Chapter 3113: A stiff smile

The "Air and Space Warship" is actually an auxiliary warship, and it has not appeared in many different wars since the establishment of the "Frigg Alliance".
The main reason was that it was not used. After the establishment of the "Frigg Alliance", except for the rebellion launched by the alien beast "Cang Ye", this alliance hardly encountered any threatening enemies.
Whether it is a big or small war, an army of alien beasts can directly push past with the fleet.
Not to mention that the "Frigg Alliance" has not encountered an advanced civilization with "space technology" as its main technology. Even if it does, there is a "crack kiss", where there is still room for the "air and space warship" to play.
Therefore, this is the first time that the "air and space warship" has actually appeared on the battlefield, and it has also become the key to this war.
Millions of "air and space warships" have been carefully calculated to reach their respective areas.
When all the "air and sky warships" activate special instruments, they are invisible to the naked eye, but a bunch of energy rays connect all warships together like a network.
Afterwards, the chaotic void calmed down at a speed visible to the naked eye.
The number of previously criss-crossed spatial fissures suddenly decreased.
The void that was still undulating just now suddenly disappeared in the stretch.
Including the "black holes" that explode from time to time, both in number and scale are rapidly decreasing.
"It works!"
Seeing these, "Steel Giant" Edwin couldn't help being overjoyed.
Having determined that "Fenrir" will not rush into the space battlefield impulsively, he also loosened the iron claws holding on to "Fenrir", but he was eager to try.
"They won't use their spatial ability to escape?"
At this time, the "Golden Horn" on one side suddenly asked.
"will not."
"The air and sky warships previously surrounded the entire area, and Split Kiss may not be able to leap out of space within this range, not to mention them."
"Now that the fixed void range of the air and sky warships has been reduced so much, it is even less possible for them to leave in space."
"Steel Giant" Edwin said without hesitation.
"I took a look before, and there are about hundreds of thousands of aliens that can exchange credit for us."
"Let's seize the opportunity to kill more, so that we can exchange for more dark energy beads after the war."
"Strong is the key."
"With those wise and civilized characters, now that there is no kiss to contain the flame bats, they must support another existence that can counter the flame bats."
"At least it will be you or me, or some other old guys, it depends on our luck."
"Golden Horn" was also faintly excited, and the sharp horn on the giant skull was even more golden.
I want to say something. After the "Steel Giant" discovered that the space battlefield had suddenly disappeared, he was excited while sending out a spiritual message, but he rushed forward.
Not only him, but the super alien beasts headed by him and the "flaming bat" and "Golden Horn", everyone reacted very keenly, and they rushed up almost at the same time.
Behind them, the army of alien beasts concealed from different directions like a tide.
After taking a long breath, the leader Coverdale who saw this scene in the main ship, after a long time of fear, finally calmed down.
A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, but when he was about to say something, his smile suddenly stiffened.
The alien army shrunk into a ball of meat, as if they hadn't seen the army of alien beasts rushing from all directions, and they didn't even move.
But among the huge aliens wandering outside them, violent energy fluctuations suddenly broke out.
The six "Kiss Kiss Alien" gathered together, under their unreserved crazy energy output, even if the entire area is reinforced by millions of "air and sky warships" in a special way, they still have success. Thousands of black lightning gushed out from before them, concentrated in one direction and spread.
"All warships fire, don't care about our strange beasts."
"They want to go to the cities through the wormhole!"
At this time, the intelligent creatures belonging to different civilizations among the warships almost understood what the alien wanted to do, and the altered voice of the "Berkeley Star General" who had just obtained the command of this war sounded among all the warships.
It’s just that it’s too late, even if all the warships resolutely implemented the orders of the "Berkeley Star General" and began to fire fiercely at the area where the alien is located, even ignoring that more alien beasts belonging to the alliance are covered by firepower. range.
Spectacular clusters of black lightning, gathered together and quickly spread in the same direction.
The warships or the alien beasts that blocked the "wormhole" were torn to pieces by these space rifts in an instant.
And as the six "Kiss Kiss Alien" suddenly rushed forward with an army of aliens, more invisible "space bombs" exploded one after another, and one by one blooming "black holes" would try to fill the blank area around the aliens. The beast swallowed.
All of this happened between lightning and flint.
Obviously, the "space ability" was used to the extreme, and the position was cleared by the constantly moving "space battlefield". With the space rifts and the "space bombs", the alien army approached the huge whirlpool almost without any influence. "Wormhole".
Silently, a blazing flame was like a star suddenly exploding, and the extreme light reflected the entire area.
I don't know when it approached the front of the alien army. The body of the "flaming bat" did not change, but the flames that had been vomiting on the body's surface had expanded thousands of times.
These blazing flames have not yet encountered the aliens, but they have swallowed many alien beasts.
Those different beasts that belonged to the same alliance, they had no time to dodge, they were swallowed by the flames outside of the fast-moving "flaming bat".
The swallowed alien beasts, no matter how big or small or strong or weak, turned into ashes in an instant.
Not to mention being swallowed, the alien beasts that are closer to the flames burned up in an instant.
As long as it was a burning alien beast, almost none of them survived, and they all turned into fly ash in an instant to a few seconds.
In this scene, the "Golden Horn" and other strange beasts that were attacking with the "flaming bat" appeared stagnant for a while.
Afterwards, they originally wanted to block the "wormhole" with the "flaming bats", but they changed directions and rushed towards the left and right sides of the alien army.
"It must be blocked!"
Seeing that the "flaming bat" was about to stand in front of the "wormhole", Coverdale held his fists nervously and roared in his heart.
If there is still time to communicate with the "flaming bat" spirit, then he will definitely tell the "flaming bat" that if it can prevent the alien army from entering the "wormhole", the alliance will never mind giving it more after the war The "dark energy beads".
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