Chapter 2839: disaster

"The conspirators get out of Taimeng civilization."
"There is no Alien Alliance, Alien is just fabricated by shameless conspirators."
"Down with O'Neill, down with Alien."
"The act of impersonating the Great is the felony of betraying human beings and condemning civilization, exposing them, and killing them."
"Long live Taimeng civilization, long live the late emperor!"
On the huge starfish, demonstrations are in full swing.
In different cities on this planet, no matter day or night, no matter the size, the parade is surging on different streets.
The gray-haired old man, the heroic youth, and of course also have ignorant children.
Some are excited, some are angry.
Some are numb, some are at a loss.
But whether it is from the heart or from the crowd, they have joined the parade, but they have become a member of the turbulent crowd.
No matter if they pushed others, or others pushed them, no one can retreat.
Outside the orbit of the starfish, a fleet has blocked the planet.
They just didn't stop the spacecraft that kept flying over and landing, because the order they received was to prevent anyone here from approaching the "Capital Circle" instead of preventing others from coming to the starfish.
At this moment, among the main ships of this fleet, Glinton has just finished the communication connection with Speaker Judith.
Greenton, who had received the order, did not execute it in time. Instead, he looked up at the huge light screen in front of him.
In the light screen, there are a total of twelve pictures.
These twelve pictures represent the twelve large cities on the starfish.
More than tens of thousands of miniature detectors are delivering real-time images back.
"Too Meng people don't fight too Meng people."
"This sentence was said by the former emperor."
Standing behind Greenton, he heard Speaker Judith's order clearly, and also knew what the phrase "Let's start" meant, Greenton's adjutant Danny couldn't help but whispered.
"Why do you say once?"
Greenton asked lightly.
The adjutant body stiffened slightly, then lowered his head.
"It seems that you also don't believe that the current emperor is the original emperor."
"If you don't believe this, then you won't believe in the existence of Alien and Alien Alliance."
"If you don't believe this, I'm not surprised what you say."
Greenton said slowly.
"let's start."
Without waiting for the adjutant to say anything, he suddenly pressed the communication button on the console, and then said in a deep voice.
"you believe?"
Glinton's order has been issued, and the adjutant knows that this order will be executed immediately and resolutely, but he still couldn't help asking.
"Yes, I believe."
"I met the Great Emperor with Speaker Judith, and I have no doubt about his identity."
"As for aliens and alien alliances, the emperor doesn't have to lie about these things."
"So, I firmly believe it."
Greenton said firmly.
"If you really believe in it, then why did you hesitate just now."
The adjutant thought for a while, but still bravely said his true thoughts.
"Because the emperor said that too many people do not fight too many people."
A look of pain floated on Greenton's face.
Waved his hand to stop the adjutant from continuing to discuss this topic, Glinton looked at the crewman who was trembling nervously in front of him, and said, "Call up the real-time picture."
The crew immediately started to operate on the control, replacing the twelve city images, and some slightly shaking shots appeared on the huge light screen.
The shaking lens quickly stabilized.
Greenton or his lieutenant knew that the special team that was about to land was about to reach the already divided target area.
"Attention everyone, attention everyone."
"From now on, Starfish enters the first level of alert."
"Everyone, please return home immediately, and outsiders must gather on the spot in the nearest public area."
"In addition to this, any activities will be severely punished, including demonstrations of various scales that have not been officially approved."
"Attention everyone, attention everyone."
Skimming the atmosphere, hundreds of miniature warships and tens of thousands of mechas fell from the sky. Before the transport ships landed on the ground, the heavily armed landing special forces rushed out, and a large number of mechas began to launch repeatedly over different cities. Notice.
The parade did not stop because of the appearance of these mecha fighters.
In fact, under the instigation of some people with ulterior motives in the crowd, the already excited enough crowd became crazy.
The parade has really become a flood.
Some of the "subsidiary civilizations" of mankind, those extraterrestrial intelligent creatures that can only serve humans in the "Taimeng civilization," they suddenly became victims, who were still waiting and watching.
The excited and angry crowd ignored the mecha hovering over their heads and began to attack these attached subjects.
The screams and screams suddenly rang.
In the place where the crowd rushed through, the human subjects did not even leave the complete body, but after being trampled on, they became a muddy existence.
The crazy crowd almost turned into a mob.
As a result, those shopping malls and shops on the roadside were undoubtedly hit.
When explosions began to sound in the street and a raging fire began to burn, the situation became more and more uncontrollable.
The number of military police is too small, even though the military police who have been trying to maintain order try their best to stop everything, they are ruthlessly drowned in the crowd.
Even crazy people have begun to attack those military police who dare not really use weapons against them.
Military police can't, but some people can.
As the heavily armed special forces rushed into the crowd, the mecha hovering in midair suddenly opened fire.
A beam of energy rays fell from the sky, directly towards the thugs.
Facing the attack of the mecha, these mobs were just like the alien intelligent creatures they had attacked before, and they had no resistance at all.
One after another, the mobs fell in pieces like wooden piles in the crazy attack of the mecha.
At the same time, facing those mobs who were still attacking innocents on the side of the road, the ship-based landing special forces team that had rushed over did not hesitate to raise their guns.
The blood flower blooms continuously.
Screams of pain, screams of fear.
The same scene is being staged in different cities on the starfish at this time.
Seeing the bewildered children in the light screen running in horror among the crowd, they were eventually knocked down and trampled until they were trampled to death. Greenton closed his eyes in pain.
Only a moment later, he opened his eyes suddenly.
Another light screen on the main console, accompanied by a short alarm sounded, a large green light and shadow representing creatures suddenly appeared not far from the starfish, and then flew over quickly.
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