Chapter 3184: Win

" general."
"We have received sixteen audio information files, and more of the same audio information files are still being passed on."
No matter how stupid he was, he could react to what happened. The crew in charge of information communication did not even need to confirm what these same audio information files represented, but he looked at "Star General" McCarthy in shock.
"The source of the information, is it transmitted in the form of space broadcasting?"
With the last hope in his heart, McCarthy asked in a trembling voice.
He lowered his head and confirmed it once on the console. The crew looked at McCarthy and replied: "Yes, it is delivered in the form of space broadcasting within the area."
"Shameless conspiracy!"
Gritting his teeth and cursing, McCarthy knew it was not the time to be angry.
"Deliver my orders to all fleets and warships, including the Capital Circle."
"Regardless of whether you have received these same audio information files, please believe that this is just a conspiracy of alien civilization."
"The shameless alien master, it just wants to break the alliance in this way."
"Please believe that we will be able to win this war, and don't get confused by the conspiracy of Alien Domination."
"If we are now torn apart, waiting for us is only destruction."
"Alien civilizations with powerful maneuverability, no matter where we are scattered and fleeing, they will eventually catch up with us, completely eradicating us one by one."
"Only when we are united can we defeat alien civilization."
"As long as we stand firmly together forever, the alliance will never fail!"
With full emotion, McCarthy said loudly in an excited tone.
After finishing his "performance", the "Star General" looked at the crew not far away.
Nodding to indicate that he had been recorded, the crew member saw McCarthy waving his hand, and then the recorded information was quickly transmitted.
"Is he just trying to provoke us?"
It was like a balloon that had been punctured, and the fullness of emotion just now was completely discouraged, McCarthy murmured to himself.
"It's not necessary."
"Because alien civilization does not use any conspiracy and tricks, we are all set to lose."
Berkeley's voice rang in the main control room.
"Why does the alien master do this?"
"Leader" Fren took the conversation and asked in a deep voice.
"You see the problem complicated."
"In fact, the purpose of Alien Domination is very simple, and it has been expressed very clearly."
Berkeley said lightly.
"It is really to find the alien beast civilization under the alliance? Looking for those super alien beasts?"
McCarthy reacted immediately.
"It was like that."
"For Alien Civilization or Alien Masters, everything the Alliance has, regardless of population or technology, regardless of resources or controlled star regions, combined can't compare to those alien beasts and super alien beasts."
Berkeley affirmed McCarthy's judgment.
"What's the response?"
Without talking to Berkeley anymore, McCarthy walked to the side of the console and asked a young crew member.
"Almost all the fleet responded and they are still on standby."
"There are three fleets that haven't responded. It may be due to energy interference. I expect to receive their response messages soon."
The crew responded with some excitement to McCarthy.
"The forward position is about to be defeated."
"If alien civilizations don't seem to want to wipe out our fleet, they may have broken through the defense line and rushed over."
At this moment, a crew member next to him suddenly interjected nervously.
"Notify all fleets, including all alien beast civilizations that can be contacted, and don't forget the super alien beasts."
"Let them all go to the Leyz star system."
Looking at the real-time three-dimensional combat projection image, looking at the green light spots representing the battleships that have been separated by aliens and are about to be submerged, McCarthy sighed in his heart and then gave orders.
"Will those alien beast civilizations and super alien beasts listen?"
"Didn't we have determined that most alien animal civilizations have begun their migration?"
"Leader" Fren couldn't resist the doubt in his heart and couldn't help asking.
"They will come."
"By the way, tell those alien beast civilizations and super alien beasts that the Alliance still has thousands of dark energy beads."
"If they are willing to participate in the final battle, we will distribute these dark energy beads to them before the battle."
"Even if they still want to leave after obtaining the Dark Energy Orb, then they only need to do their best to cooperate with the retreat of our intelligent race."
"We will not require them to participate in the war with alien civilizations."
While explaining to the "leader", McCarthy also completed the order.
The huge main ship trembled slightly because of the start of a large number of engines.
At the same time, more warships around the main ship also started their engines and began to accelerate slowly.
"Dark energy beads in the Leyz star system?"
At this time, Berkeley's voice rang in the main control room.
"do not know."
"Only the leader knows this question."
McCarthy shook his head.
"Then why choose the Leyz star system?"
Berkeley asked strangely.
"Because the Ryze Star System is the last choice of the alliance, if we can't defeat the alien civilization there, then the alliance really doesn't need to exist anymore."
McCarthy's tone is complicated.
"What's in the Ryze star system?"
Berkeley asked again immediately.
After hesitating, McCarthy did not respond directly to Berkeley, but casually said: "Soon, you will know."
Perhaps knowing that there would be no answer to any questions he asked, Berkeley fell silent.
In this way, after McCarthy's fleet accelerated for a certain distance, a space jump disappeared.
At the same time, the war on the forward positions also ended.
The battlefield unfolds in the interstellar medium region between the star systems, and the vast void is full of fragments of warships.
In the spiritual senses of Yunhai, some battleship wrecks explode from time to time.
Countless aliens are still searching for the lucky ones that may exist on the huge battlefield.
With their keen perception, even if there were some people surviving in the wreckage of certain warships, they could not escape their spiritual senses, and they were found and killed one by one.
Spiritual power swept the entire battlefield, and Yunhai himself couldn't judge how many fleets and how many warships the "Frigg Alliance" dispatched.
But it didn't matter. He had anticipated the outcome before the war started, but he didn't care about it at all.
A complete victory, this was the first real war between Alien Civilization and "Frigg Civilization". Three billion extraordinary Aliens won the victory with their sturdy attacks.
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