Chapter 31: Downhill

The calm river surface was like a huge piece of glass, shimmering.
Unknown plankton swims along the shallow river bank, graciously eating the lush water plants.
A short-nose whitebait swam over quietly. It was obviously mutated to the length of an adult's arm, and its speed suddenly increased. The short-nose whitebait swallowed several black water creatures like earthworms.
Reaching out and pushing away more plankton in the shallow water area, without feeling any dangerous aura, Yunhai took off his tattered clothes and jumped into the river naked.
Let go of the unique feeling of alienation, Yunhai did not relax his vigilance, and the ghosts in the river knew that there would be very aggressive mutant creatures.
When I found the trail of the big head and the others that day, the clouds on the riverside were not ignored.
However, the water of the river is no better than the water of the lake. It is flowing. I haven't encountered any aggressive mutant creatures for a while. Yunhai estimated that they escaped with the river.
Of course, the flowing river water may bring more mutant organisms from upstream.
His body was so dirty that he hadn't even washed his face for more than ten days.
Rubbing his body is a piece of mud, Yunhai took a deep breath and dived into the water.
One minute……
five minutes……
ten minutes……
Emerging out of the water, Yunhai's face showed unconcealable joy.
The highest diving record in the past was only about two minutes.
It is not clear, just knowing that his body is completely different from before, but Yun Hai is not sure how he did it.
The whole body's pores are just like fish's gills, and they can breathe autonomously in the water. Yunhai believes that as long as he wants to, he can stay in the water forever.
While taking a bath happily, his eyes fell to the lower reaches of the river in the distance.
The fifteen-meter-long mutant green python seemed to be dead, floating up and down with the flow of the river.
Easy to kill, difficult to control.
It is obviously not an easy task to control a mutant giant python of this size. Its power alone is enough to knock the heaviest arrow hunting alien into flight.
To prevent it from waking up and being uncontrollable, Yunhai can only give it the last freedom as it did when the porcupine first parasitized.
A dozen messengers walked slowly from both sides of the river and surrounded it.
It wasn't that the mutant blue pythons escaped, but the messenger was guarding other mutant creatures to fight the autumn wind.
Sixteen mutant giant rats and more insects have appeared, apparently attracted by the smell from the wound of the mutant green python.
The mutant giant rat was easy to handle, and they were all caught by the messenger as their host just thinking about eating their flesh and blood.
The trouble is insects.
I don't know if it hasn't mutated or the mutated speed is too slow. An insect, which is only a little bigger than before, crawls towards the comatose mutant green python one after another.
Ants the size of fingernails, centipedes of ten or twenty centimeters, beetles of various shapes and so on.
At first, the number was not large, and the Alien messenger was also unscrupulous, so he ate his head, but as time passed, more insects appeared, and the Alien was too busy.
It's impossible to kill it at all. For the same size, it's good to say that ordinary mutant creatures and aliens can completely crush them.
But these insects are very small. In simple thinking, they only know that flesh and blood do not know what fear is. They are constantly rushing out of the woods and grasses, like a tide.
Even the aliens are covered with bugs, but they don't have any discomfort, and those little bugs can't help them.
Put it in the normal state, the mutant green python just stays still, these bugs can't bite it.
Now it was full of scars. Those bugs crawled in along the wounds. After a while, the huge mutant green python was almost covered by bugs.
I had to push the green python into the water, and the surging river water washed the insects clean, and finally solved the trouble.
Fortunately, mutated fish in the water have more plankton to eat, and those plankton are swallowed by water plants that grow at an amazing speed, and few aquatic creatures are interested in mutated blue pythons.
Swim in the water slowly and followed. When Yunhai's gaze fell on the lynx alien on the tiger armor alien back, the corners of her mouth twitched.
The casualties were not heavy, and the alien still paid the price in order for the worm to parasitize the mutant green python.
When the six messengers died, they were basically killed in seconds.
They were either violently strangled to death by the mutant green python on the shore, or violently strangled in the water.
The tiger armor alien carapace is fine. The hardness of its carapace once again made Yunhai amazed, but the relatively poorly defensive abdomen was bitten by the mutant green python in the water.
Fortunately, the aliens seem to be immune to toxic attacks. The tiger armor aliens have only been bitten off a few bone plates, and the injuries are not serious.
Arrow hunting aliens are not easy.
Its speed is a bit slower than that of the Lynx and Tiger Alien.
In addition to stabbing a hole in the abdomen of the mutant blue python, the bone spurs finally hit the mutant blue python's eyes, giving it a fatal blow, the porcupine alien's attack speed, and even no flexible messenger.
The forelegs were cut off by the giant tail of the mutant green python, and the porcupine alien's head was also hit. A strip-shaped pit appeared on the smooth skull, surrounded by cobweb-like fissures.
Of course, the most miserable thing is the Bobcat Alien. In fact, it can survive because of the Tiger Armor Alien.
The fifteen-meter-long mutant green python was tightened by its madness, and Yun Hai couldn't imagine how powerful it would be.
At that time, if it were not for the tiger armor alien shape to hug its triangular head, the tail tip desperately stabs its lower abdomen, and finally the mutant green python would lose the confidence to fight. Otherwise, the lynx's alien physique might be cut off.
There are almost no complete bone plates on his body. Lying on the back of the tiger armor alien, the Lynx Alien looks exceptionally weak, and green blood is constantly dripping from the cracks in the massive bone plates on his body.
Fortunately, it didn't die, but it had a powerful survivability. As long as a few days, Yunhai believed that it was another surviving alien.
The calm river surface seemed to have dropped a bomb, and the water was tumbling. The mutant green python, who had been unconscious for a long time, finally woke up, but raised his upper body, and a fierce man plunged into the river bed.
One by one, the messenger Alien began to lay the dumplings again, and the Arrow Hunter Alien jumped up several meters and slammed into the water.
The severely injured Lynx Alien was put down on the side of his back, and the Tiger Alien, still the most powerful, also rushed into the water.
Wiping his face, the sea of ​​clouds swam to the shore, took the torn clothes handed over by the messenger who ran from behind, put on the rags, and immediately followed the river.
The night sky is like washing, stars are dotted, and the moon is like a hook.
A large number of plants exude charming colors in the dark, some are flowers, some are leaves, and faint light and shadow radiate from them, like a dream.
"There are still five kilometers away from the county seat, where the permanent population is nearly 100,000, and there should be people alive."
Yunhai closed his figure and looked at the signpost hidden by the weeds by the moonlight.
It is fifty kilometers away from Yangshan.
The soil on both sides of the road is still densely covered with trees, one by one.
The asphalt pavement is pitted, many stubborn seeds have sprouted, and tender green leaves have emerged.
From time to time, there are cars, large transport vehicles, small cars, vans, and even many agricultural tricycles, parked on the road.
Some vehicles rushed down the roadbed, and a few more directly turned over. Occasionally stains of blood were seen, and they did not know what mutant creatures were attacked.
Apart from encountering some mutated voles and insects along the way, from Yangshan to the present, I don’t know if it was frightened by the alien, or for other reasons, Yunhai did not encounter any particularly powerful mutated creatures.
"set off!"
After a short pause, Yunhai Spirit gave an order, and immediately ran down the highway.
Twenty messengers in front and ten messengers in the back, running silently, like a ghost in the night.
The body length is close to ten meters, but the height is only about two meters. The green python running beside Yunhai looks like a giant python with only four limbs.
The skull is basically the same as the other aliens, except that the head of the green python alien is slightly triangular instead of a skateboard-like oval.
The bones that were originally exposed were completely wrapped in patches of blue-black scale armor. Although they didn't look as hard as the alien carapace of a tiger armor, the scale armor of a palm was as indestructible as cast from molten iron.
The tail is even more exaggerated. The hind limbs are the boundary line, extending from the abnormally-shaped vertebrae of the green python. The thick tailbone is like a black giant whip, and the curved blade at the tip of the tail is about one meter long.
With a body full of explosive power, a thick tailbone with great kinetic energy, and a metalized tail tip that is more than half a meter long, Yunhai has already seen its terrible attack power before.
The tail swayed down sharply, and the unusual-shaped tail tip of the green python swung obliquely, as if it were made of paper, and easily cut a car in half smoothly.
It was not so impressive when it was marching, the assassin-like sneaking has penetrated into the alien bones, the green python with a body length of nearly ten meters, and although not as flexible as the messenger, it still achieved a ghostly and silent march.
A truck that tipped over in the middle of the road blocked the way. The green python raised his upper body. After approaching the truck, it jumped forward like a lightning, and it flew past the truck that fell on the ground with black coal. The tail snake swam in the air without making any unusual noises, and quickly followed the sea of ​​clouds.
The tiger armor and the lynx alien did not follow, Yunhai left them by the queen.
The tiger armor alien has to take on the important task of defending the queen, while the Lynx alien, who has been hit hard, has to heal.
Including more other messengers, today they temporarily stopped capturing the host and stationed at the lair.
Leaving Yangshan and heading for the county seat, Yunhai was not a temporary intention. In fact, when he went down the mountain to hunt the mutant green python yesterday, he saw unmanned scenic spots and villages, and he wanted to explore the county seat.
The scenic spots and villages close to the mountains cannot avoid being attacked by more mutant creatures. Yunhai wants to confirm whether the county towns far away from the mountains, including the cities further away, are still relatively safe.
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