Chapter 312: torment

Yunyue really didn't know how to answer Yunhai.
These seaweeds and spheres look like the relationship between the parasite and the host, and they seem to be one at all.
The seaweed is responsible for hunting, and the ball is responsible for swallowing it, and at the same time distribute nutrients and energy to the seaweed.
Especially the latter can fuse and divide like cells.
And the most important point is that they are no longer purely relying on biological instincts to hunt and swallow, especially the unknown orb, which obviously already possesses consciousness and wisdom.
If, as Yunhai said, these cell-like spheres, like herself, are some kind of alien creatures brought by alien spacecraft.
Then the question arises, how primitive alien creatures they have to be. It has been a few months since the alien spacecraft has fallen on the earth, how can they still entrenched in this seabed.
It is important to know that the alien or extremely small number of Yunyue predecessors "parasites", they have almost been scattered in every corner of the earth.
With such a domineering "ball", if it is really an alien creature, how could it only occupy such a small area.
And looking at this situation, in the future, they will definitely continue to stay here, or be trapped here.
"First of all, we have to figure out what caused the sea area around the seaweed to resemble the Dead Sea? After all, we have also seen that the range where they can hunt is extremely limited."
After frowning and thinking hard for a long time, Yunyue asked Yunhai during the spiritual exchange without a conclusion.
"I guess it has nothing to do with them. It should be inseparable from the virus or other things that the alien spacecraft releases."
Yun Hai thought for a while and responded to Yunyue's question.
"Then the second question comes up. If the orb is a cell virus released by an alien spacecraft, there are more creatures in the ocean that can swallow them and evolve, why they refuse to leave. They have to stay here. ?"
Yun Yue immediately asked again.
"It's hard to say, it might be the beginning when they merged with seaweed. Seaweed can't move, so they are trapped here."
"There is another possibility. That is that they don't want to leave here."
Yun Hai said slowly.
"I think the first one may not be big. They can parasitize seaweed, or fuse with seaweed, then they must be able to parasitize or fuse other organisms. As long as they are willing to leave here, I think it must be simpler. "
As Yunyue said, she subconsciously looked towards the deep sea in the seaweed that was invisible and could not be detected by mental power.
"In this way, they don't want to leave. Let them stay here and hunt them inefficiently, attracting them to stay must be very important things."
Yun Hai murmured, his gaze and Yun Yue looked at the same place.
At this point in the discussion, the answer is ready.
It must be an alien spacecraft that can make the unknown "ball" stay here and refuse to leave.
"It should have no interest in the alien spacecraft itself in theory, so it can only be attracted by something inside the spacecraft."
"They definitely haven't got this thing yet, otherwise they won't stay here forever."
"That said. No matter what they want, that thing still exists in the alien spacecraft."
As Yun Hai spoke, his eyes became clearer.
"But I can't get in. What can we do."
Yunyue sighed.
It is indeed impossible to get in. Judging from the current situation, if the alien spacecraft's fall point cannot be accurately located, then even if all the alien lives are caught, the target may not be found.
"Under the sea, more!"
Looking down at the dark seabed, Yun Yue gave a rare wry smile.
Yun Hai naturally knew what she was talking about.
He has already seen the bottom of the sea, and now there are relatively few seaweeds at this depth of no more than half a height.
If you dive to the bottom of the sea. There are more seaweeds that have not yet grown, and they give the feeling of a sea of ​​clouds. It seems to be growing like a plague, if not for the large ocean area. With the footprint and growth rate of these seaweeds, they are about to catch up with a small piece of land.
"If you can't break through from above, or try to change the bottom of the sea. Alien shapes can make holes on the bottom of the deep sea. Starting from their roots, there may be some opportunities."
Yunyue came up with an idea.
"It's useless. Before we came, the Spider Alien Queen had made fifty aliens do this, and the result was that they were completely lost."
In the spiritual exchange, Yunhai rejected Yunyue's whimsical.
"It seems I can only wait."
Yun Yue's expression was unwilling.
"Originally, I didn't want to delay it. I was afraid that it might change after a while. I was thinking about finding the alien spaceship before the alien beast and alien returned. Now it seems that I can only wait."
Having said this, Yunhai raised his head and looked overhead.
"What to do? Don't just keep waiting like this?"
On Elephant Turtle Island, Karoo took the food cooked by the robot and handed it to Alice, unable to help but ask.
The food is fish soup. Although the creatures on the earth are not well understood, after many experiments, the "living robot" on the battleship can already make the most authentic and delicious fish soup.
After taking a sip, Alice, who looked very weak, gave a wry smile and said, "What else can I do? Wait a few days, and I will try again. I feel like I'm about to succeed."
"Today alone, you have repeated this sentence twice."
This sentence fluttered in Karoo's throat, but he finally swallowed it back.
The delicious fish soup is dotted with green wild vegetables, and the fragrance is tangy, but Karu feels bitter after drinking it.
The bitter is not the fish soup, but the mood.
Turning his head and glanced at the alien larva in the distance, Karu, who kept swallowing, felt that the fish soup was more bitter.
A mutated turtle with a length of 100 meters crossed the ground, and the alien larva with a body length of 30 meters was buried in the corpse of the mutated turtle, silently enjoying its exclusive meal.
One bite is a big piece of flesh and blood, even the tortoise shell as hard as iron is easily torn off by it.
The huge mutated sea turtle is shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye, and Karu doesn't know if he has an illusion. He feels that the alien larvae are also growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.
"How edible is it? The food I brought back in the past two days is enough to pile up a mountain, even the belt bones and carapace, it actually eats it. Is this really okay? It's bigger than yesterday It’s about twice as long, and if it continues to grow like this, I feel we can’t control it at all.

After drinking the fish soup with difficulty, Carew looked at Alice.
Sipping slowly, Alice said nothing.
In fact, she has nothing to say, and the joy of her heart fades as she fails again and again.
No one knows better than herself—if her previous spiritual power was as vast as the sea, after two days of suffering, the exhausted Alice felt that her spiritual power was about to become an exhausted desert.
Watching the mutated turtle's body getting smaller and smaller, the alien larva raised its head and let out a deep neigh at a distance. Although she couldn't understand what it was saying, Alice sighed in her heart and turned her head to look towards Karoo.
"You take the robot out to the sea again, it seems that it is still full..."
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