Chapter 2781: Heaven star

Yunyue did not consider everything else.
But Yunyue did not forget the most critical point, that is, when she was affected by the spatial turbulence and left the "purple light channel", Yunhai was still inside.
Traveling forward for one second in the "purple light channel" may be a difference of tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands or even millions of years.
"We threw the Alien Alliance in the past, and the boss threw me halfway again."
"Where is the former alien civilization now?"
"What about Zhihan? What's the situation with Yunjiang?"
"Gano, intelligent micro-civilization?"
"Also, where is the boss now?"
"Or, when is he in the future?"
Yunyue, who was completely at a loss, had a mess in her mind.
"Where is Totomy?"
Whispering, she asked Speaker O'Neill.
"Emperor Totomy has already passed away."
"To be precise, he died in Taimengli year 1,764."
Speaker O'Neill, who had been watching Yunyue, immediately responded.
"What happened?"
Yunyue continued to mumble, with a blank face.
Then, her pink fingertips suddenly protruded a tiny tentacle.
The two "guards" who had been standing not far from her immediately stretched their hands to the weapons on the waist nervously.
Seeing Yunyue's fingertip tentacles reached into the interface of the light screen desktop in front of her and herself, Speaker O'Neill, who probably understood something, waved his hand to the two nervous "guards" to stop them.
His gaze was still looking at the light screen desktop in front of him.
There was only an intrusion warning icon flashing on the light screen desktop for a while, and then a large number of files and information on the light screen desktop appeared and disappeared crazily, continuously looping.
"Just right."
"Because of my grandfather, I am personally interested in the history of civilization."
"In the sub-disk that I have identified the history, major historical events from the establishment of the Taimeng civilization to the present are recorded and analyzed."
Speaker O'Neill couldn't catch the accelerating snowflake flashing of information at all, but he said softly.
The other speakers who participated remotely in this meeting immediately understood what he meant.
This "alien" that can transform into a human form obviously has a special "biological brain" ability, and at this time it is invading the speaker's personal brain of Onions through this ability.
"Cut off the network connection with the other spacecraft, right away."
At the same time, Speaker O'Neill, who seemed calm on the surface, sent a mental message to the pilot of the warship.
Although the driver in the independent cab did not understand why the Speaker asked him to do this, he still obeyed the order in an instant.
Looking out through the transparent observation window, the driver became vaguely uneasy.
In all directions of the spacecraft he was driving, more warships, large and small, surrounded.
The pilot had already noticed that half of the muzzles of these spacecraft were aimed at the planet not far away, and half were locked to the spacecraft he was on.
In the farther void, the huge main gun of the "Tianjin Main Ship" directly locked the spacecraft he piloted.
The uneasy pilot had no doubt that the "Tianjin Main Ship" only needed one main artillery bombardment to gasify the spacecraft.
Not to mention the agitated driver, Speaker O'Neill is not as calm as it seems.
Before deciding to meet Yunyue face to face, he was ready to sacrifice, Speaker O'Neill was not afraid of death.
The history that was deliberately blocked by "Tottomi the Great" is too shocking. Speaker O'Neill knows very well that this meeting is 13.63 million years later, "human civilization" and "alien civilization" Meeting for the first time.
Ignoring and evading cannot solve the problem. After a real meeting, a small detail may affect the fate of the "Taimeng civilization".
A decision was made, but after Yunyue showed more and more abilities, including those she said earlier, Speaker O'Neill didn't know how to face her next.
The "Tottomi the Great" who established the "Taimeng Civilization" is completely inconspicuous in her mouth.
The "alien" that once dominated human beings, the "alien" that once existed like gods, how should human beings face them now!
"Where is the heaven star now? Take me there."
It looked like he was staring at the light-screened desktop, but in fact he was thinking about the other speaker of Onion, Yunyue's voice suddenly rang.
At the same time, all the documents on the desktop light screen disappeared, and Yunyue, who stared at Speaker O'Neill, also retracted her tentacles.
"Heaven Star?"
Speaker O'Neill couldn't help being startled slightly.
Thinking of all possibilities, Speaker O'Neill never imagined that Yunyue would raise this for the first time.
"Do you take me there? Or do I find it myself?"
Yunyue repeated it again.
"Okay, I'll take you there."
Speaker O'Neill resolutely agreed after a brief period of thought.
Because of the disconnection of the "network connection", the teleconference has naturally ended.
After the "network connection" was restored, after Speaker O'Neill ordered the spacecraft and the fleet to pass through, he had no plan to discuss with the other chairpersons, and then the entire fleet left the planet and moved towards the "space optical bridge" connecting the "mini universe" to the outside world. "Fly away.
"Fortunately, it didn't really kill you."
I don't know what happened, the "Old Undead" who was locked up by at least a hundred warships in front of him said in a weird tone to the "evil" who was paying attention to all this from beginning to end.
Depressed to the extreme, "evil" snorted and said nothing.
"However, you hurt it earlier, you have to make sure it will come back to trouble you."
"Old Immortal" didn't let it go, and he replied with gloat in the spiritual exchange.
As soon as it came out, the depression of "evil hostility" suddenly turned into worry, or fear.
In this "small universe", or even in the entire universe, no alien beast can easily board a battleship or spaceship of the "Taimeng civilization".
But it did it. Although "old immortality" and "evil beasts" and the "exotic beasts" who pay more attention to all of these, they simply can't understand it, so it did.
Such a "different beast", or something else, definitely has an extraordinary relationship with the "Taimeng civilization", even if it looked like a pastime on the "Colosseum" before.
"It should never come back again."
Some fearful "evil" said inaccurately in the mental communication.
"Who knows."
"Old Immortal" said with a smile.
"Why am I so unlucky!"
He was lying on the ground with his wounds, and he didn't dare to go to the territory where Yunyuekong had fallen to devour the huge Roshan, and the "evil hostility" was about to succumb.
"I shouldn't offend it?"
"Well, no, absolutely not."
Without stimulating the "evil hostility", "Old Immortal" thought about it carefully, and then said to himself with certainty.
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