Chapter 3299: Turn face

An experiment of the "Hodge Civilization" destroyed a planet of life.
And this time the experiment just kicked off.
After that time, in order to better control and strengthen their abilities, the "Hodge Civilization" almost every time they encounter a living planet and encounter the first civilization, they will use spiritual power to twist and control them and their awareness.
This kind of years, how long lasted, even "Hodge Civilization" itself has no concept.
Until one day, "Hodge Civilization" suddenly encountered a special civilization.
It was a creature that the "Hodge civilization" had never seen before, at least in the view of the "Hodge civilization" they had seen enough life forms.
"It doesn't seem right to say that they are creatures."
"It's like a cloud, their shape is very similar to ours, but not exactly the same."
"We have a luminosity that is difficult to conceal. This is also a problem that we have always been troubled by, because we are easily exposed to the eyes of other civilizations when we travel in the universe."
"But they are perfect, because they are black, if it weren't for the intense energy radiation, we would not even have noticed them."
"They have no physicality, which is the same as us."
"However, the strange thing is that we don't feel any mental power fluctuations in them."
"In order to figure out what kind of creatures they are, we started a quiet tracking."
"They have strong energy radiation, which can even deform, disintegrate, and melt a neutron star until it is swallowed by them."
"They are only interested in extremely dense celestial bodies, ordinary planets or stars, they seem to have no interest at all."
"Every time a neutron star or white dwarf star is swallowed, they are much larger."
"At first we thought we were tracking as concealed as possible without being discovered by them."
"As a result, we later learned that we were wrong. They were discovered when we appeared, but they didn't react in any way."
"Through repeated approaches and retreats, we finally determined that they did not fail to respond, but that they did not know what a response was."
"All their behavior is just instinct."
"I don't know how to describe it to you, they are like technologically civilized robots."
"This robot doesn't even have the control of the core brain, just a robot that controls its actions in accordance with mechanical and simple procedures."
"The program does not limit how they should react when they encounter other creatures, so although they sense our presence, they don't know how to react."
"After confirming that their energy radiation does not have any negative effects on us, and can even be absorbed by us, we decided to take action."
"Mental force distorts consciousness and has no effect. This is also in our expectation."
"It's like we want to destroy a picture with a pen, we can only destroy something on the paper, and they are almost a blank piece of paper."
"In the end, we made an important decision, and that was to devour them."
"We are all similar civilizations, with almost the same form."
"They get huge amounts of energy from different neutron stars and white dwarfs. This way of obtaining energy is very peculiar, but as long as this energy can be absorbed by us, the other is not important."
"The process of swallowing is smoother than we thought."
"After we started getting closer to them like never before, perhaps out of instinctual fear, they suddenly gave up a white dwarf that had been twisted and deformed and was about to split, speeding up and trying to escape."
"Of course we didn't give them this opportunity, we just swept over the past."
"That kind of wonderful feeling has never happened since then."
"Swallowing and fusion are almost completed in an instant."
"But the feeling at that moment, maybe we will never forget it in our lifetime."
"Since then, our Hodge civilization has become stronger."
"Because we no longer rely solely on mental power attacks, but also have powerful enough energy radiation attacks."
"such as…"
The long narrative of "Hodge Civilization" suddenly stopped.
In the next second, their own brighter than stars suddenly dimmed.
At the same time, the terrifying energy radiation instantly crossed time and space like a tide, directly covering the sea of ​​clouds.
"I really don't want to fight, because I am afraid that if I accidentally fight, I will actually kill you. In that case, I might lose the key clue to the complete core."
Yunhai's spiritual message spread across the entire area.
"In fact, if you switch to other civilizations, we will not take action if you help us resolve the confusion."
"But you swallowed and merged the core fragments of the Nyah civilization. Although we are not sure if you can get the core energy that has been absorbed by you, we can't just give up like that."
"Hodge Civilization" immediately responded.
While responding to spiritual exchanges, "Hodge Civilization" did not stop.
The invisible spiritual power spread, forming a cubic mental barrier in an instant, enveloping itself and the sea of ​​clouds.
At the same time, the light of "Hodge Civilization" itself is getting dimmed, while the energy radiation that is also perfectly blocked by the cube spiritual barrier is getting stronger and stronger.
This level of energy radiation is enough to disintegrate a "neutron star", not to mention a "technological civilization" metal warship.
Because the previous mental power attacks were ineffective, and they were also subjected to an instant backlash attack, the "Hodge civilization" that gave up this attack method just kept strengthening the energy radiation, trying to melt the body of the sea of ​​clouds in the shortest time. Strip out the energy.
They won't have a long time, and the "Hodge Civilization" can't be sure whether its mental barrier can prevent Yun Hai from asking for help.
Although they are special "energy civilizations", there may be an energy attack that will react violently with them, and even lead to their collapse.
The alien army outside the star system is not underestimated by the "Hodge Civilization".
Have similar body shapes, but not all the same.
The powerful spiritual power makes the spiritual senses of the "Hodge Civilization" also extremely sensitive. In those aliens, they feel different energy fluctuations.
So they don't plan to take the risk of being attacked by the alien army, but just want to dissolve their "master" before they react, swallow its energy, and then drift away.
"Do you know why I dare to enter the star system by myself?"
"Do you know why I dare to be so close to you?"
"Because I have already determined that, just as you swallow the same energy civilization with only instincts, your energy radiation can also be absorbed by me..."
Just as the "Hodge Civilization" kept increasing energy radiation, Yunhai's spiritual message appeared again.
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