Chapter 3150: Seed retention plan

"This set of pictures just now was recorded by the reconnaissance ship we sent."
"Obviously, alien civilizations have not left there, they are still in the Rees star system."
Looking at the information prompt displayed on the desktop light screen, the voice of "Leader" Coverdale rang in the silent conference room.
"Why do they do this?" Hey, one paragraph is missing! Like it, please collect it: ( Zhaishuyuan has the fastest update speed.
"Now they have occupied a star system. If they are really nesting, it doesn't make sense."
I don't know who said suspiciously. Damn, another paragraph is missing! Zhaishuyuan, the fastest update of the latest chapters!
"They do this, there must be their conspiracy."
"I suspect this is a trap. They just want to tell the Alliance that our aliens are in the Rees star system. Don't you always want to encircle us and start fighting, then come over."
Someone stood up and analyzed rationally.
His statement was approved by most people. Day, I can’t watch it and I’m missing a paragraph! Remember for a second, Zhaishuyuan (
"But this is considered a conspiracy of alien civilization, and we have to face it, isn't it?"
"Leader" Coverdale's wry laugh sounded.
As soon as he said this, almost half of the people in the conference room understood what he meant.
The rest of the people also reacted quickly.
"As of the last meeting, another thirteen alien animal civilizations were destroyed by aliens."
"Although we have issued an order to move more alien animal civilizations to the core star field, this is not so easy. There are still more than 30 alien animal civilizations that have not yet migrated."
"We now know where the alien civilizations are. If we don’t attack them and let them build their nests and multiply more alien parasites, then the next step they will parasitise will be more of us. These intelligent creatures."
"So, even if we know that this is a conspiracy, then we have to bite the bullet to touch it."
Retracted, "Leader" Coverdale said in a heavy tone.
"Why didn't Cooper come today?"
Suddenly, a "Hali" with a slender body and a big head stood up, but asked a seemingly inexplicable question.
"Yesterday, we received news that there have been a lot of abnormal changes in the star system where the Hanks are located."
"After investigation, Cooper leaked the confidential content of the last meeting through the special psychic communication skills of the Hanks."
"We have reason to believe that the Hanks are ready to rebel against the Alliance and leave this star field."
"Let’s not talk about how disgusting their rebellion is when it’s a critical moment. What’s more shameless is that they only intend to evacuate some high-levels and elites of the Hank tribe, but they intend to disregard more people."
"Now, we have stopped this behavior."
"We are all imprisoned for the Hanks who may have known the confidential information."
"Including Cooper, we did not execute him, but put him in a cell under the House of Representatives."
"Until this war is over, it is impossible for everyone to see Cooper again."
It was not because this question was mentioned too suddenly or because of the so-called so-called, "leader" Coverdale still made a positive response.
Whether it was true or not, since the "leader" said so, the "Hali" who had a good relationship with Cooper sat down and said nothing, and the others didn't bother with this issue anymore.
Ning killed the wrong, not let it go.
Everyone understands this truth.
Now is an unprecedented crisis moment for the Alliance. The defection of a civilization may trigger a chain reaction like an avalanche. In that case, the "Frigg Alliance" does not even need aliens to defeat it, and it may collapse by itself.
"In fact, just now, I have already got the opinions given by the military."
"All our star generals agree, that is, even if this is an alien conspiracy, we have to face it."
"But this matter involves the life and death of the alliance. Everyone here is a member of the alliance, so I still have to ask for your opinions."
"Next, start the voting session."
"Agree to take the initiative to attack, or evade reality and oppose the attack, everyone thinks about it before voting."
After saying this solemnly, "Leader" Coverdale gave time for everyone to consider, and then sat down.
However, he was not idle either, instead he opened his specially encrypted communication network and browsed.
Seeing the big characters "Plant Retention", "Leader" Coverdale didn't know what it was like.
He just openly reprimanded the "Hanke" for being disgusting and shameless, but he himself was not like that.
Relying on the "Frigg Civilization" has always been strong, they have moved most of the people to the "Capital Circle" if they were already overcrowded.
But in doing so, the "leader" Coverdale or his people still feel insecure.
"Plant retention plan", when they formulated this plan earlier, they thought that this plan would never have time to be implemented.
But now, the "seed retention plan" was actually implemented at the end of the last meeting.
Those outstanding talents in "Frigg Civilization", elites in different fields, including some indispensable special characters, have now been assembled.
After collecting and bringing enough supplies, the "civilized fire" escorted by the two best fleets will quietly leave the "capital circle" and head to the future universe.
Looking at the material collection progress displayed on the light screen, "Leader" Coverdale opened another folder.
The real-time connection update was done through a specially encrypted network, and watching those familiar or unfamiliar names lit up one by one, "Leader" Coverdale felt uncomfortable for a while.
The names that have been lit are all tribesmen who participated in the "Plant Retention".
However, the total number of people on the entire list is no more than a million, which is not even a fraction of the total population of the "Frigg Civilization".
Maybe they still have the ability to take more people away, but considering the possible pursuit of "Alien Civilization", the smaller the number of people, warships and transport ships, the more concealed it will be, including the consumption of materials in the future. This is also "Fry A decision made cautiously by the senior management of "Ge Wenming" after discussion.
Soon, "Leader" Coverdale saw his familiar name.
Confirming that his dearest relatives had arrived at the assembly area except for the one who stayed in the "House" to accompany his lover. He closed all documents and cleared the visit records and traces. "Leader" Coverdale looked up The voting result.
The result was not beyond his expectation. "Leader" Coverdale stood up and waved his hand habitually. He said loudly: "Convey the orders of the House of Representatives, deploy all forces, and prepare to attack the Rees star system."
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