Chapter 3149: Decide

The tranquility of the "Cracked Kiss Alien" does not come from the seven billion aliens, nor is it a powerful "master", let alone the hundreds of billions of "face-holding bugs" that have been collected by the sea of ​​clouds.
It’s just a pure belief that the
alien civilization
will win, and the violent and cruel
kiss-splitting alien
can be performed in battle. When it sees the
alien civilization
developing healthily and firmly, its heart is Peace and tranquility as always.
Perhaps more aliens are like it. They don’t have too much thought, just like more civilizations who have been exposed to aliens. They were born purely for fighting and killing. Perhaps too long peace will make them boring. , Anxious, but in the tranquility before the final war, they are all calm and peaceful.
Of course, nothing is absolute.
At least, Yunhai is not like this.
Without the outstanding wise men of the "Wisdom Races" in the "Alien Alliance" around him, he simply relied on his own wisdom to face everything. It was impossible for him to be as calm and peaceful as other aliens.
He didn't fall on any planet, but quietly suspended in the star field near the center of the star system. He seemed to be sleeping, but his mental power was centered on the body, extending as far as possible to the limit position he could reach. .
Some things can be tricked, and some things can be tricky, but the real war is still to be done with real swords and guns at all times.
"Frigg League", they must have discovered that he took the alien to occupy this "star system".
According to Yunhai's predictions, the "Frigg Alliance" will definitely bring troops to kill.
This is inevitable, no matter which civilization it is, it will definitely do so.
The longer the battle drags on, the worse the situation will be for the "Frigg Alliance". Yunhai has given them a chance, how could they not seize it.
"Do you think seven billion aliens are better, or 700 million or a smaller number but more powerful aliens?"
Suddenly, Yunhai made a mental communication with the "Kiss Kiss Alien" beside him.
"Seven billion? Seven billion?"
"Cracked Kiss Alien" responded to Yun Hai in a daze.
It was immediately reflected that it did not have a clear understanding of the numbers, and Yunhai immediately passed the seven billion aliens and 700 million aliens to the "Splitting Kiss Alien" in a graphical mode in the spiritual communication.
"The number doesn't matter, seven billion or more aliens, we can easily have them."
"Cracked Kiss Alien" thought for a while, and then said to Yunhai in a spiritual exchange.
"It's the same reason."
Yun Hai nodded.
"Wait a moment if the Frege Alliance army comes over, don't care about other things, and leave through the wormhole immediately."
"You can't stay after passing through the wormhole. You must immediately take the three thin-toothed alien space jumps and leave. You can go as far as you can."
"In this process, you don't care about what I'm doing, you can't have the slightest hesitation or pause."
"do you understand?"
After thinking for a while, Yunhai said to "Kiss Kiss Alien" in the spirit exchange.
In the mental senses, the three "fine-toothed aliens" had flown to her side, and the "splitting kiss aliens" responded without hesitation.
Although there is still a hint of doubt in my heart, I originally wanted to ask why the "master" had to leave by himself when he needed to fight on his own, and also brought the "spintooth alien" that may play a key role, but I clearly felt When it came to the firmness of the "dominant", and his spiritual message just now was an order rather than an inquiry, "Kiss Kiss Alien" naturally chose absolute obedience.
"Will it be a pity!"
Although the decision had been made in his heart, Yun Hai was still a little bit reluctant in his heart.
Seven billion aliens, and they are still fused with aliens evolved by the "black water creatures". Their combat power is almost comparable to the tens of billions of aliens previously owned by Yunhai.
Thinking that they might only survive one-tenth or even less, it is absolutely false to say that they are not distressed at all.
"Forget it, it's all already decided, so I don't want mother-in-law."
"Seven billion aliens, if they can be buried with the absolute main force of the Frege Alliance, that's enough."
The perseverance and hesitation just disappeared, Yun Hai immediately thought firmly in his heart.
"Everything is ready, just waiting for you."
Attention was focused on the star system and the "interstellar medium region" farther away, and the sea of ​​clouds waited patiently.
"Is the news true?"
Just walked into the meeting room, "Leader" Coverdale, who was full of "buzzing" comments, asked in a low voice to the oncoming staff.
"I have obtained the first-hand information."
As the staff member raised his wrist, a stereo projection image was projected on the watch.
During the projection, a large shadow in the dark universe quickly approached.
When the alien form reflected by the light can be clearly seen in the picture, the picture disappears afterwards.
"This was recorded by a detection device at the attack base on the second planet of the Ries star system."
"After that, there have been more images confirming this, and according to the images recorded by more probes in the star system, after the aliens occupied the Rees star system, they did not leave, and they looked like they were in Rees. Nests are being built on different planets in the star system."
Following in the footsteps of "Leader" Coverdale, the staff said in a low voice at the same time.
Nodded, "Leader" Coverdale didn't say much, but went directly to the "Leader's Platform."
Standing on a high place, he began to look around in the meeting room.
The previous "buzzing" discussion gradually calmed down as "Leader" Coverdale looked around.
"Everyone already knows the matter."
"Facts once again proved that no matter how good a plan is, it cannot keep up with changes."
"Aliens occupy the Rees star system. This is the first time that alien civilization has completely occupied a star system."
"Now, the first problem we have to solve is to figure out whether they are nesting in the Rees star system?"
Standing straight, "Leader" Coverdale said unhurriedly.
At this time, his formidable light swept aside the raised hand of a certain staff member.
Believe that there is nothing important, and he will not interrupt himself at this time, "Leader" Coverdale said loudly.
"This is the news just received."
The staff member didn't waste time either, talking and then working on the workbench.
At the center of the conference room, a huge stereo projection image appeared.
It was still the background of the universe, and after the screen was slightly shaken, the camera quickly moved forward.
When a large meteorite belt appeared in the picture, some shadows suddenly moved in the meteorite belt.
Just like the image Coverdale saw before, when an alien appeared in the lens and quickly approached, the image suddenly disappeared.
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