Chapter 3107: Complete

"It's fine."
"Fortunately, I am not as fast as Alien Dominator!"
Hidden in the distant star field, whether it is the energy bombardment or explosion that keeps blooming and extinguishing in the line of sight, or the violent and chaotic energy fluctuations in the mental senses, "Heroi" feels fortunate.
The only purpose is to find the "master", even if it is the top combat power of the "Zerg", even if it is more than ten million years later, the "Hero Guard" will not think about other things.
However, it clearly relies on itself to find the strangely missing "master" in an unfamiliar star field. This may be worse than suddenly hitting another "space-time wormhole" and returning to the battlefield more than ten million years ago. To be difficult.
If it hadn't encountered the "Alien Master", it could only continue to search for it in vain.
But now it's different, "Her Guard" wants to try if he can get more clues from "Alien Domination".
It is even considering whether or not to just follow the "alien civilization" and take a look, even if the "alien ruler" might kill it.
Of course, this is just an idea.
"Zerg" never relied on other civilizations, "Her Guard" was very sure that "Master" thought so.
To keep up with the sea of ​​clouds, it actually wanted to see why the "Alien Master" suddenly left after a period of void fluctuations.
But at its speed, how could it be possible to keep up with the sea of ​​clouds.
In fact, after the "Alien Domination" left after a space leap, "Her Guard" had no possibility to follow him.
But fortunately, it had been close to the star field where the alien army was rested, so it didn't need to think about it at all, and flew directly toward that star field.
Yunhai can go back in one space jump, but "Huiwei" has used it three times. This is still the premise that the former uses the maximum distance space jump.
After three space transitions, coupled with a short regular flight, "Ferocious" finally returned to the star field that it had visited.
The accident happened at this moment.
Almost at the moment when the "Ferocious Guard" completed its spatial leap, among its mental senses, a huge alien flew quickly toward it.
The "Her Guard" was still considering whether to turn around and escape. Suddenly, not far from the star field where the Alien Army was located, the void space was like a mirror that was suddenly blown to pieces.
Immediately afterwards, a huge "wormhole" never seen before was formed almost instantly.
The alien who had pounced on the "Silhouette" suddenly stopped.
When the mighty monsters in the "wormhole" that appeared suddenly came out like a tide, the alien turned around and flew towards the alien army.
For a moment, "Her Guards" thought that what emerged from the "wormhole" was their "worm tide."
But this was just a momentary illusion. "Her Guard" was just marveling at the instant "explosive" ability of an unknown civilization, but it was very clear that those were not "Zergs".
Soon, "Huiwei" knew that "Alien Civilization" was in great trouble.
The monster frenzy does not belong to a certain civilization.
Among the spiritual senses of the "Her Guards", the seemingly endless army of alien beasts, their forms are in various forms, not a certain kind of alien beast at all, but just like an alliance army composed of an unknown number of "exotic animal civilizations".
There is no doubt about the strength of this "alliance of alien beasts", because they are more than just numbers.
"Her Guard" clearly felt that in the wild beast frenzy, it could make it feel that there were more than dozens of strange beasts with the same powerful aura as the "master".
Whether these powerful alien beasts are all in this "alliance of alien beasts", "Her Guard" is unclear.
But these alone are enough, at least in the eyes of "Feiwei".
"It's over."
"The master is strangely missing, and the alien civilization will be over."
Watching the alien beast frenzy quickly crushed the oncoming alien army, and then spread out to form an encirclement, and then saw the "wormhole" relay the alien beast frenzy, countless warships rushed out again. "Huiwei" had such thoughts in his mind.
The "Alien of Alien Beasts", especially the alliance of different "Alien Beast Civilizations" that seem to be very powerful alone, is very powerful.
After seeing that this alliance is not just a strange beast, but a fleet of "technological civilization" has appeared, "Her Guard" knew that "alien civilization" had encountered a hard problem this time.
"Different Beast Civilization" is better at close attack, even if they also have long-range attack capabilities, but they still prefer impact and close combat, and this attack method is the most sharp.
If there is a long-range attack on the "Science and Technology" fleet to cooperate, at least in the current situation, the "Her Guards" will not see that the alien has any hope of winning.
The fact is the same.
When the alien beasts that kept impacting the alien army from all directions quickly retreated and made enough clearance, the tens of millions of warships that had already been positioned immediately began a fierce bombardment.
In the mental senses of the "Her Guard", the various energy attack methods it had seen or hadn't seen before, flooded into the void where the alien army was located.
The chaotic and violent energy tide even turned the entire void into chaos at that moment.
It's not that I haven't seen the big scene. The only war that "Her Guards" participated in was the battle between "Alien Alliance" and "Zerg" and "Time Walker".
In that war, the "super weapons" of the "intelligent micro-civilization" and the energy artillery bombardment of the fleet, no matter the scale or accuracy, left a deep impression on the "Haiwei".
I thought that was spectacular and terrifying enough. However, seeing the terrifying scene at this time, "Her Guard" realized that there are more powerful existences and powerful civilizations in the universe than I thought.
Don’t dare to stay any longer, the mental senses of the "Her Guard" cannot capture the existence of the "Alien Lord". For fear of being implicated, it does not even dare to fly fast, but it slows down like a wandering meteorite. Step back slowly.
Only soon, "Huiwei" discovered that it was not just himself who did this.
I don't know if it was a coincidence or something else, just when it was about to accelerate to leave, suddenly its mental senses caught the abnormality.
Just in the void parallel to it, a huge planet was slowly drifting.
Of course, it was not a real planet, because "Feiwei" clearly felt the existence of life breath.
Just in this star field, and far away from the battlefield in the same way, "Her Guard" knew almost without thinking that it was not an alien beast that didn't want to fight, or an alien that escaped by chance.
"So there are those who are afraid of death among the aliens?"
This thought flashed through his mind, but "Feiwei" soon knew that he was wrong.
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