Chapter 3337: MSI Civilization

Just as suddenly as they appeared, the negotiated "Yin Pan" and "Iron Armor" flickered and disappeared at the same time.
"Sure enough, they went looking for Guya."
A shuttle-shaped spacecraft of the "Silver Civilization" sent out a shortwave message.
I don’t know how many encounters I have had for a long time. The two "technological civilizations" have mastered each other's dictionary information, so even if they don't use spiritual information, they won't hinder each other's communication.
"That's natural. Iron Armor and Gu Ya have had a spiritual exchange, and Yin Pan has always been very cautious. Their alliance is also expected."
"The question now is what should we do? Do you want to find MSI Civilization?"
The black spaceship of the "Roco Civilization" quickly responded.
"Can you talk about the MSI civilization? Anyway, as far as our silver light civilization knows, MSI civilization has always been alone, let alone an alliance with any civilization, and there is no friendly relationship between civilizations. Can they agree?"
"Silver Civilization" asked the shuttle-shaped spacecraft strangely.
"Try to know if it will work or not. This time you want to play the big game. Everyone is almost here. If the gods really fight with the Titans and lose both, everyone is afraid of the gods, and they will probably have some actions."
"Only when we are united can we maximize our interests."
"As for who gets the best deal in the end, it depends on luck."
After the "Roco Civilization" black spacecraft sent this message, it accelerated and flew away, and then a flicker disappeared.
The sixteen shuttle-shaped spaceships of "Silver Civilization" only stayed for a while, and after a quick discussion, they chased up.
It was just a "spatial leap", coupled with a short-term flight above the speed of light, the "Silver Light Civilization" reached the coordinate star field left to them by the "Roco Civilization".
There is no doubt that the sixteen shuttle-shaped spacecraft stopped near the black spacecraft of the "Roco Civilization".
The "Silver Light Civilization" intelligent creatures in the sixteen shuttle-shaped spacecraft immediately locked onto the black planet in the nearby star field.
The black planet is not large, about the size of the satellites of more planets.
However, "Silver Light Civilization" is very clear that the size of this planet was not originally like this.
Its size was originally about ten times that of now.
No one knows how long the "MSI Civilization" took, and no one knows what scientific and technological forces were used in it.
"Ultimately compressing" a normal-volume planet to its current size. Although this seemingly ordinary planet is not comparable to the density of "neutron stars" and "white dwarfs," it far exceeds most planets in the universe. The density and quality.
This black planet is the only planet of the "MSI Civilization", as well as their spaceships, battleships, and even their weapons for the universe.
Civilizations that are familiar with them are even speculating that intelligent creatures in the "MSI Civilization" continue to evolve. When they can resist even more terrifying gravity, whether they can live on "white dwarfs" or even "neutron stars."
Such a "MSI civilization" is definitely a nightmare for more civilizations.
"Roco civilization, MSI civilization seems to be compressed a lot more than before. We have always suspected that they are not able to adapt to MSI's terrifying gravity, but have opened up an area protected by some kind of barrier inside MSI."
"So they are not worried that MSI's gravity will easily tear them apart, but they can still travel freely in the universe by controlling this gravity."
Seeing "MSI Civilization" again, "Silver Civilization" couldn't help but communicate secretly with the best-related "Roco Civilization".
"Who told you that MSI civilization is controlled by a race of intelligent creatures that we understand? These have always been our guesses. After all, no civilization has really seen MSI civilization creatures, and some are just spiritual exchanges."
"Roco Civilization" obviously has a different view.
"We have also doubted this, and thought that MSI civilization is a special biological race similar to energy civilization."
"But any civilization that has communicated with them is sure that they have extremely high wisdom. According to our past experience, almost all special biological races have various powerful abilities, but their wisdom cannot be compared with ours. ."
"The universe itself is fair and just, so we believe that the MSI civilization is an intelligent race that is not strong in itself. They just go farther than all of our technological civilizations in gravitational technology."
"Yinguang Civilization" obviously has its own views, and also insisted on this view.
"This is not the time to discuss this. I want to know what kind of civilization the MSI civilization is. No one can be sure unless they can destroy their MSI and force them out of MSI."
"Roco Civilization" responded irritably to "Silver Civilization".
Hearing what they said, "Silver Civilization" also ended this senseless exchange.
The planets of "MSI Civilization" possess terrifying gravity, and they can completely control this gravity.
Just like now, although the distance is very close, the "Silver Light Civilization" and the "Roco Civilization" did not even feel the gravitational force normally possessed by a planet at such a distance.
Whether it is fighting or defending, whether it is impact or flight, "MSI Civilization" can do all of this perfectly through the control of gravity.
Attention was moved away from the black planet of "MSI Civilization", and "Silver Civilization" began to observe another parallel star field.
They were almost side-by-side "Yin Pan" and "Iron Armor". They didn't care too much, but instead focused on another huge "Alien Beast" not far from them.
This "different beast" is the "guya".
Once upon a time, "Guya" was simply synonymous with brutality, violence and moodiness.
As for the "Guya" that traverses the universe before they have come into contact with the "God Spirit Race" and the "Titan Giant Race", the "Guya" that traverses the universe hasn't even been defeated.
I'm happy, it can send an advanced spaceship and battleship from the "high-level civilization" to a "low-level civilization."
Not happy, it can seal its own strength, and slowly but cruelly destroy any civilization at a similar level, no matter it is "exotic animal civilization" or "technological civilization".
The most classic battle of "Guya" is the war between it and the "Sri Ancient Civilization".
The level of science and technology of the "Siku Civilization" is much worse than that of the "Silver Civilization", but they are already very powerful compared to the more "Science and Technology Civilizations" in the universe.
"Guya" just sealed his own strength and put himself in danger again and again, and even almost died several times. In the process, "Siku Civilization" once saw the dawn of victory, and finally fell into a trap. The tragic end of complete destruction.
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