Chapter 3124: Not just them

"This is not the way to go."
"They are too mobile. We will never be able to catch up and successfully contain the aliens before the aliens that parasitize the kisses have exhausted their energy."
He has already returned to the core star field "Frigg Galaxy", in the alliance capital star circle "Can Star House", looking at the intelligence information just received on the light screen, the alliance leader Coverdale said in a deep voice.
However, in the huge "House of Representatives" conference room, none of the intelligent creatures of different forms responded to him.
Even in the corner of the "meeting room", a "Soduoman" wearing an "ecological suit" looked at the shocking information on the light screen, and couldn't help taking out his private light screen and sending a secret message. .
Only a few seconds later, "Suo Duo Ren" did not follow the assistant in the meeting room and responded to him.
"The Capital Circle is relatively safe."
"There are more than hundreds of thousands of space traps in the capital star circle. Once the alien army comes into contact with these space traps, it will trigger a terrifying space storm, and even they will suffer heavy losses."
"In addition, almost every terrestrial rocky planet in the capital circle has planetary energy weapons."
"Just before I received the news that 50% of the Alliance fleet is chasing aliens outside, and the remaining 50% of the fleet is almost concentrated in the core star field."
"Also, hundreds of super alien animals headed by the flame bats have been summoned back, and they are now near the capital star circle."
"Let me tell you this, Alien's best not to come to the capital star circle, once they arrive, there is no chance of escape."
Seeing the information flashing on the light screen, "Suo Duo Ren" finally let go.
Turning off his private light screen, he raised his head and looked at the leader with solemn eyes.
"We missed the best opportunity to let the alien escape to the star field we controlled."
"At that time, we ourselves didn't realize how much trouble this would be, but we were just worried that the emperor's messenger would be furious and anger us."
"Now that the emperor's messenger has not appeared, perhaps in his opinion the war is not over, and we have not failed."
"It's okay for the league to catch fire everywhere, and I admit that we are exhausted."
"In any case, we can't let the aliens go."
"The Berkeley star will come up with a bold idea. Since the aliens seem to want to hit the capital circle, then we simply let them succeed."
"The pursuit can't be stopped, we have to give the alien a feeling of being exhausted."
"At the same time, we gather all our forces to ambush in the capital star circle."
"At that time, if the alien army suddenly invades the capital star circle, then we have a high chance of trapping them."
"This plan is the best plan that General Berwick can think of now."
"And more than half of the 19 stars in the Alliance will agree. Now, I want to ask your opinions."
Perhaps no one responded is the best response. After waiting patiently for a long time and no one spoke, the leader Coverdale spoke slowly.
"Is it just the Capital Star Circle?"
At this time, a "Quiya man" with a long trunk and vertical eyes stood up.
Perhaps because he was wearing a helmet, his voice was muffled.
"Yes, just the capital star circle."
"Because we have to bring more forces together, if the scope is too large, it is meaningless."
Leader Coverdale nodded in response.
"What about outside the capital star circle?"
"Outside the capital star circle, dozens of star systems are inhabited by more than 60% of the alliance's intelligent races, and the population has reached hundreds of billions."
"Aliens are not stupid. Even if they really want to invade and attack the capital circle, they will definitely deliberately kill outside the capital circle to test our reaction."
"If this is the case, we don't care?"
"Hundreds of billions of coalition members, do we sit and watch the life planets they live in are destroyed one by one? Just watch them being killed by aliens?"
"Who dares to make such a decision? Who will bear such a loss?"
The "Quiya man" shook his long nose habitually, and asked in a muffled voice.
"Let’s not talk about the damage and blows the alien civilization will cause us. If we fail and let them go, the emperor’s envoy will be angry, what do you say he will do?
"If you fail, there is no need for the Frigg Alliance to exist."
"These words are the original words of the emperor's messenger."
"Who will tell me what does he mean?"
The leader Coverdale responded to the "Quiyas" unhappily.
As soon as he said this, the "Quiya Man" opened his mouth, but finally sat down in despair.
Compared with the alien beast civilizations under the alliance, their intelligent races have a deeper awe of the "Emperor's Messenger".
Although he doesn't know what the "Emperor's Messenger" can do to destroy a powerful alliance civilization, since he has said so, the intelligent races under the "Frigg Alliance" have no doubt that he has this ability.
"I remember, the alien civilizations we have come into contact with are not just the aliens that we imprisoned on Org star dominate them?"
Suddenly, a "Panceman" stood up, his bald head was covered with wrinkled questions.
"Not just them, there are other galaxies."
"The Mangla civilization of the Dawn civilization that we were about to absorb, these two technological civilizations no longer exist."
"Alien civilization has completely occupied the star field they originally controlled."
"We don't know how many aliens there are in that galaxy now."
"But according to our judgment, it is at least billions to tens of billions."
Although I didn't want to face this problem, evasion did not solve any problems. Leader Coffdale still told the truth.
A burst of exclamation sounded in the conference room.
After a few seconds, the huge conference room suddenly became noisy.
"Dozens or tens of billions? How could such a thing happen."
"Whose decision is this, let a parasitic race that is enough to threaten the Alliance to develop under our noses?"
"Now it's just hundreds of millions of aliens, which has driven us to a desperate situation. Now there are tens of billions more. How can we fight this battle?"
"I would also like to know, how did this figure come from?"
Intelligent creatures of different races screamed excitedly one by one, and this even included the "Friggs".
"be quiet."
After waiting patiently for a long while, seeing that they were getting more excited as they talked, and there was no sign of quieting down at all, the leader Coverdale could not help but patted the table heavily and stood up and said loudly.
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