Chapter 3103: Flicker

I don't know why the "master" disappeared at the moment the spiritual message was sent, and even a complete sentence was not left behind.
They also don’t know what the "Master" was trying to say at the time. Even if the "Her Guards" suspected that the "Master" encountered an unknown enemy, they were either completely spiked or taken away, but they did not want to believe this fact. Waited for a while in that star system.
It did not wait for the appearance of the "Master", nor did it wait for the other "Zergs" to rush over to receive the spiritual message summoned by the "Master".
After waiting anxiously for a while, "Feiwei" didn't want to continue.
With absolute strength, the other four "Zergs" were ordered to leave that star system, and the "Her Guards" began to search aimlessly.
Even if they can't find the "master", it is good for them to find the "dark zone", it is always better than waiting like this.
After the separation, "Feiwei" didn't know how long it had been searching for, until it felt a wave of spatial fluctuations.
I didn't think too much, I almost never encountered a high-level civilization, and finally came across a civilization that mastered the technology of "spatial transition", how could "Hero Guards" let it go.
However, when it approached the past, it hadn't even approached the spatial fluctuation area, and felt a strong crisis. He didn't hesitate to choose to believe his instincts, and the "Haiwei" turned and ran.
It's just that it didn't expect that it was discovered.
Not only was it discovered, but with its best effort, it didn't even touch the opponent's body.
When "Feiwei" recognized who the human being in front of him was, it suddenly became mentally balanced.
Having seen the "Alien Master" in a human form, he was caught by a "Alien Master" comparable to the "Zerg Master", and the "Her Guard" suddenly felt that there was nothing to lose.
Yunhai's spiritual message was naturally received by the "Guiwei", but it did not say a word.
Not afraid of death. Except for the weird worm like the "lord" created by "Abathur" with more intelligent biological genes among the "Zerg", no one is afraid of death from "Zergling" to "Leviathan" of.
If he could die in the hands of a strong man whose strength was comparable to that of the "Dominator", the "Her Guard" even felt that this was absolutely a perfect "Insect Life", even though he had only fought twice in his life and had failed.
"It looks like another silly bug, who doesn't know anything."
"When I and you dominate side by side against those time walkers from the future, I don't know if you are there."
After waiting patiently for a while, without receiving any response, Yun Hai couldn't help but said contemptuously.
"Why not me?"
"At the time I shot and injured one of them."
"Huiwei" or more "Leviathan" couldn't be irritated, and when Yun Hai said this, he immediately responded with a muffled voice.
This shows the gap, if it is replaced by the "lord", it may be a fart as Yunhai.
The speciality of "Leviathan" is more embodied in combat power, but not wisdom.
Yunhai couldn't help being overjoyed when he received its spiritual message.
"You too?"
"You are still pretending to be dumb with me!"
"Your master and I have long known about the existence of Timewalker. Do you think that our alien civilization and your Zerg clan are really fighting for life and death? We are just acting."
"There are Timewalkers lurking in the Alien Alliance, and so are you Zerg."
"How could your masters and I be willing to become puppets manipulated by these time-travelers."
"Where, we have already discussed everything."
"On the surface, our two civilizations have been clashing constantly, and have even evolved into an endless situation."
"Actually we are planning those time-walkers, and this is the final battle."
"It's a pity that TimeWalker holds a special weapon that we can't resist."
"Otherwise, we would be able to kill all timewalkers at that time."
Without eager to ask anything, the sea of ​​clouds, who had long been judged by the wisdom of "Leviathan", began to talk nonsense.
"Isn't the main force in the fight against Time Walker still Time Walker?"
"The master took us, and the aliens you led. Didn't an accident happen as soon as he intervened in the war?"
"Huiwei" originally didn't want to say anything, but he couldn't hold back his doubts and asked.
"Without the strategy of me and your masters, can those time-walkers fight inwardly?"
"It seems that you don't understand anything. In fact, the main force of that attack was neither us nor you, but the wisdom micro-civilization controlled by me."
"You have seen their super weapons before, but they are not the most powerful weapons."
"The super weapons of the intelligent micro-civilization can severely wound them. If they are replaced with taboo energy weapons, they can definitely be wiped out."
"But that forbidden weapon takes a long time to recharge, and those time-walkers may be aware of this and want to escape."
"No way, I just told your master to rush into the battlefield together."
"Oh, everything is counted, but we didn't expect that someone in Timewalker also had a taboo weapon, and we were recruited."
During the spiritual exchange, Yun Hai said depressedly.
This time, he didn't pick up Yunhai's words. In fact, "Huiwei" couldn't think about it.
Desperately recalling everything at the time, "Huiwei" tried to figure out whether what "Alien Master" was saying was true or false.
But one thing it can be certain is that when the "Master" rushed to the center of the battlefield with them, he did have a spiritual exchange with the "Alien Master".
And before, "Master" has had more spiritual exchanges with "Alien Master".
Moreover, the situation at that time was the "Zerg Civilization" and the "Alien Civilization", plus an "intelligent micro-civilization" to attack those "time walkers" together.
"That's not right."
"The master has always been trapped... has always been on a special planet and has never left."
"I can also be sure that no alien has been to that planet. How did you contact the master and discuss all this?"
There was a mess in my mind, and suddenly a key thought came to mind, "Huangwei" immediately asked vigilantly.
"Do you know Salmon?"
"It's the fallen Sarnagar. I arranged for him to be with your master."
"I knew about the existence of TimeWalkers earlier than your masters, and I also believe that your masters will make the right choice, so I played a chase scene across several river systems with Salmon, and finally let him get into your masters. Around."
"Hehe, if I myself or send an alien to contact your master directly, are you sure those time walkers won't find it?"
During the spiritual exchange, Yunhai responded to "Feiwei" with an unabashedly mocking tone.
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