Chapter 3075: Metamorphosis

Hume's cheers caused the entire laboratory to burst into cheers after a short period of silence.
The people of his tribe kept repeating Humo's words and cheered to their heart's content.
Looking back at them, Yun Hai's smile became even greater.
Pressure is more than just him.
At this time, the pressure of the "Tamara tribe" may not be less than his.
Being able to be used by a powerful civilization is glory at least in the eyes of the "Tamara".
And if they can complete this crucial experiment, then the "Tamara tribe" is the absolute hero.
In the past, it was possible to establish an "alien alliance" to protect those weak "human civilizations", the "Tamara tribe" believes that the current "alien masters" will also treat his heroes well.
Now, the experiment is successful.
Although the key "fusion agent source biological tissue" is provided by "Alien Dominator", Yunhai would not be able to complete such an experiment so quickly without them.
I used to worry that if the experiment failed, the "Alien Lords" would not care about the life and death of the "Tamara" even if they did not irritate them. Now the experiment has been declared a success, how could Huomo and others, who are under great mental pressure these days Not excited or excited.
The huge cheers lasted for more than ten seconds.
When they finally calmed down, Yunhai smiled and said: "Now or in the future, I may not form alien alliances. But I can tell you clearly that as long as alien civilization still exists in the universe, as long as your Tamara clan still Within the range we can shelter, then no civilization can destroy you."
His words made the people like Huomo and others who had just calmed down couldn't help cheering again.
Lifting his right hand and pressing it, Yun Hai stopped their cheers.
"Keep on going."
"I need a large amount of fusion agent, at least 3 billion copies."
"I don't give you a time limit, nor do I require you to be here to make a fusion agent."
"You only need to hurry up and complete it in the shortest time possible."
Looking at the "Tamara people", Yun Hai said with a smile.
"Master, rest assured, we will complete the task."
"Guaranteed to complete!"
"Start right away, we must finish it as soon as possible."
Those "Tamara people" rushed to make sure, Yunhai smiled and nodded, then picked up a few test tubes labeled "fusion agent" on the table and walked to the door.
"If the fusion agent is over ten thousand... over one thousand, contact me first."
When he reached the door, Yun Hai turned his head and said to Huomo who had seen him.
"It will be slower at first, after all, there are not many specimens."
"If we have enough specimens, there will be a qualitative leap in speed. After all, this is just a copy and it is not difficult."
Humour barely patted his chest to make sure.
"I'll wait outside, let it out."
Yun Hai nodded, and dropped a word when he went out.
Before he was allowed to wait long, when the outer door of the laboratory was closed, a hidden door behind the laboratory slid open, and the "Messenger Alien" cat's waist that had just completed a key transformation and evolution quickly got out.
Feeling the call of the "master", the "messenger alien" who originally wanted to return to the "germ blanket" to stand by flew in front of him.
The body was only slightly larger than the original. The key transformation and evolution did not make the "Messenger Alien" bigger, but it was slightly smaller than the "Drone Alien".
Originally, Yunhai thought that its body shape would change greatly. After all, in the process of transformation and evolution, its body was undergoing drastic changes from the inside to the outside.
The skull is still the same shape as before, like a skateboard with both ends bent down.
Only now its skull is no longer as smooth as before, but it is bumpy.
The tentacles that spread out from the fingertips stroked the skull of "Messenger Alien", and Yunhai was immediately determined.
The original deformed skull was smooth and hard.
However, the defensive power of the "Messenger Alien" is only hard, and both energy attacks and heavy blows can crack and crack their skulls.
In short, it is too rigid and lacks some toughness.
But now this problem has been greatly improved. Yunhai only touched it lightly with his tentacles to confirm it. Now the skull of this "messenger alien" is not only harder than before, but also tougher.
There is also the neck bone. All aliens, no matter "Messenger Alien" or Yunhai himself, the neck bones have always been the weakness of aliens.
The soft tendon tissue is the key to ensuring flexibility. The weakest neck of the abnormal shape is protected by the bone plate erected from the shoulder.
There is still a gap between the bone plate and the neck.
The larger the size of the alien, the larger the gap.
Just like those "Guardian aliens", the bone plates erected on their necks and the gap between the necks can even allow a "jumping insect" to get in.
Now, the neck of this "Messenger Alien" is completely different.
The bone plate covering the soft neck is completely connected to the bone plate of the head and shoulders.
It's just that the bone plate on its neck is different from the bone plates of other parts of the body. When the head of the "messenger alien" rotates, it looks like a sponge, which looks hard but flexible.
Further down, it seems little changed.
Short forelimbs, stronger bone armor covering the whole body, a pair of slightly stouter hind limbs.
Behind it, there were some changes in the tailbone.
The original special-shaped tailbone is made up of vertebrae section by section, which ensures its absolute flexibility when swinging.
Now, although the tailbone of the "Messenger Alien" is still in its original shape, there are some black tendon tissues between each joint.
He probably had a judgment in his mind, but Yunhai still wanted to figure out the practical significance of its tailbone metamorphosis, and immediately issued a spiritual order to the "Messenger Alien".
Without a trace of hesitation, even if he didn't understand the spiritual command of the "Master", the "Messenger Alien" flicked its tailbone and hit Yunhai's right leg without reservation.
It is fast, but the sea of ​​clouds still captures the key.
The moment the "Messenger Alien" shook the tailbone, the black tendon tissue swelled like a "sponge body".
"Strong power also leads to faster speed."
Affirming that his previous judgment was correct, Yun Hai issued a spiritual order again.
As for the strike of the "Messenger Alien" just now, it was probably just like a person standing still and being touched by a slowly flying mosquito. It would be good to feel it, not to mention being bruised. .
In accordance with the spiritual order of the "Master", the "Messenger Alien" slowly opened its mouth, and the "Inner Nest Tooth" ejected suddenly, and even brought out a huge sound similar to "sonic boom" in the void.
Seeing that the
inner nest teeth
that were originally composed of tendon tissue were covered by a layer of hard bone armor, Yunhai was completely satisfied.
Only the "inner nest teeth" composed of tendon tissue can easily penetrate the steel battleship, so the surface is now covered with a layer of hard bone armor, and it is conceivable that the destructive power must be much stronger before.
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