Chapter 30: Fierce fight

With a sturdy body lying in a grass near the river, the mutant green python is obviously still the same as before, and likes to bask in the sun.
The surrounding sturdy wooden trees were torn apart by the waist. Obviously, their existence blocked the rare open space sunlight, and they should have been poisoned by the mutant green python.
After watching it for a long while, in the alien's unique look, there are no other huge mutant creatures nearby that may be threatening. Yunhai issued spiritual orders to all the aliens who had been preparing for a long time.
The speed was not fast, and the aliens sneaked past the open space where the mutant green python was located from the grass.
The upper body was suddenly raised, and all the abnormal shapes were three to four hundred meters away from the mutant blue python, which had obviously been discovered by it.
A sharp neighing whistle sounded like a siren, and the upper body of the mutant green python bowed back slightly, and immediately like a huge arrow from the string, the huge body suddenly jumped forward, facing the alien frontally.
All the messengers were scattered among the grass for the first time, and they didn't know how they communicated, as if it was due to the nature of genes. The three guard aliens hurriedly faced the green python, and simultaneously opened their formation.
The Lynx Alien is on the left, the Tiger Armor Alien is on the right, and the Porcupine Alien, whose speed is not the advantage, ran to the front in the middle.
The three guards are alien, forming a dashing triangle.
After rushing out several tens of meters, the huge tail of the mutant green python lifted up and slammed on the ground on the side.
Amid the huge roar, a huge pothole appeared on the ground, and a messenger who was burrowing a hole below in an attempt to ambush, couldn't avoid it, and the skull was directly smashed by this huge blow.
The snake kisses wide, the venom on the fangs sticks, and the mutant green python's blow works, and it is even more excited.
On one side are bloodthirsty and violent alien creatures, and on the other side are powerful beasts that mutate on the earth. The distance between the two sides of the rapid charge is still tens of meters, but they have already launched attacks in an instant.
The dark bone spurs ejected from the Porcupine Alien, but there was no piercing and sharp sonic boom as imagined. A dozen bone spurs went out silently, as fast as lightning.
The mutant green python didn't expect this trick. The huge body that was swimming quickly had no time to avoid it, and the excellent combat sense appeared. The high head sank suddenly, almost hitting the ground heavily.
However, he still didn't avoid it. The crit of the bone spurs sounded like they hit an iron plate. The sharp bone spurs were bounced off by the hard scale armor of the green python's body. Small holes appeared, and scarlet blood emerged.
The mutant blue python was furious, and the snake kisses wide. On the sharp fangs, two green venoms sprayed out like a high-pressure water gun, and the porcupine body was poured over its head and face. .
With a body of about two meters, after the porcupine alien attack, the speed of the Bobcat alien increased sharply, the hind limbs snapped straight, and the body shot out.
The harsh friction sounded, like a dagger slashing through the iron plate, the lynx's special-shaped sharp claws were caught on the mutant blue python, and the long and powerful tailbone made a sting on its forehead in an instant.
Cracks appeared in the scales on the body surface. Although the mutant blue python's skin and flesh were not completely scratched, the tail tip was also bounced by its hard skull. Repeated attacks still caused the mutant blue python to fall into a frenzy of rage. Among.
The violent wind blows, the mud is flying, the mutant green python's thick body swings, the giant tail brings a violent wind, and the lynx that has just passed by the body is swept away.
A violent collision sounded, and without any damage from the venom, the porcupine alien slammed into the mutant green python.
It was actually lost to the power of the mutant blue python, and the porcupine's alien and sharp fangs couldn't turn it over, and he was knocked into flight.
The snake core stretched, and the mutant green python made a painful hiss.
Although it hit the porcupine alien, its relatively soft abdomen was insidiously stabbed by the porcupine alien with the tip of its tail. The pain was severe and the blood surged.
He lifted his upper body slightly, and then hurriedly shot, the mutant green python's blood basin bit into the porcupine alien who just got up, and the huge fangs stabled down like a sharp sword.
With a loud "peng" sound, it seemed to bite the porcupine alien, but the mutant green python suddenly leaned over, the huge triangle snake head avoided the lynx alien pointed claws that flashed again, and slammed into the side. Assaulted the tiger armor alien body in its lower jaw.
The huge body was directly smashed into the soil, the tiger armor alien form withstood the power of the mutant green python, but the soft soil was not good.
Embedding the opponent into the ground, the exposed sharp teeth of the mutant blue python slammed on the back of the tiger armor. With a "clang" sound, sparks splashed all over, and the tiger armor was smashed into the ground for a few minutes.
I only felt that my lips were numb, his sharp teeth almost broke, and coupled with the violent impact just now, there was only a hunting instinct, and the mutant blue python, whose head was not so bright, was dizzy for a while.
The mutant green python is about to vomit blood.
If it can speak, it must be swearing.
Intuitively, the danger brought by the tiger armor's alien shape is even greater than that of the other two similar but different monsters.
So it seemed to ignore the tiger armor alien form, but when it suddenly accelerated and rushed to its side, it launched a brazen attack for the first time.
Even if it was a stone, the mutant green python felt that he could break it apart, but he just smashed the tiger armor into the ground.
I had never thought that any creature would have such a hard carapace. I only felt that his fangs were loose. The mutant blue python had a frenzied hair, and the huge kiss slammed into it, and he simply wanted to bite the tiger armor into his mouth.
The tail swayed and pulled the lynx alien, but it still caught blood on the ventral side. It was hot and painful, and frightened and angry. Not waiting for the mutant green python to probe down, six pairs of tiger-shell alien arthropods were on the ground. Flick, flicked like a giant flea.
The sharp palate teeth like a sickle were united in mid-air. The tiger-shell alien clamped the mutant green python with a huge kiss. The limbs were hooked on the edge of the wound. The body turned in mid-air and hugged it firmly after turning over. Its lower jaw.
The six arthropods clung to the triangular head of the mutant blue python, the mutant tiger armor made a burst of excitement, the tailbone pressed against the abdomen of the giant python, and the curved blade-like tail tip was just like the needle of a sewing machine. I didn’t know that the mutant blue python’s jaw was pierced in an instant. How many holes.
The huge body rolled upside down, and the painful mutant green python curled up the lynx alien who was rushing towards it. With a swing of her body, the porcupine alien slammed away, and immediately rolled violently on the ground.
The mud is flying, the ground is falling apart and the mountains are cracking, the violent mutant green python, sturdy body drives a gust of wind.
This momentum alone was enough to make Yunhai's scalp numb with a strong crossbow in the distance and unable to penetrate.
The terrible bone cracking sounded, the tiger armor alien was okay, the Lynx alien obviously couldn't hold it, and the limbs and skull exposed outside the snake's body were convulsed like electricity.
The tiger armor alien looks okay. The six arthropods are tighter than the worms holding the face. The huge palatal teeth clamp the mutant blue python fangs, and the tail sharp thorns, even if it is pressed under the body, it does not stop for a while. attack.
There was a sharp sound of breaking through the air, and a weird crocodile lizard had just been swept away from the tail, but the mutant green python did not expect that the crocodile lizard's alien nest teeth suddenly popped out in an instant.
Just like the long tongue of the crocodile lizard when it catches mosquitoes, it is covered with scales. The slender crocodile lizard’s profiled internal nest teeth are almost as long as its tailbone. Under the violent force of it, It hit a round hole directly in the lower abdomen of the mutant green python.
More messengers in the grass rushed out quickly. When the porcupine alien who had seized the opportunity rushed over and turned the top of the green python over, more than a dozen messengers rushed away, sharp claws and tailbone, even bowed their heads. The inner nest tooth completely submerged the green python.
Painful neighs resounded over the riverside clearing, and the huge body rolled violently, and the mutant green python threw away the aliens, but was instantly submerged.
I don't know what fear is at all, even if it is a messenger who is not good at frontal assaults, at this critical moment, none of them retreats or flees, and continues to attack continuously.
Unstoppable fear surfaced in the brain, and the mutant green python was finally afraid.
In the days of escaping from the back mountain, the mutant blue python had never encountered an opponent here, but the group of monsters in front of him completely subverted its simple perception.
The coiled bodies unfolded abruptly, and the mutant green python threw out the lynx that was almost cut off. The body swayed to throw away more messengers and rushed towards Qingjiang not far away.
The huge kiss of saliva adhesion was wide open, and the tiger armor alien tried his best to poke his lips from under the skull and slanted at the head of the mutant blue python, and the shrinking inner nest teeth burst out immediately.
With a "puff", a hole of flesh and blood appeared on the head of the mutant green python, with a huge momentum, causing its triangular head to lean back suddenly as if hit by a heavy sniper bullet.
The mutant blue python was in pain, and fear completely replaced anger. The threat of death caused it to erupt completely. Its speed suddenly increased, and it was only tens of meters away from the river.
Just want to start, even in the water, the mutant blue python believes that it is more advantageous. However, the desperate play style of Alien completely broke it, but only wanted to escape.
Like the sound of a bubble explosion, a bone spur pierced into the giant python's left eye like lightning, and the blood rained down, the mutant blue python's tail screamed in extreme pain, and the tail slammed, and the porcupine who was catching up was struck alienly. fly.
The huge body was rolled and shot. It was like a bullet that had ejected dozens of meters, and fell into the water along with the tiger armor alien still holding its head.
The water splashed up into the sky, and the huge body of the green python curled up into a ball, struggling to restrain the bone-attached maggot shaped tiger armor, and quickly sank to the bottom of the river.
Like dumplings, all the aliens jumped into the river one by one, even the injured lynx alien rushed in.
The tailbone swayed, the speed of the alien swimming was not slow, and it quickly chased the mutant green python.
The chaotic battle group stirred up the silt at the bottom of the river, and the river water that could not be blown up suddenly became muddy.
Standing in the distance nervously, Yunhai held his breath.
The mutant blue python is stronger than he thought. If its abdomen is as strong as the scales on its back, it is simply a killing machine made of steel.
If you just want to kill it, maybe even the Tiger Armor Alien can do it. After all, the domineering internal nest tooth ejection attack just now, if it is directly aimed at the brain instead of the upper jaw, the mutant green python is probably dead.
It's much harder to get injured and disabled to become a host than to kill it.
It was like a mutant monster hiding on the bottom of the sea raging, the river was violently churning and splashing.
In the tense sight of the sea of ​​clouds, a large number of aquatic creatures in the river flee in panic, as if their end times are coming.
There are fish that are more than half an arm long, and more are weird plankton like earthworms with strange shapes.
After boiling for more than three minutes, the chaotic river finally calmed down.
A messenger ran from the grass to Yunhai's side, the heteromorphic oval leaf leaf that he was holding tightly opened, and the worm crawled out excitedly, and couldn't wait to follow it into the water.
Seeing it flicking tentacles like an octopus swimming towards the muddy riverbed, Yunhai wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and heaved a sigh of relief.
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