Chapter 2915: Deja vu

Indeed, a certain "Gudora" is not wrong.
Their level of technology is indeed the strongest Yunhai has seen so far.
There are many technological civilizations that can build "Dyson Spheres", but the huge stars are directly separated by the same method as "Dyson Spheres" and turned into a mobile battery-like energy body. This method has never been seen before.
I don't know how their attack power is, Yun Hai estimates that it will not be too bad.
And more importantly, they actually possess the "soul transfer" technology that sounds mysterious.
From these aspects, the "Gudola civilization" is a very powerful "high-tech civilization."
However, as a certain "Gudora" said just now, with such a technology and such a powerful civilization, it is not even the most basic continuation of the race. What a sad thing!
"Why are you telling me this?"
"I have been looking for more creatures to study. When you find me, shouldn't you immediately arrest me and study it?"
"Also, I almost forgot one thing, how did you find me?"
With emotion, it is the "Gudora Civilization" rather than the "Alien Civilization" that is sad, and Yunhai will not affect his thoughts because of these.
"You are strong, otherwise you would not sneak into our little universe silently."
"But if you don't search with your consciousness, we can't find you."
"We now live almost in the form of consciousness, so we are very sensitive to fluctuations in consciousness."
"As for why we didn't catch you, we are not simply afraid of your strength, but because we know that this will not solve any problems."
"Even if your body can accommodate our soul consciousness, it's useless to be the only one."
"What we want is a group of organisms with more numbers, and they or their number must reach at least 20 million."
"As for the others, I believe we have nothing to attract you."
"If you are interested in our technology, we don't mind passing on some scientific and technological information to you."
"In this way, after the demise of our Gudola civilization in the future, we will have at least some things left."
A certain "Gudora" faintly responded to Yunhai.
"Perhaps what you said makes sense."
"So would you mind telling me some more information?"
"For example, share your known star maps, such as tell me more specific information about the civilization that destroyed you at that time."
Unsure whether what the other party said is true or false, in fact, Yun Hai, who does not want to conflict with the other party, raised a new question.
"It seems that you are really lost in the universe. It's okay to provide you with our star map."
"As for that civilization, this is no problem."
"If, I mean if."
"If one day you run into that civilization in the universe, listen to our advice and don't try to contact and fight with them."
"Because even if you can beat them, you can't afford it!"
The response of that "Gudora" made Yun Hai startled slightly.
However, he quickly reacted. The other party mentioned that the civilization was a "technological civilization", but it was not the "Zerg" or "alien civilization" he had just imagined.
At this time, the "Gudora" did not narrate through consciousness communication.
Obviously he knew that compared to the exchange of consciousness, the picture information they had kept about the war was more real and shocking.
On the base robotic arm facing the sea of ​​clouds, a miniature spacecraft slowly flew out.
Beware of its possible attacks, the void in which Yun Hai's body is located fluctuates slightly, and he can leave with a flash at any time.
The miniature spacecraft stopped in the void not far from him, and then countless rays of light were projected out, forming a three-dimensional projection image in the void.
However, at this moment, Yunhai made a "buzz" in his mind and forgot everything in an instant.
Just like the huge "space base" in front of him, the stereo projection is a similar "space base".
The thick and staggered robotic arms, pipes, and rails connect huge metal together.
If the "space base" of the "Gudora Civilization" is not obvious enough, the projected image now has nine points of similarity.
"The boat of life!"
"The life boat of the Sarnagar!"
Seeing that this seemingly "space base" is actually more like a super spaceship, it is eight or nine points similar to the "life boat" I have ever seen. I don't believe this is a coincidence that the brain "buzzing" of Yunhai The consciousness is blank.
When he saw the base of "Gudora Civilization" before, he felt a little familiar, and now he finally determined why he felt this way-the base of "Gudora Civilization" was obviously a copy of the "Sarnaga "The boat of life".
"This is their mother ship, you may not be able to see it without a reference."
"In fact, it is larger than our current base. The difference is that we connected some planets for experiments, but they didn't."
"This is our first contact with them. After this mother ship appeared in our star field, the space jump disappeared."
"When we thought they didn't find us, or just passed by, the war broke out on the 72nd sidereal day after the mother ship appeared and disappeared."
The "Gudora" began to "voice over."
When his consciousness communication stopped, the three-dimensional projection screen changed.
Countless warships rushed over like a torrent.
The crisscrossing energy rays, dense energy light clusters.
Violent explosion, violently fluctuating void.
After the "Gudora Civilization" fleet greeted us, the magnificent and tragic war became fierce in an instant.
"Their number of warships far exceeds ours."
"Although our warships have stronger attack power than them, we have no way to compare with them in terms of numbers."
"This is our first head-on fight with them. It only took them a short time to defeat our line of defense and occupy our first galaxy."
"Voiceover" once again sounded in Yunhai's mind.
"This is the technological power they have shown, and of course there is another power."
With the continuation of the "voice-over", the picture changed again.
In the picture is a mountain range on the surface of the planet. Just like the more civilizations that the sea of ​​clouds has touched, the "Dogula Civilization" also installs strategic weapons in the mountains on the surface of the planet.
In the center of that mountain range, a huge basin was abruptly pulled out.
Said it is a basin, but it is actually a huge radar embedded in the ground.
In the center of this silver-white radar is a thick pipe.
From time to time, a beam of blazing energy beams jetted out of the pipe straight into the sky until it pierced into the outer space of the universe.
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