Chapter 3310: Eighteen disciples

The "Shadow Envoy" is the "Shadow", and the "Emperor" most trusted and even distressed the "Apostle".
In fact, "Shadow" is also the only "Apostle".
How powerful is the "Emperor", "Run" doesn't know.
But as far as it knows, there are more than eighteen similar to its strength or intrepid existence.
Internally, these eighteen powerhouses call themselves the "eighteen disciples."
"Shadow" is the "apostle" above the "eighteen disciples". In some special times, she can even exercise the power of "emperor".
As for how powerful "Shadow" is, neither "Chakra" nor other "disciples" have a clear concept.
Just as the "Eighteen Disciples" never knew what the strength of the "Emperor" had reached, the true combat power of "Shadow" was also like a mystery.
The "eighteen disciples" were even more respectful in front of "Shadow" than in front of "Emperor".
Because most of the time, the "Emperor" was peaceful and kind, and the "Eighteen Disciples" almost never saw him lose his temper, let alone kill anyone.
But "Shadow" is different, she is completely moody.
Except for being restrained in front of "Emperor", "Shadow" has no scruples at other times.
"Lun" heard other "disciples" talk about it, at least two "disciples" died in the hands of "Shadow".
Everyone can't tell why "Shadow" killed the two "disciples", but "Lun" once heard "Emperor" talk about it. It doesn't seem to be a serious matter, and it's not a crime to die.
However, the "Shadow" killed them, and the "Emperor" merely confined the "Shadow" in a "black hole" and confined it for a thousand years.
In a thousand years, a "primitive civilization" may undergo earth-shaking changes.
But for all "disciples", a thousand years is just a nap, and even deep sleep is not enough.
The "eighteen disciples" are in awe of the "emperor" from the heart, but for the "shadow", everyone probably only fears.
Just like at this time, even if they haven't seen "Shadow" for a long time, when they saw her smiling face, they felt chills in their hearts for some reason.
"How long haven't I seen you? I have slept in Black Star for at least 100,000 years, and haven't seen you for more than 100,000 years. Why are you still such a virtue? You haven't made any progress."
Flew over and circled the "wheel" and the other two "disciples" a few times, "Shadow" said with a smile.
In this sentence, we can see the difference between "shadow" and "disciple".
Replaced with other "disciples", and heard that "the emperor" has something to look for, the first sentence must be a response like "what is the emperor's order?"
But "Ying" is not like that. She doesn't seem to be interested in "Emperor" finding herself.
"The shadow ambassador is laughing. It is too difficult for us to make progress anymore. It may be as if these civilizations have grown to our level. Under normal circumstances, it is almost impossible. The shadow makes you look stronger than before."
The long and flat head of the "wheel" was slightly lowered, and at the same time it sent out a mental message of flattery.
Its tail swept over the bodies of the two "disciples" around him at the same time, intentionally or unintentionally.
The other two "disciples", one named "violent" and the other named "criminal".
All the names of "disciples" come from the gifts of "di".
"Violence" is very strong. Just like its name, this "disciple" who is famous for "violence" has the power to almost shake the universe.
Of course, this is just an exaggeration. All "disciples" firmly believe that "Emperor" may have the ability to shake the universe. As for "violence", its power may be the most powerful of all "disciples", but it is not yet comparable." emperor".
The body is about fifteen or six meters, the body of "Bao" is not big, even the "wheel" looks much larger than it.
It has a body similar to that of the "Shadow Envoy", but the "violence" is more like the appearance of the "Shadow" mutated into a "different beast".
The round head is bald without a single hair, and there is an irregularly shaped dent on the top of the gully tufted head that appears to be a violent blow.
There is a blood-red vertical eye on the center of the eyebrow, and it only has this one eye.
There was no mood swing in the eyes, and sparks spurted out of the two holes in the eyes that were probably nostrils.
"Bao"'s mouth is very big, and it's completely pulled from the middle to below the ear hole.
If the face of "Shadow" is like the first core with dewdrops rolling down in the morning, then the face of "Bao" somewhat similar to her is a combination of cold molten iron and cinder.
Ugly and hideous.
The body covered by the eerie blue scale armor does not appear to be very strong, and the "violent" limbs all have almost perfect proportions to the body, and they are not even strong.
But all "disciples" including "shadows" are very clear that this seemingly ordinary body contains power that they can't imagine.
By the side of "Bao", there is "hostility".
It's not as long as the "wheel" and the "violent" is relatively burly, and the "rule" is very small.
Its size is even smaller than the "Shadow", and it looks like a "baby animal".
The pointed head and gray body are covered with black hair, and "Jian" has a pair of black eyes.
Not comparable to the cunning and violent indifference of the "wheel", the eyes of the "hostile" are full of hostility.
In fact, the nature of "rule" is extreme, and it does everything in this way.
Although it looks inconspicuous, it is the most ruthless and extreme one among the "eighteen disciples."
Once, "Emperor" let "Jun" go to a river system.
"Emperor"'s order is not clear, just let "Ji" go to destroy a civilization, he didn't even say which civilization it was.
As a result, "Ji" carried out the orders of "Emperor" to the extreme, and it completely destroyed the river system.
Not all the civilizations and creatures of that river system, but the entire river system.
All the celestial bodies, even the "black hole" in the center of the river system, were destroyed by the "church".
"Bao, you are so stupid, you still have no brains, do you have no brains? What are you doing in a daze, can you provoke her!"
The fine tail flicked over the bodies of "violent" and "rule", and the "wheel" secretly sent a spiritual message to them at the same time.
"Hello there!"
"long time no see!"
As if it had only been reminded and reacted by the "round", "violent" and "rule" almost simultaneously sent a spiritual message to "ying".
"Good for you."
"Hehe, I thought your dormant period was not over yet, and your head was groggy and couldn't speak..."
"Kage" said with a smile, then raised his hand and yawned.
At the same time, a ripple appeared in the void of space.
"Bao" and "戾" felt abnormal instinctively, but they didn't wait for them to react. The empty space between them suddenly collapsed and a wrinkle appeared, and they directly collided with each other when they were caught off guard.
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