Chapter 2926: Soul transfer

The "transporter" captured by the "Gudora Civilization" is indeed a warship of the "Sarnaga".
He has reached a level of proficiency in the language of the "Sarnaga", and Yunhai cannot be mistaken about this.
But, as Seventeen said, he didn't gain much in this transport ship.
Not only him, "Gudora Civilization" has no other gains.
"After five days, we compared all the known and stored star maps. In addition to the retrieved j763 region, we found 16 more similar regions."
"However, after repeated comparisons, we determined that they are only similar, and they are not the same star field."
"Sorry, Alien Lord, we were not able to help you."
Meeting again, it was still on the life planet that thrived on the "Tree God", and the spaceship that Seventeen was on flew directly down.
Invisible or something is no longer necessary.
Even if you indirectly participated in this action from the beginning, even if you already have a relatively developed "biotechnology", it is difficult for Seventeen to believe that what you see now is the truth.
The planet that was once pale green has become dark green.
The rivers and lakes have disappeared, and even the shallow sea area has shown the same color.
Various dark green plants almost completely cover the entire planet.
In fact, the deep sea is the same.
Seventeen habitually scanned the sea surface, and the seabed was also covered by plants of different shapes.
It's just that the seawater is too deep, and some plants that are large enough to describe them on the ground are not enough to expose the sea.
The speed is too fast. If the "Tree God" takes a few years or months to do this, Seventeen will still be able to calm down.
In less than a day, the rhizomes almost occupied the entire planet's underground.
It took five days to express from underground to ground to complete occupation and rule.
On the surface, this planet of life is still alive, but in fact this planet is dead.
All kinds of creatures on the surface of the planet, whether birds or beasts, or primitive intelligent races on this planet, were all killed by these plants by various means.
Including countless bugs underground, they have not been let go.
In addition to these plants or "explants", the entire planet is left with some living creatures lingering in the sea, but it is estimated that after the seawater is completely occupied by the "explants", they will not live for long. .
The most important thing is that this planet is also dying.
The rhizome of "Tree God" has plunged deeply into the core of the earth.
In the image obtained by the seventeenth scan, its rhizome directly probed into the hot core of the planet, greedily absorbing energy.
According to the analysis and judgment of his people, there will be more than a dozen sidereal days at most. When the "tree god" drained the earth's core, the planet would be completely finished.
Of course, this is nothing to the "Gudora Civilization".
If they want, they can spend a little time and energy to bring this life planet back to life.
"Our people have repeatedly ensured that there is no problem with the comparison results, but I have asked them to perform the second comparison."
Seeing Yunhai meditating and silent, Seventeen added another sentence in the exchange of consciousness.
"At this point, I believe you can't make a mistake."
"No need to do a second comparison."
Yunhai raised his head and looked at the worn-out robot in front of him, and responded in a spiritual exchange.
"It doesn't matter, it doesn't consume much resources."
"By the way, Lord, we are going to conduct the first soul transfer experiment today. Are you interested in watching it?"
Seventeen took the conversation, and then said sincerely.
"Well, telling you this technology to me is as incredible as someone telling me that the universe is a giant beast and we are just the cells in it."
"Just take this opportunity to take a look."
Yun Hai immediately let go of his mind, and said with interest.
"Are you going to see it?"
Seeing Seventeen had returned to the spacecraft and was about to leave, Yunhai greeted Yunwu in the distance.
Yunwu is playing and seems to be having fun.
Some small "tree people" are walking around underground, but the clouds use energy to install different barriers on the ground, almost like a maze, trapping these "tree people" who are no more than human fingers. .
Seeing them walking around and touching them with that naive look, Yun Wu smiled happily.
When Yun Hai called him, Yun Wu immediately flickered beside him and said, "Then let's go and take a look. I am also very curious about what the soul consciousness is."
Soon, two people in a spaceship returned to the "space base" of the "Gudora Civilization".
It's just that they didn't board the base this time, but stopped on a very small planet connected to the base.
Walking into the egg-like building, Yunhai saw at least tens of thousands of instruments.
The shape of these instruments is similar to the "nutrition cabin", in fact it may be the "nutrition cabin" in Yunhai's cognition.
Inside the transparent cabin are human beings, male or female, with more than a dozen tubes plugged into their bodies. They all seem to be around 17 or 8 years old.
They were immersed in the transparent liquid all over, closed their eyes one by one, as if they were sleeping.
"So fast?"
"I thought it would be in a juvenile state."
Yunwu was slightly surprised.
"A creature, what kind of substances or nutrients it needs to succeed, these things are carried in their genes."
"According to the embryos given to us by adults, we analyzed what kind of nutrients the human species needs to grow as quickly as possible, and then optimize as much as possible according to the tight amount they can bear, so the growth rate is very fast."
Seventeen explained to the two in the exchange of consciousness.
While they were talking, they had come to a sealed "glass room".
It is obviously a "laboratory". Standing in front of the transparent glass wall, Yunhai can clearly see a large number of instruments and robots inside.
The two largest instruments seem to be exactly the same.
Shaped like a loaf, the instrument with a transparent hatch is hollow in the middle.
The two instruments are connected by some special pipes, and there are more small instruments flashing various lights in the middle.
Seeing Seventeen coming with Yunhai and Yunwu, a robot obviously had a conscious communication with him.
Afterwards, a lifting platform appeared on the ground of the laboratory, and a teenager who was still dormant rose up.
Several robots carefully moved him into one instrument. After placing him flat inside the instrument, an octopus-like robot floated into the other instrument.
At this time, the other robots checked all the instruments again and then all withdrew from the laboratory.
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