Chapter 3048: The reason

It was just a face-to-face encounter, and the time of the battle could only be described as "instant". The "Spark Civilization" that had been beaten for fear of being maimed, this time completely put down its posture.
The high-level leaders headed by the leader used their unique etiquette to welcome Yunhai to the leader's seat.
Later, their leader began to narrate or explain in detail.
After a short while, Yunhai understood everything.
"Spark Civilization" is indeed not pride, nor is it self-confidence or arrogance to the extreme.
When the alien army led by Yunhai dispelled the intention of attacking and was ready to communicate, they suddenly launched an attack. There was a reason.
The "Gurumon" remembered it correctly. The river system where the "Tamara tribe" it remembered was indeed completely fused with an adjacent river system to form a new river system.
Originally, the star system where the timid "Tamara" settled, there was no one around that could threaten their civilization.
However, during the fusion of the two river systems, the "Tamara tribe" did not discover that the other river system was approaching their star system due to the fusion, but there was a "human civilization" in it.
Character determines everything.
It cannot be said that the "Tamara", who are born to love peace, can only be said to be afraid of war. Obviously, they are influenced by the "Sarnaga" who once controlled and dominated them. They prefer to study "biotechnology."
Creating life and observing, controlling, and affecting the growth and evolution of those lives, they can obtain great satisfaction and happiness in the process.
But to survive and multiply in the universe, happiness and satisfaction cannot represent everything.
Facing the sudden emergence of the good "Spark Civilization" that had been hidden, and the surprise attack of their boundless mecha army, the "Tamara tribe" almost surrendered before they had time to resist.
In any form of war, bloodshed and death will not be avoided.
The population of the "Tamara tribe" is not large, and in the short war, 30% of the "Tamara tribe" were killed by the "Spark Civilization".
After they surrendered decisively, as if worried that the "Spark Civilization" would all execute and destroy them, the "Tamara" moved out of their backing.
"Gurumon" is considered to be one, and the "Tamara tribe" even took out the image data left by the "Gurumon" when they visited them and showed it to the "Spark Civilization".
There is also the "Alien Civilization". The "Tamara tribe" also had the image data of the alien army abandoning the "Alien Alliance" and evacuating across the board, but they also showed it to the "Spark Civilization".
The purpose of the "Tamara tribe" is very simple, that is, it is true that you defeated us, but if you want to destroy us, you must consider very serious consequences.
Whether it is the very powerful "Gurumon" in their eyes, or the more terrifying "Alien civilization", one of them is a good friend of the "Tamara", and the other is their former main civilization.
Time has passed nearly tens of millions of years, and the universe is unpredictable. You can bet that the "Gurumon" or "Alien civilization" has been destroyed, or that you will never come back to the farther star field of the universe, and you may even forget it we.
But if one day, "Gurumon" or "Alien Civilization" are found back, if they know that you have destroyed us, what do you think they will do.
This is the purpose of the "Tamara", simple and direct.
To confirm the authenticity of these information, "Xinghuo Civilization" did not take it seriously.
After all, time has passed for too long. Based on the "Xinghuo Civilization"'s own judgment, it took millions of years from the birth of their civilization to the encounter with the "Tamara tribe." It took more than 10 million years to change too much. More things.
Not too seriously, "Xinghuo Civilization" did not completely ignore it either.
After careful discussion, they finally left the "Tamara" as a subsidiary civilization of the "Spark Civilization". After all, the level of "biotechnology" of this civilization far surpassed them.
Originally, "Xinghuo Civilization" wanted to destroy the "Tamara tribe".
If "biotechnology" is used in war, it is a very scary existence.
For example, if the "Tamara" serving their "Tamara" suddenly became unwilling one day in the future, they would be involved in a certain product derived from "biotechnology" that is frequently used by humans, then " "Xinghuo Civilization" may not be reversed and destroyed by them, but it will certainly encounter a heavy and terrifying blow.
However, as time passed, the "Spark Civilization" dispelled this doubt.
Without it, the "Tamara" is too obedient.
It is understood that they have successively made the subsidiary civilizations of two powerful civilizations. The "Spark Civilization" estimates that they have long been accustomed to being oppressed and squeezed. Under such circumstances, the "Tamara tribe" is not even a subsidiary civilization. , Completely turned into a slave civilization of "Spark Civilization".
It has been a long time, until now, "Spark Civilization" has completely forgotten the "Gurumon" and "Alien Civilization".
However, they didn't expect that these two would definitely cover their "exotic animal civilization" according to the "Tamara tribe", and suddenly came at the same time.
"To be honest, we thought this scene would never happen."
"Time has passed so long, the universe is so big, who would have expected you to come here."
"It just happens that we are holding an important meeting in this star system, and more than half of the mechas of the entire civilization are nearby."
"After you appeared earlier, we were all dumbfounded."
"After recognizing you in the comparison database, we are worried that after you know everything, you will attack us without hesitation. We can only take the initiative and take the initiative."
"It's just that we didn't expect that you would be so strong."
"As I said earlier, at the wrong time, we made the wrong decision."
"Here, I apologize to you on behalf of Spark Civilization..."
Explaining continuously, when the leader said this, he stroked his left shoulder with his right hand and bends deeply toward the sea of ​​clouds.
"I plan to have a good talk with you and ask about the fate of the Tamara tribe."
"Even if you have attacked them, even squeezed and exploited them for so many years, but the Tajila still exists, I will not do anything to you."
"Of course, there are other reasons."
"In the universe, I have dealt with three different human civilizations and almost all have cooperative relations."
"Plus some of my own reasons, I won't destroy you for this matter."
"Now, I suddenly feel that I am too kind!"
The expressionless sea of ​​clouds interrupted the "Xinghuo Civilization" leader's apology with an indifferent voice.
With the sound of his words, the temperature in the entire meeting room seemed to drop by more than ten degrees. The high-levels of the "Spark Civilization" were like Fallen Ice Cave, and even many people could not control their bodies to tremble.
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