Chapter 3356: Civilization classification

In an ambush, "Alien Civilization" fought very beautifully, at least Yun Hai thought so.
Although the most important "Titan Giants" are missing, the appearance of "Guya" is the biggest surprise, not to mention Yunhai has obtained the "Titan Giants" star field location information.
Yunhai has not carefully counted the dead aliens, and the number reported to him by the "racing raccoon aliens" who took the initiative in this work is very small, almost negligible.
It was the "Gus Alien" who made great contributions, and the energy shield they built was stronger than Yunhai expected.
At least the reserved energy attacks of the "Silver Civilization" and the "Roco Civilization" failed to break the energy shield they constructed, while other more alien forms were under the protection of the "energy shield".
It can be said that those who previously fought with those civilizations were either "super aliens" or "alien generals" these special aliens, that is, when attacking several "alien animal civilizations", Yunhai released some "guard aliens".
As for the injured alien, that's not even a problem.
Even if they are seriously injured, as long as they don't die, they can recover in a very short time.
If all the attacking civilizations are twisted into a single rope, the "alien civilization" will not just be the casualties.
It is a pity that they or they, after seeing Yunhai's spiritual power manifested in the "deity skeleton", how could they calm down.
In this battle, the "alien civilization" exchanged the smallest price for the greatest victory.
Three "Iron Armor Alien".
Three "yin pan aliens".
Three "Ancient Tooth Shaped".
These nine "different generals and aliens" are the biggest gain of Yunhai.
Compared to the nine of them, the more than 120 million aliens that were parasitic to the other three "different beast civilizations" were not so pleasantly surprised.
"Master, did you read the memory of that alien beast called Gu Ya just now?"
After flying a few laps along the battlefield, the "catcher hunting alien" who returned to Yunhai asked curiously in the spiritual exchange.
"Yes, Gu Ya is very powerful, and its experience is also very rich."
"From its memory, at least I have come into contact with their so-called gods, as well as more civilizations in this universe."
"Then it is their definition and classification of civilization, which is also very important."
Yunhai's spiritual power swept the entire battlefield, and at the same time responded to the "catcher hunting alien" in the spiritual exchange.
"Alien hunting raccoon" immediately became interested when he heard this, and quickly asked: "What is the definition and classification of civilization in this universe? To what extent can our alien civilization reach?"
The aliens are still cleaning the battlefield, especially those newly born aliens that are devouring all the corpses in the battlefield. Yunhai is not in a hurry to leave. During the spiritual exchange, he said to the "racing raccoon alien": "According to the information extracted from the ancient tooth memory, The definition of science and technology civilization is roughly the primary science and technology civilization, the intermediate science and technology civilization and the advanced science and technology civilization.
These three levels are similar to our previous understanding, after which they will be the specialization of science and technology civilization, the unified science and technology civilization, and the god-level civilization.
When science and technology have developed to a certain level, no science and technology civilization can achieve all-round development.
They can only devote limited energy and resources to a branch of science and technology, such as energy technology, material technology, or space technology.
As long as they can break through a certain kind of technology and apply this technology to all fields, then they are specialized in technological civilization.
Just like we have just come into contact with these two technological civilizations, the "Silver Civilization" is a material specialization. You have seen their warships before, and they are almost the most perfect warships we have ever seen.
The ‘Roco Civilization’ is different from them in that it specializes in energy.
Their energy attacks and defenses are very powerful, at least compared to other more technological civilizations.
The great unification of science and technology civilization means that the science and technology civilization has studied all the branches of science and technology in the science and technology tree to the point of specialization, and they can achieve the perfect unification of all science and technology.
This kind of science and technology civilization has only been in contact with Gufang once, and that is the science and technology civilization that killed the blue beast.
It estimates that this technological civilization is a unified technological civilization, and it doesn't know more about it.
Not to mention a higher god-level civilization, Guya has never encountered it, but according to its understanding, its so-called "emperor" is a god-level civilization. "
Yunhai slowly told the "racing raccoon alien" in the spiritual exchange of the information he had obtained from the memory of "Guya".
Immediately after he stopped, "The Alien Hunter" asked eagerly, "What about the alien animal civilization? How is the alien animal civilization classified?"
This time, Yunhai did not immediately respond to it.
Reading the memories of other creatures is extremely chaotic.
Perhaps what he had read in the first second was the experience of "Ancient Tooth" in its infancy, and in the next second, it became the information that it had just been at war with "Alien Civilization".
Moreover, these are more of memory fragments, and Yunhai has to spend time and energy to stitch them together, and the results obtained by such stitching may not be correct.
Sometimes, the power of psychological suggestion is very powerful.
There may not be a direct connection between two similar memory fragments, but when Yunhai feels that they are related and form a valid piece of information after being spliced ​​together, then he may think that the information is correct.
In fact, this memory information is only the result of Yunhai deliberately splicing, it is not correct.
"The classification of alien animal civilization is not as clear as the technological civilization."
"After all, no matter which science and technology civilization is, even if everyone develops in a different direction, but the same goal is different, the final result will be the same."
"The civilization of alien beasts is different, the civilization of single alien beasts, the civilization of group alien beasts, the alien beasts with different abilities and so on."
"Let's take the iron armor and Yinpan that just parasitized. These two alien beasts are relatively close in strength."
"The poisonous dragon's alien form just took a bite. The Yinfan was weakened by the violent poisonous attack, and finally became completely unconscious."
"This is not to say that the Yinfan Alien's level is lower than the Poison Flood Alien. In fact, if Yinfan is functioning normally, neither the Silver Light Civilization nor the Roco Civilization fleet can do anything about it, but if it is replaced by the Poison Flood Alien, defense It is not a strong point in itself, and it is likely to be killed by these two technological civilizations."
"Alien animal civilization includes special alien civilization, it is difficult to have a clear classification."
"I sorted out Gu Ya's memory information, but it has a unique classification."
"Without mentioning primitive civilization, in terms of elementary, intermediate and advanced alien beast civilizations, these are similar to what we understood in the original universe, and there is not much difference."
"After the advanced alien beast civilization, it is the super alien beast civilization, the superb beast civilization and the level civilization."
"Super alien civilization, there are also elementary, intermediate, and advanced levels. In Gufang's cognition, Cangjia and Yinpan belong to the intermediate strength of super alien beasts, and it itself is advanced."
"As for the research-level alien beast, Gu Ya determined that the most familiar wheel under the ‘di’’s command is the research-level alien beast."
"The alien beasts above the research level are the same as the god-level civilization of technological civilization, that is, the god-level alien beast civilization..."
Spiritual Communication Speaking of this, Yun Hai couldn't help but flashed through the familiar or unfamiliar figures in his mind.
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