Chapter 3307: Emperor and Wheel

In the center of the universe, a huge "black hole" is spinning rapidly.
If the "black hole" is a living thing, then this "black hole" is a lunatic.
If the "black hole" is a technological creation, then this "black hole" must be a logical procedural error.
Because its rotation is extremely chaotic, sometimes it rotates forward and sometimes it reverses.
It is possible that the forward rotation lasts for ten cosmic times, and the abrupt reversal of five cosmic times.
It is also possible to rotate one cosmic time forward, and suddenly reverse a dozen cosmic times.
Under such chaotic forward and reverse irregular changes, the accretion disk of the "central black hole" of the universe is extraordinarily huge.
All the matter surrounding the "central black hole" is swallowed by the "central black hole", and they are ejected by the "central black hole".
In this reverse, the accretion disk of the "central black hole" is getting bigger and bigger.
It can be seen that the matter that the "central black hole" spit out is larger than the matter swallowed by it, at least after it becomes abnormal.
At this moment, a huge body is floating quietly near the accretion disk of the "central black hole".
He has a human-like appearance, at least nine points similar to the "human on earth".
There is a long silver hair on the oval head, which hangs down to his waist.
Each of these long silver hairs is like a special energy body, shining with inexplicable gloom.
He has a pair of black eyes, and every blink of his eyes is as dazzling as a "supernova explosion".
Straight nose bridge, slightly thin lips.
On his body grew four arms, one pair connected to the shoulders, one pair connected under the ribs.
The hands connected to the upper arms were inserted in the side pockets of the black robe, but the hands connected to the lower arms were behind his back.
If it were not for an extra pair of arms, he would be almost exactly the same as the "human on earth".
I don't know how long he has been floating here, he just quietly stared at the "central black hole" that had fallen into a state of madness. Those clear and bright eyes were full of worry.
Time passed slowly, and a stream of light flew quickly from a distance.
He didn't seem to feel it, until the streamer slowed down not far behind him, and finally a huge "exotic beast" slowly flew over.
The body is extraordinarily thick and long, and the size of this "different beast" is somewhat similar to that of the giant python on the "earth".
Its body surface is covered with gray patterned scales, and six pairs of sharp claws grow on its sides.
A single horn was erected on the long and flat triangular head, and a pair of green eyes flashed sinister and vicious all the time.
"Are you calling me? The Supreme Emperor!"
Without getting close enough, the huge "different beast" lowered its head, and at the same time sent a respectful spiritual message.
"I am calling you, round, but you seem to be a little late, right?"
He didn't look back, but responded calmly.
The whole body's scale armor seemed to explode, and the body of the "different beast" called the "wheel" trembled, but he didn't dare to explain it.
"Instinctive and vicious in nature, and a fondness for fresh flesh and blood, although you no longer need to eat, you still can't change this despicable hobby."
"Forget it, there are too many civilizations and creatures in the universe. These creatures are like the evil moss of the universe. It is good that you can clear some."
There was no change in his expression while speaking, and his gaze was still far locked in the "central black hole".
"It is an honor to be able to clear these inferior creature races for the Supreme Emperor!"
As if turning around at the moment of life and death, he was afraid after the "round" for a while, and said in a humble tone at the same time.
"Don't say these things, it's far behind you."
"If you change to the shadow, she will definitely not say that."
"What is meant to eliminate these inferior biological races? Do you think the existence of these biological races has anything to do with me?"
When he said "Shadow", the corners of his mouth rose slightly, as if a smile appeared.
"How dare the wheel compare with the shadow envoy, the supreme emperor, you laughed."
The head of the "wheel" is lower.
"Do you think I'm joking with you?"
He asked with a smile suddenly.
"Lun" didn't dare to take this divergence, and his body trembled again.
"Forget it, I won't scare you."
"I'm looking for you because you are the nearest here, and Ying doesn't know where to go."
"Go find Ying and tell her that a seed is coming."
"You go find the seeds, and then bring them."
"do you understand?"
The smile on his face disappeared, and suddenly he had no desire to communicate and gave the order.
"Understand, it's the turn to do it right away."
"Ran" straightened his body, and respectfully responded in a spiritual exchange.
"It's getting more and more uneven. Everyone wants to find balance here, but they don't know that the more they come over, the more chaotic the universe will become."
"Irregular chaos is getting more and more frequent. If this continues, how long can this universe last!"
"I have begun to wonder if this is the original universe."
His murmur rang in the head of "Lun".
It's just that the "wheel" doesn't mean anything to respond, because it is very clear that this is just the "di" habitually talking to himself mentally, not trying to communicate with it.
"The seeds will grow very soon, and then conflicts and wars will inevitably follow."
"When the scope of the war becomes larger, more emperors will be involved, and there will be countless casualties at that time."
"Although such deaths and injuries are a good thing for the Origin Universe, it will also aggravate the chaos of the Origin Universe."
"When the chaos reaches a certain threshold, destruction is inevitable."
"Associated with the birth of the universe, and perishing by the destruction of the universe."
"Is this the irreversible fate of the emperor?"
"What's the meaning of the birth of that kind of child, supervision? Too much interference has caused us to have all kinds of accidental injuries. If we don't interfere, we can talk about supervision."
"What the is our purpose..."
As if taking the "wheel" as the object of confession, he was at a loss in the spiritual message.
I have never had this kind of "dull" and "confused" feeling in "Di". "Lun" didn't understand what he was talking about, but it didn't dare to ask more.
"Haha... what's the use of telling you this."
"Go ahead."
Finally stopped whispering, he said calmly.
"Lun" immediately nodded in response.
It has a feeling that some things are known too much, but it is not a good thing for it.
After all, it is not a "shadow".
Being able to be called "apostle" by other beings shows how important "shadow" is in the mind of "Emperor".
"Lun" is very clear, "Shadow" knows more things, although it does not even know what these things are, and what is the point of knowing it or not.
He bowed towards the back of "Emperor", and after "Lun" had withdrawn a long way, he turned and turned into a stream of light and flew away.
After flying a full number of light-years away, the flicker of the "wheel" disappeared.
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