of the strongest life was about the same as his own.
"I'll take you here."
"I can't adapt to the outside environment, so go out by yourself."
"Butterfly Man" resumed his previous politeness and elegance, talking to Yunhai in the spiritual exchange, and then stopped behind the light curtain.
Yun Hai didn't say anything, in fact he walked directly into the light curtain without stopping.
Behind the light curtain stood a tree.
To be precise, it was a "tree man".
The roots without the slightest mud entangled to form two legs, and the trunk of the tree looked like metalized, gleaming with dark golden light under the light of the entrance.
No head, no facial features.
It's just that there is a hole in the top of the tree that looks like an eye pupil, with a faint green light shining inside.
Up there are bare branches with only a few green leaves growing on them.
"Come with me."
Seeing the appearance of the sea of ​​clouds, the "tree man" was not long-winded, talking to him in a spiritual exchange, and then walked out.
Out of the passage, the "tree man" flew up without accident.
"The cities are still some distance away from Tiger Star, because you have a lot of them, and space transmission consumes too much energy, so I had to fly over."
"But there is a wormhole to save time. There is a wormhole site near Tiger Star, so it doesn't take long."
Talking to Yunhai during the spiritual exchange, the "Tree Man" took him to the location of the "Super Alien".
"I don't know how strong your combat power is, but I can be sure that you are the most disciplined creatures I have ever seen."
"I can be sure that they haven't even moved after you left."
As if he didn't care about the dullness or indifference of the sea of ​​clouds, the "tree man" said with some sigh in the spiritual exchange.
When it saw 1,160 "super aliens" quickly flying behind the sea of ​​clouds, the "tree people" flew to the other side of the "city".
"Why go to Tiger Star?"
Among Yunhai’s spiritual senses, there are more than thirty
surrounding the
, and he is not sure which one he will pass through. He who has been silent all the time finally gave out his spirit to the
tree man
"I think you are not good at mental communication, or you don't like to communicate with other creatures. It doesn't seem to be the case."
"Hehe, Tiger Star is a special life planet controlled by the Alliance military."
"Basically, the alien life forms that newly joined the alliance will either stay in the star system where Tiger Star is located for a period of time, or be on Tiger Star."
"There, you have to go through a period of observation, and at the same time, you have to accept some tests, so that they can decide whether to recruit you to join the alliance, including your level in the alliance."
Or there is an "elm head", but this "tree man" is very talkative, while flying with the sea of ​​clouds and the "super alien" in a hurry, and at the same time responding to him as meticulously as possible in the mental communication.
Yun Hai asked suspiciously.
"Yes, it's the level."
"Every civilization that exists in the universe has its meaning and value."
"However, the alliance has a special measurement system to determine the level of each civilization in the alliance."
"This level mainly involves the allocation of resources, including the priority supply of some special resources."
"After all, science and technology civilization has the needs of science and technology civilization, and heterogeneous civilization is no exception."
"Take our tree planters as an example. The Alliance has seven different plant clan civilizations. Our tree people rank second. Therefore, we have more priority than the next three planters for the energy supplies that the planters need. "
"Tree Man" responded to Yun Hai in detail.
"Then how do you rank in the league?"
"Where is the Caidie clan that received me just now? What is their level?"
When "Tree Man" talked about "energy supplies", Yun Hai's mind immediately flashed "Dark Energy Orb". Of course, he couldn't directly ask any question related to "Dark Energy Orb", but he changed the question.
"Alliance civilization levels are divided into five categories, one is the highest, and the five is the lowest."
"The Caidie clan is in the fifth category. They basically exist to serve the other civilizations of the alliance, and are the lowest level."
"We tree people are in the third category, and the Caidie clan has no comparison with ours."
"But if we tree people are compared with the second and first types of civilization, the difference is very big."
"Like the Master Split Kiss who brought you to the cities, it is not among the five levels, but belongs to the special class of the alliance."
"There are not many civilizations in this special class, but each one is the most powerful existence."
"Take Master Split Kiss, if we destroy our Clan Tree Planters, it may only take a short time to complete."
"Shuren" responded to Yunhai without hesitation, and the tone in the spiritual communication was full of emotion or envy.
"Privileges are everywhere, and it doesn't seem to be a surprise."
This sentence flashed in Yunhai's mind, and he naturally did not say it.
"It looks like I'm going to join this Frege Alliance, if nothing happens."
"But this is also good, now I don't need a lot of numbers, one thousand and sixty super aliens, find a way to complete the second or even the third evolution as quickly as possible."
"At the same time, give them some special abilities."
"At least the second level is the standard. Civilizations that can reach the level of the alliance will definitely have more power and rights. By then, it will be much easier to do something with the power of the alliance."
Thinking in his mind, Yunhai made up his mind.
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