Chapter 3204: Venus civilization

The target star field was determined. During the period of caution, it was obvious that two space jumps could be reached, and the sea of ​​clouds took four full times.
And the last time he deliberately appeared far away from the target star field, and then rushed past with the alien in a regular flight.
Unsurprisingly, as he approached the star field, Yunhai discovered some creations of "technological civilization".
The first to appear was a silent probe, perhaps just like the Voyager 1 probe launched by
Earth Human Civilization
in the solar system. This probe does not know how long it has been wandering in the universe. It has long since been scrapped, but it continues to fly by inertia.
Yunhai didn't study the detector carefully. His mental power found out with a glance. This detector was at best made by "first-class scientific and technological civilization."
Not long after flying, Yunhai ran into another spaceship.
This spacecraft gave him a lot more information, and the sea of ​​clouds that stayed for a short time at least discovered the progress of the civilization and science and technology to which it belongs.
Obviously, technology is always improving.
Compared with the detectors previously encountered, this spacecraft is significantly higher in terms of technology and manufacturing technology by several levels.
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It's just that this spaceship has obviously encountered an unknown accident, because Yunhai discovered the existence of creatures in the spaceship.
Only two creatures in the small spaceship died in the pilot position.
They are not very big, about one meter tall.
It has a human-like body, but the surface of this organism is bald without half of the hair.
Slender arms, three fingers.
On their flat heads, there are a pair of long tentacles.
Yunhai can find their eyes, but this creature does not have obvious noses and ears. There is just a small mouth growing under a pair of extraordinarily large eyes.
They are very weak and small, regardless of wisdom, from the perspective of their body and shape, including the mental power of Yunhai's internal organs and bones, he estimated that this civilized creature is not as strong as "earth humans".
After confirming these, he didn't waste any more time, and continued to fly towards the star field where this civilization exists.
After dozens of seconds, the sea of ​​clouds stopped again.
Not far in front of him is a "star system" destroyed by violence.
It is unclear how many planets this "star system" originally had, and one or more stars.
At this time, except for a huge terrestrial rocky planet that is still intact, the entire "star system" that is captured by its gravity is still flying past, full of debris from other planets.
Including the unknown stars in the "star system", they have completely disappeared.
The largest planetary debris in the "star system" is about to catch up with the size of the "earth".
It can be said that there are fragments everywhere, and this also includes fragments of battleships.
Obviously, many years ago, a fierce war took place here.
Only advanced civilizations have the ability to fight across galaxies, and only advanced civilizations can easily destroy planets and even a "star system" in wars, including the complete disappearance of a star.
After a short observation, Yunhai came to a conclusion.
This war should be an internal war of this civilization, because the warship fragments here all use the same materials, including the craftsmanship and style of the warships.
Yunhai did not find any fragments of warships from other civilizations, including possible wrecks of alien beasts.
Of course, nothing is absolute.
Yunhai also does not rule out that a special civilization similar to "energy civilization" is the other side of the war, but this possibility is unlikely.
At least for now, he has found traces of the activities of the Star Fleet that has been very close.
"Master, what are you looking for?" Obviously, it has been enduring for a long time. "The Alien Hunter" did not understand why Yunhai would be interested in an ordinary "technological civilization", and finally couldn't bear to send out a spiritual message.
It also has a strong spiritual power, and it will carefully scan the spiritual power when it encounters an abnormality. From the perspective of the "racing raccoon alien", this "technical civilization" can't be more ordinary.
The "Frigg Alliance" may send out a warship at will, and it will be able to completely abuse this civilization.
The reason is simple. Even if this civilization is much more technologically advanced, their warships will not be able to break the energy shield of the "Frigg Alliance" warships.
"You'll know soon." Yunhai casually responded in the spiritual exchange, and then flew forward with the alien army.
"Unknown civilization, you have invaded the star field of our Venus civilization."
"No matter what your purpose is, if you move forward, we will make a strong counterattack!"
During the super-light-speed flight, a special light wave signal was transmitted.
And this light wave signal, even if it is accompanied by "dictionary information", has made Yunhai ascertain that this so-called "Venus civilization" is not high-tech.
For lower civilizations, lightwave signals are simply unimaginable fast.
But for advanced civilizations, this signal transmission method is not only too slow, but it also loses signals during ultra-long-distance transmission.
Ignoring the large number of detectors that kept passing by, the alien army, still flying faster than the speed of light, did not seem to see the thousands of warships approaching from the front, and rushed over.
Yun Hai and Alien didn't want to hide, and those thousands of warships simply had no time to hide.
They might not even be able to imagine which civilization would directly crash into a metal warship in a super-light speed flight. The panicked "Venus Civilization" fleet wanted to hide but it was too late.
The impact did not happen.
Yunhai passed the fleet with an abrupt change of direction, and flew straight to the "star system" ahead.
Even before the thousands of warships turned to catch up, Yunhai had already rushed into the "star system".
Just like more "technical civilizations", in the meteorite belt on the edge of this "star system", "Venus civilization" has placed a lot of bombs.
Yunhai just swept away with mental power and found that the power of these bombs was equivalent to the power of "nuclear fusion bombs."
Also, in the "star system", he found more "war fortresses".
Either it is completely made of metal materials, or some meteorites have been modified.
However, whether "nuclear fusion bombs" or "war fortresses", when Yunhai rushed into the "star system" with an alien army, they did not initiate an attack.
The spirit ordered the alien army to stay in the edge area of ​​the "stellar system", and Yunhai just flew into the core area of ​​the "stellar system" with the "alien generals" and "super aliens".
At this time, he also understood why this civilization was called "Venus Civilization".
Of course, the word "Venus" was also translated in a language that was easier for him to understand after he received the "dictionary information" of this civilization.
There are three living planets in this star system, and the largest living planet is golden.
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