Chapter 2810: Turbulence

Thinking of all the possibilities, at the moment of entering the "different pupil", he has adjusted his body functions to the best, maintaining the best defensive posture and being able to launch the strongest attack at any time in the sea of ​​clouds, but did not expect the "different pupil" This is the world.
The void is full of terrifying colorful spatial turbulence, it is a completely bizarre world.
Those irregular spatial turbulences are like surging waves. The moment the sea of ​​clouds enters the "different pupil", it is like a light boat in the sea. He can't control his figure directly. Was swept away.
At this moment, Yunhai finally understood a truth clearly.
In front of the universe, all civilizations or all existences are humble.
The sea of ​​clouds that can already destroy a planet easily, in the face of the extreme spatial turbulence of the universe itself, no matter whether he has the "spatial ability" or not, he can't even control his own body.
The only thing that is not affected is his mental senses.
The violent spatial turbulence stirs everything all the time, just like a huge wave rolling east and west, south and north, but it does not interfere with the spiritual senses of the sea of ​​clouds.
The nearest to him is a "king kong alien", obviously it also feels the existence of "master".
But no matter how hard this "King Kong Alien" struggled, it was still swept farther away by the turbulence of space, unable to get close at all.
In the further space turbulence, more aliens are like drowning beasts, even if they try their best to swim to the "master", they are only swept in all directions by the directionless spatial turbulence.
Finally, a "blood bee alien" was pushed by the turbulent flow to not far from the sea of ​​clouds.
When he tried to struggle to grab it, the turbulent flow of space suddenly changed its direction but took the "blood bee alien" farther.
The situation is the same as the "Blood Bee Alien" that is drifting along with the crowd. The Yunhai mental senses are full of aliens that have been swept around, including the "Frigg Alliance" spacecraft and "miniature detectors."
Yunhai also captured that a "miniature detector" hit a spacecraft during the flip.
The "miniature detector" passed directly through the huge spacecraft.
The spacecraft that could no longer stand the turbulence disintegrated silently until it was completely torn into pieces.
But the probe that passed through the "spaceship" turned into fragments at the same time the spaceship disintegrated.
"Space turbulence is very violent, but this violent turmoil is like the waves swept by a hurricane. Although it is very violent, the waves themselves are not very harmful."
"The power of spatial turbulence is only reflected in its power."
"Either I or the King Kong alien, including the blood bee alien just now."
"Everyone just can't resist this terrifying force that originates from the universe itself, but it won't suffer much harm."
A judgment was quickly made in his heart, and Yun Hai was only slightly relieved.
However, at this moment, a huge thing suddenly entered his mental senses.
At first, Yunhai thought it was a meteorite or asteroid.
However, after a "micro-detector" was swept by the space turbulence and hit the dark and irregular shape, Yunhai determined that it was probably not a meteorite.
Because the "miniature detector" smashed into pieces in an instant, but the unknown thing remained unchanged.
The violent spatial turbulence will give everything here a powerful momentum.
If it were a meteorite, not to mention that this violent impact smashed it to pieces, it would not be possible that nothing happened like it is now.
In the end, when the space turbulence wrapped the black thing and passed by not far from the sea of ​​clouds, he concentrated on his mental energy and finally understood what it was.
It was a huge "different beast", and its size was only a little smaller than that of the "tree god" with the largest body ever seen by Yun Hai.
Yun Hai didn't know what this extremely huge "different beast" looked like, or how it died.
Yunhai is even more uncertain. It is a certain "different beast god" who entered the "different pupil" in the "Frigg Alliance", or other starry sky entered the "different pupil" in a similar way, or even existed in the original here.
The "exotic beast" whose body was completely squatted, its head was even buried in its arms.
I don't know how many years it has been dead, or how many years drifting along in this violent spatial turbulence, but the body of the "exotic beast" still exists intact.
Yun Hai has no doubt about the strength of this "different beast".
After the "different beasts" died, their flesh-and-blood defenses dropped sharply because they lost the energy support.
However, this "different beast" did not know how many years it was dead, and now it still possesses such defensive power, how could Yun Hai doubt its terrifying power when it was alive.
A terrible thought flashed in his mind, and Yun Hai desperately wanted to confirm his guess.
"where is it?"
As if suddenly remembering this "space god", Yunhai quickly searched for it with mental power.
Within the reach of his mental senses, there are not many aliens and "miniature detectors" that were previously counted.
Obviously, they were all swept away by the violent spatial turbulence.
Unable to find the figure of "Crack Kiss", Yun Hai, who did not give up, immediately sent a spiritual message: "Crack Kiss, where are you? I received a response!"
In the form of "spatial broadcasting", Yunhai continuously sends this spiritual message.
He didn't receive any response, but Yunhai thought that his guess might be the truth. Just when he was at a loss as to what to do, he suddenly received a response.
"I don't know where I am."
"The spatial turbulence here is weird. I have never encountered such a situation."
In Yunhai's mind, the sound of "crack kiss" rang.
"Can you act?"
"In other words, these spatial turbulences can't interfere with your movement?"
Yunhai immediately sent out another spiritual message.
"It's fine to do that."
"It's weird here. Let's not talk about how these spatial turbulences are generated. I feel that the physical rules in the universe seem to have been changed here."
"Crack Kiss"'s response this time made Yun Hai a little unbelievable.
So far, everything that Yunhai has experienced, no matter what kind of civilization or life, everything is applicable to the same physics rules of the universe.
The fruit falling from the top of the tree to the ground on the surface of the planet.
Waving and hitting someone’s face hurts.
The energy rays cast by the battleship penetrated the enemy's body.
The sharp claws of the "exotic beast" tore the metal shell of the battleship.
From everything closely related to life to everything that determines everything in the universe, they are all limited by the basic physical rules of the universe.
If the physical rules of the universe are changed, the impact will be absolutely subversive.
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