Chapter 292: Information storm

Babak can't attack with mental power. Its most commonly used method is unimaginable huge power. Coupled with the hard scale armor that can withstand the artillery attack of the fourth level of civilization, these are the guarantees for it to survive an era in the universe.
Not being able to attack mentally does not mean that it has no other means of attack besides brute force.
Information storm, this is Babak's plan.
At that moment, it keenly noticed that the weak young man in front of him, although he commanded thousands of aliens, his mental power was not strong.
Including his brain, perhaps this is also a common problem for humans on earth. Their brains are very magical, but the utilization rate is too poor.
With his not very strong mental power and extremely poor brain capacity, Babak, who has experienced hundreds of millions of battles, instantly thought of a last-minute counterattack.
That is the information storm, an information storm that humans on earth may not have been exposed to.
To force a large amount of information into the opponent's head through mental communication in the shortest time. This is the trick that Babak prepares to use against the sea of ​​clouds.
The real information storm in the universe is very scary.
A meteorite, a metal fragment of a battleship, a wreck of a strange animal...
Even including a piece of music stored in a certain medium, the amount of information they carry is huge.
For example, the wreckage of a foreign beast, from its body structure to its entire life, it can be said that even a foreign beast has only left a nail and a scale in the vast universe, in a specific environment. It can also show massive amounts of information.
Of course, a single mass of information is not enough to threaten life, but if a large number of things accumulate information to a certain point. When it was finally cast by unknown means, that was an irresistible fear.
Babak had personal experience of this.
While wandering in a certain galaxy, Barbak encountered an information storm.
It was an information storm caused by a black hole explosion. I don't know how many epochs existed, and that black hole didn't know how many things it swallowed.
Everything contains a lot of information. When the exploding black hole instantly releases information that cannot be calculated at all, a storm is formed.
Fortunately, Babak is still hundreds of light-years away from the information storm. Even if he noticed that something was wrong, he turned and fled quickly, and was rushed into his brain with countless information instantly. It almost died.
Of course, this death is not a real death, but a complete zombie.
After the information storm, it took a long time to observe. Knowing that there was no more danger, Babak tried to probe carefully.
The galaxy named "Gemini" by itself has completely turned into on earth.
A strong fifth-level civilization alliance, even Babak did not dare to provoke, but after the information storm swept through, it was completely annihilated.
The advanced intellectual brain is completely paralyzed. The information that the light-sensing intellectual brain of the fifth-level civilization can transmit and store is unimaginable even for Babak, but when limited resources face a nearly infinite information storm. Its paralysis is destined.
Not to mention the intelligent life inhabited on the massive planets, those races with much larger brain capacity than the people on earth, the brain nerves are completely destroyed. Become a walking dead.
Countless planets, countless intelligent lives.
Every planet is like a ghost domain, with no conversation, no joyful laughter, or fearful screaming.
The streets and alleys are full of dead bodies that eventually starve to death.
Even Barbak, who has no taboo. Can't stand the weird environment, and finally left the galaxy as if fleeing.
Since. It has a clear understanding of the information storm.
Although it cannot achieve the unstoppable invasion of information storms, it is not difficult to achieve the same effect by violently flooding massive amounts of information into the mind of the sea of ​​clouds in the shortest possible time through mental communication.
The facts proved that its conjecture was correct, and Yunhai's reaction confirmed its idea.
He raised his head and fell down. Even though a large number of alien shapes flew past in an instant, with the inner and outer three layers hiding the sea of ​​clouds in the center, Babak still clearly sensed the pain of the sea of ​​clouds.
Holding his head with his hands tightly, Yunhai's mental power could not stop the influx of information storms that were not of an order of magnitude, and his painful roar made Alice's creeps.
The convulsive body rolled on the ground, sometimes curled up with the shrimp, sometimes violently bounced into the air, and then fell heavily.
The huge kiss opened wide, and Barbak's mouth let out a happy roar.
Value and non-value are not important anymore.
Stubborn human beings refuse to believe in themselves and refuse to negotiate. This is doomed to the fate that Babak cannot escape.
He would never have expected that he would fall to a barren planet with primitive civilization, but at this point, Babak was unable to recover.
But at the last moment, Babak was very satisfied with the enemy who sent him into the hell's cave to die together.
Pride is as powerful as it is, how can it be willing to use one's own body to provide the enemy with a powerful alien.
There was a "wind eye" breathing sound in his throat, and Babak grinned silently.
However, in an instant, Sudden felt something, and the strange animal's laughter turned into a horrified roar.
It's no longer a violent influx, but a turbulent tearing and sucking.
Just like the arrogant and domineering eating above Miami, Yunhai seems to have an irresistible mental vortex in its body. Whether it is its unreserved information storm input, or its mental power, everything is out of control. The ground was sucked by violence.
"how is this possible!"
Babak lost his voice in shock.
However, no one can understand its native language, which is more like an angry roar, just like today's Babak has nothing to save it.
The roar became an absolute noise.
In just a few tens of seconds, there was no emotion in the huge compound eyes of Babak, and the only head that was still intact was completely frozen.
A powerful alien beast that crossed the universe for an era, its mental power was violently sucked up, and even the brain tissue was hit hard by the unknown force, completely turning into a lifeless statue.
In other words, it became a walking dead without thought and soul.
Or maybe for another moment, it can't even do the walking dead, because the dazed but shocked Alice can clearly see its heart that has only been beating for a long time, that is full of strange things like black tentacles. , Suddenly jumped violently as if it was electrified.
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