Chapter 3273: Golden partner

"It's over, our arrogance has completely ruined Saihan civilization!"
Mo Ke hadn't fully figured out the mental information of the "Alien Beast", but he had understood certain things.
The universe is more mysterious than he thought.
And this huge "different beast" was also much stronger than they expected.
This thought was Mo Ke's last thought.
That huge "different beast" comparable in size to the "frigate", it just took a dive against the energy weapons of more warships at close range, and it smashed the main ship protected by the energy shield.
Immediately afterwards, it did not give other warships a chance to think, and began to kill mercilessly.
It didn't use any energy attack means, it just relied on its own flesh and blood to rampage in the fleet.
The sharp claws can tear through steel battleships, and the huge black hole-like mouths can even bite, chew, and swallow even "assault ships".
The knot-shaped tailbone seemed to be able to explode even a planet, and the tail blade like a giant death sickle easily penetrated the hull protected by the energy shield.
Just like the mechas sent by the "Saihan Civilization" fleet, they landed on a planet of "lower civilization", and the indestructible and indestructible mechas are killing all quarters.
The collapse came earlier than everyone expected.
Without the command of the captain, the energy attack is ineffective. Even some irrational people no longer think about accidentally injuring their teammates. The "material cannon" attack at close range did not hurt the "reaper"-like "exotic animal". , The fleet completely collapsed.
More warships began to flee in all directions.
Most of them have forgotten that their escape will bring this ferocious "different beast" back to the home planet, and even the mother civilization may be destroyed, but a smooth war has never experienced such a thing. Desperate, they have already thought about so much.
Fortunately, that huge "different beast" did not continue to pursue the warship.
After destroying at least half of the warship, it finally stopped.
It opened its huge mouth, whether it was a broken battleship or fragments, including the "Saihan" in it, as if it could swallow everything and digest it, not picky eaters.
"Come out." While cleaning the battlefield, it simultaneously sent a spiritual message to the "Hawk-ring Nebula".
"Come!" Almost at the same time it sent out a spiritual message, another "exotic beast" flashed in front of it.
"I remember I said when I was sleeping, we'd better take turns to sleep, so as not to completely sleep and waste time in the past."
"Just now you said that from their battleship, it was discovered that at least six to seven thousand years have passed since we came to this nebula."
"We have wasted six to seven thousand years, what do you say?"
The huge "different beast" did not stop devouring itself, and at the same time said to another "different beast" in the spiritual communication.
"After you hibernated, I went out and searched a few times, but I didn't find anything."
"After coming back, I plan to take a short break and then wake you up. After all, you were dormant for less than half a year at that time."
"But I didn't expect that my short rest would become a complete deep sleep. If these warships hadn't appeared suddenly, maybe we would have stayed asleep forever."
The other "different beast" is also not polite. It is much smaller, but it chooses more suitable fragments to swallow it.
"If you don't rely on your spatial ability to find the master, I will kill you, and then swallow you all." The huge "alien beast" tailbone suddenly vibrated, and the "extraordinary beast" around him flew away.
The latter's hard bones split open, and the dark green blood only oozes for a while before it solidifies.
Maybe it was a loss, it didn't fight back, and didn't say anything.
The two "exotic beasts" swept through the huge war like windswept clouds.
"Where are we going now?" The huge "exotic beast" no longer entangled with the question of "sleeping", raised the huge head and asked in a dazed manner.
"Looking for the master." Another "exotic beast" flew to its side, and responded in a spiritual exchange at the same time.
"Where to find it?" the huge "exotic beast" asked again without any emotion.
After a moment of silence, the other "different beast" shook his head even more blankly.
"Why don't you ask them?" It added another sentence just after it was finished.
"It’s a waste of time, it’s meaningless. If such a low-level civilization has been in contact with our alien civilization, they would definitely not dare to come to us. Besides, if aliens have appeared around here, not to mention the master, it is the appearance of other aliens looking for a master. However, it is impossible for us to feel nothing at all." The huge "exotic beast" was a little confused.
The huge "different beast" is exactly the first "different beast" that Yunhai has ever possessed, and it is also the first "different beast host" parasitized by the "face-carrying bug".
And the smaller alien around it is just a "Void Alien".
The combat power of the "Alien Beast" does not need to be questioned, it is just that it does not have the "Space Ability", and with a "Void Alien", it is the most perfect "golden partner".
Alien is not exhausted, which refers to the physical.
Without energy, it can replenish energy by swallowing almost any matter, including stars everywhere.
But mental fatigue, even if it is alien, cannot be avoided.
Searching for the whereabouts of the "master" in the universe, even the "different beasts and aliens" who dare to fight and challenge any enemy can't stand it.
It has been dormant so many times, even "Alien Beast" himself can't remember.
Sleep when you are tired, and continue searching when you wake up.
After the disappearance of "Master", "Alien Beast Alien" almost came here.
It’s just that it’s dormant for a hundred years at most once before, but it will dormant for thousands of years like this time.
"I'm still going to ask, maybe they will get news of aliens or dominance from other civilizations." After being confused, "Void Alien" still insisted on his idea.
"Alien Beast Alien" did not refuse it anymore, nodded: "Don't waste time, we have wasted a long time."
"Void Alien" didn't talk any more, and a flicker disappeared.
Staying quietly in place, the "Alien Beast Alien" seemed to be dormant again.
Not long after, when the disappeared "Void Alien" came back, it didn't say much, but shook its head at the "Alien Beast Alien".
"Let's go, continue to the space we haven't explored yet." Such a result had been expected a long time ago, "Alien Beast Alien" said calmly.
"Can we really find the master?" This sentence circulated in the mind of "Void Alien", but it didn't say it.
I have never seen the "master", but the belief in "searching for the master" seems to have been deeply embedded in the genes, and "Void Alien" has never suspected that the "master" may no longer exist.
"Void Alien" is very clear, if he raises this question, "Alien Beast Alien" may not be as simple as attacking it, and may even kill itself.
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