Chapter 2859: Leave suddenly

The fleet of the "Kuru tribe" left soon.
Prior to this, some of them tried to meet the "Alien Master", but they were rejected by Yunhai.
Already used to communicating with Huaide, and the latter's mind, vision and decisiveness can still satisfy Yun Hai, and he doesn't bother to see other people again.
Next, the alien army stayed on the surface of the planet, absorbing the energy diffused from the ground and even the "spore creatures".
The "Kuru tribe" left nearly a hundred large and small scientific research spacecrafts. Except for some of the larger masses left in the orbit of the planet, the other spacecraft kept flying around the surface of the planet, probably for research. The ecosystem of the planet.
Everything looks very peaceful.
However, on the second day after the departure of the "Kru Clan", an accident still occurred.
The accident came from several "different animal civilizations."
After the war, Goss, Roma, and now no one can figure out which "Doba" is in charge, their situation has always been embarrassing.
"Kuru" and "Alien Civilization" are very close. Needless to say, everyone can see this.
Although their fleet evacuated, some spacecraft and people were constantly moving on the surface of the planet. This "alien civilization" did not interfere.
As for the "alien civilization", not to mention, seeing them lie on the surface of the planet comfortably, absorbing energy unscrupulously, those "exotic beast civilizations" that can only absorb fugitive energy are extremely jealous.
Of course, they can only be jealous.
In the face of absolute strength, even an impulsive alien beast will become rational.
For this reason, Goss had another exchange with Huaide, and they became even more depressed after the latter made it clear that he could not help.
It's not going to go, it's not going to stay.
However, just as the "Kuru tribe" mobilized some spacecraft to come over, just after they successfully landed on the planet, the "Doba tribe" suddenly acted.
Naturally, they landed on the surface of the planet, and landed directly into a blank area when the alien flew over to stop them.
As if they were not worried that the "alien civilization" would attack them, the "Doba tribe" who had landed surrounded them aggressively, let alone confronted and resisted, they did not even get up.
Yun Hai knew about this at the time.
It’s just that he put his mind on the
of the earth’s core, and considering that the
Doba people
had been absolutely outstanding enough in the war before, he mentally ordered the alien army to retreat and ignored the
Doba people
. .
The performance of the "Doba tribe" made Goss and the "Iswell tribe" envy to death.
In their eyes, the stupid "Doba people" can enjoy the fruits of victory, but they think they are smarter but they can only eat the peels and pits left by others in the universe. How can they be calm.
It was determined that the "Alien Civilization" did not care about the "Doba tribe", and the "Iswell tribe" could not hold back.
"Although we did not sacrifice as much as the Toba tribe, we also died a lot."
"What they can enjoy, why can't we!"
After talking to Goss about this, Rohm immediately took a million "Cancer" to an area not far from the "Doba".
This time, the alien army did not even plan to stop them.
As a result, Goss, who was on the sidelines, flew down without even thinking about it.
And this planet of life has calmed down so far.
Compared with the energy radiated from the core, the "spore creatures" or other creatures on the surface of the planet, except for the "Kuru tribe" who are enthusiastically studying them, the "exotic animal civilization" that would have been cruel, on the contrary, has no interest.
Even the study of the "Kuru tribe" is simply a study of extracting some biological tissues, and has not destroyed the planet's own ecological circle.
Everything seems so harmonious.
Of course, this is also the reason why Yunhai has not moved.
Other civilizations, no matter the "Kuru clan" or the other three "exotic beast civilizations", they will have other thoughts.
It's just that everyone doesn't know what the "Alien Master" is doing.
In fact, after flying out of the battleship where Huai De was located, several stellar days have passed, and the sea of ​​clouds has hardly moved.
His location is the top of a mountain, which is also covered by "spore creatures".
The "spore creatures" that don't seem to have any active aggressiveness have no actions or changes, and seem to be observing the sea of ​​clouds of those "spore creatures" and have no actions.
For several stellar days in a row, he almost became an immobile statue.
These, no matter the spacecraft of the "Kuru tribe" or several other "exotic beast civilizations" have been discovered.
Although everyone was curious, no one dared to bother him.
Time is passing slowly in this seeming harmony.
Just when Goss and others thought that such a situation would continue forever, the abnormality suddenly appeared.
The spacecraft of the "Kuru tribe" suddenly evacuated without warning.
After they left, the "alien civilization" also began to retreat.
Just when Goss and the others couldn't figure out the situation, before they even tried to communicate with each other, the alien army left directly in a spatial transition.
"what's the situation?"
Luomen was completely dumbfounded, and he asked Goss in a spiritual exchange.
Goss didn't speak. In fact, he didn't know how to respond, but he flew away from the planet of life out of vigilance.
With this move, Lomon couldn't stay any longer, and left the planet with all his fellows.
That is to say, the "Doba tribe" did not move, still lying dormant on the bottom.
Searching again and again, Goss and the scattered "Iswells" did not find any problems.
After searching patiently for a while, they did not wait for the "Kuru" to appear, nor did they wait for any accidents to happen. Goss and Roma were even more inexplicable.
"There must be some other discovery."
"I said why the Kulu fleet was evacuated in the first place. They should have discovered something more important."
After thinking about it, Solomon only got this conclusion.
"What did you find?"
"Other life planets? Other civilizations?"
"Or do they find a way to leave this primitive universe?"
Goss couldn't help asking back.
"It's all possible."
After a moment of contemplation, Solomon responded.
"Said it is the same as not saying it."
Muttered in his heart, Goss hesitated for a moment, and flew to the planet of life again.
From the bottom of my heart, Goss didn't want to stay with the "alien civilization", because it didn't have any sense of security at all.
So even if Romon’s guess is correct, even if the "Kuru tribe" finds a way to leave this "primitive universe", even if they are going to leave with the "alien civilization", Goss is not angry at being ignored, but instead is Very lucky.
"First fully recover, all new injuries and diseases are healed."
"During this process, provoke the Toba and Iswell tribes and try to get them to fight."
"Finally, take advantage of the chaos to take advantage of all the energy bodies in the core of the planet to absorb."
"By then, there will probably be no problems with evolution, and then leave here to find other opportunities."
"In the primitive universe, there must be more chances!"
Looking at the "Iswells" who also fell, Goss thought smugly.
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