Chapter 2993: Sudden relief

For ordinary people, "super powers" may be like miracles.
If it was before, these people would be nothing in Yunhai's eyes.
But now it's different. The "superior" of "super civilization" has evolved to a point where he pays enough attention.
This is also the key for him to follow the "Blue Civilization" to the "Super Civilization" step by step, otherwise he would not waste time.
The facts just now also proved his judgment.
In fact, when he got out of the miniature transport ship, he had already entered the stealth mode.
Even if he used the ability of "hidden beasts and aliens" to absolutely cover up his life aura, Yunhai still felt the strangeness in an instant.
In the crowd, a woman who seemed to be a certain media worker of "super civilization", her mental power swept directly at him in an instant.
Obviously, not sure what happened, she still felt abnormal.
If she had used her early "invisible alien" ability, Yun Hai estimated that she might have discovered her invisible herself.
However, the concealment ability of "Hidden Beast Alien" is far beyond the "invisibility ability." The woman felt abnormal, and her mental power repeatedly swept over, but still failed to find the existence of the sea of ​​clouds.
Floating above the crowd, I felt more power against the crowd led by Commander Baker, and only left driving the miniature transport ship to sweep around, including the entire seemingly chaotic area. Yunhai estimated that they were looking for themselves .
It was true that they did not find themselves, and Yunhai slowly flew away from the low altitude.
The mental senses had already locked on something, and he flew straight into the city.
The cities and streets of "super civilization" are not much different from "blue civilization".
Everyone is the same pure "human civilization", they all have the same blood and genes, and are even similar in habits and aesthetics, so this similarity is inevitable.
Without paying too much attention to other things, Yunhai flew down the street to an area similar to the "central square" in the middle of the city.
Staring at the giant sculpture over a hundred meters in height, he was somewhat disgusted by the "super civilization" because of the previous conflict, but he was relieved in his heart.
The huge black sculpture is an alien statue. To be precise, it is the appearance of Yunhai when it was alienated in the early years, even the bulge of the lower jaw is the same.
"It seems that they still know how to be grateful and know who helped them."
Thinking with relief in his heart, the sea of ​​clouds slowly fell into the woods on the edge of the square.
Before no one noticed, he exited the stealth mode, and then wandered out.
Clothes or something are not a problem at all. Yunhai has not known how many years he has not worn real clothes. After he has mastered the ability of "Nether Energy to materialize" like Zhihan's early days, he can condense the "Nether Energy" into whatever he wants. The clothing covers the body.
There is another advantage of doing so, that is, although its defensive ability is not as good as the "emerging" "Nether Energy Shield", its defensive strength is also comparable to armor made of special materials.
Imitated the clothes style of a young man in the distant crowd, but changed the color. Yunhai, who had already had a target, walked towards the group of people in front of the alien statue.
It was a group of children, and I didn't know which school organized any activities. Under the leadership of the teacher, dozens of children lined up neatly in a line looking up at the huge and spectacular statue.
"We have already told the students before that there is no real in the universe."
"The so-called gods only possess abilities and powers we can't imagine."
"But in the eyes of our super-civilized human beings, the ruler is a god."
"His strength lies not in his ability and strength, nor in the boundless alien army he commanded, but in his kindness."
"The ruler originated from us humans, and we don't know the details, but we can be sure that he was also a human in the earliest."
"After becoming the master of a powerful alien civilization, he has not forgotten our human civilization."
"First, he led mankind through a doomsday crisis that could destroy us. In the face of an unknown civilization invasion, he decisively led the alien army to kill the past, drew away the alien civilization that can easily destroy us."
"After that, the master seems to disappear into the vast universe."
"In a short time, suddenly some warships that far exceed the technological level of human civilization on our earth appeared through the wormhole."
"Coming with the battleship, there are some humans just like us."
"They are the allies who dominated the acquaintances in other star regions. With powerful technology, they settled on the earth."
"And that period of time was the first real technological explosion era in our planet's human science and technology civilization."
"Various technologies have developed like a blowout."
"But at the same time, we also learned the news that the savior of human civilization, the alien ruler may never return."
"The truth is the same, even if we don't want to believe that this is the truth, but after that we lost all contact with the master."
"When we thought that the master would never appear again, a human like us suddenly came."
"She claimed to have returned at the request of the master. When we are still in doubt, she has let us know through some facts that an unchangeable disaster is about to come."
"With her help, we left the earth, the beautiful blue jewel-like planet you must all know."
"You know, to help a civilization leave in a short time, we had no way to do it at the time."
"But she helped us to do it, opening a wormhole and instantly crossing the distant star field to a planet that is completely suitable for our survival. She did it in an instant just by herself."
"After that, she left without saying a word. We don't even know her name."
"On an unfamiliar planet, in an unfamiliar star field, we have realized the infinite potential of mankind and completed the infrastructure construction in a short time."
"Just as we started to enter the stage of healthy development, the master suddenly appeared."
"You can imagine how excited our ancestors were by his appearance."
"Although he didn't stay long, and although he left soon, we know that he has been watching us."
"Since then, we no longer fear the dark cosmic jungle, because we know that behind us there is a master who knows everything like a true god, and behind us there is a powerful alien civilization."
"As of today, we have no news of the master, but we believe that sooner or later, he will come again."
"This is also the reason why our super civilization established Alien Sect. We want everyone to always remember the past, and always remember the alien masters that created our super civilization today."
"Now, students tell us, what are we going to do?"
In front of the group of children, a young woman didn't even need a manuscript, speaking fluently and endlessly.
Obviously, I don't know how many times I have said the same thing, but I have already kept it firmly in my heart, and it is even overwhelming.
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