Chapter 364: Hands-on

The burning sensation between the fingers did not cause too much pain to Lei Li.
Compared to what he has experienced all the time, this injury is nothing at all.
The brows were twisted into a line, and his right wrist shook sharply, and the curved blade of "evil moon" resembling Wang Qingquan was immediately drawn from his sleeve.
Handing the knife to his left hand, without hesitation, he quickly picked up his still corroded fingertips, and immediately wiped scarlet blood on the bulkhead of the passage.
The smooth bulkhead was stained with a layer of scarlet blood. In the horrified eyes, the bulkhead was no longer so smooth, but a little shallow pit appeared.
"Fortunately, they are very small, if they are bigger, they will be in trouble!"
Lei Li thought fortunately, looking at the pit on the bulkhead, after thinking for a moment, he opened the "intelligent brain body" on the wrist to connect to the main control room.
"When the alarm was issued, some small and unknown creatures appeared in the battleship, which can be seen with the naked eye. Note that their blood is very corrosive. Kind of instrument."
"Understood, boss."
Hearing the reply from Fatty Abel, Lei Li moved towards the cabin where Yun Hai was not far away.
There is no deliberately hidden footsteps, which are clearly audible in the silent passage.
The sound of this footstep fell in Yunhai's ears, but it was like a bell for life.
"Blood is extremely corrosive. In my experiments, except for the extremely precious fine-liquid composite metal, almost nothing was not melted by it."
"The cell structure is very strange. Based on my careful observation and research, I have concluded that this is a cell structure that has never been discovered. At least three different nucleosomes coexist in the cell wall. Variability and extremely unstable nuclear tissue."
"I checked some information, and this kind of biological structure is unprecedented. If we analyze and judge based on cell structure and genes, I personally estimate this creature. It should be the existence of a third-level alien animal civilization."
"So my suggestion is that the other side of the wormhole may pose a serious threat to the structure of our civilization, because the third-level alien beast civilization, if it has a certain number, is definitely not something our third-level technological civilization can resist. "
"In the third thousand and sixty-five years of the emperor's calendar, Li Tianxin, a non-staff researcher of the Imperial Academy of Biological Sciences, recorded it on the battleship Chenxing owned by the Ruins Bloodblade Team.
Having said all this. Li Tianxin, a biological researcher hired by the Blood Blade with a high salary, turned off the recording equipment, and just thought of getting up, but couldn't help reading out that strange cell body on the brain light screen.
After taking a closer look, Li Tianxin stood up and couldn't help but look at the cell next to him.
"Look at it again and rest, what a magical creature! How many researchers can't find a different animal experiment in a lifetime, and how lucky I am..."
Thinking in his heart, Li Tianxin with a smile on his face walked to the cell, and after three tedious verifications, the heavy hatch opened.
Above the door inside the cell. The small particle cannon aimed at Li Tianxin autonomously, and after identifying his identity in a simple intelligent program, the white light on the particle cannon disappeared.
The cell is not big. Near the bulkhead inside, there was a hideous monster, or Yunyue, in the metal cage.
The body was still tightly bound by the net made of Jingli composite metal, Yunyue, who seemed to be unable to move at all, after Li Tianxin approached, the closed giant kiss slightly opened.
"The existence of most creatures, their evolution and growth is to adapt to the environment and survive, and I firmly believe that creatures like you. They are simply born fighters."
"Every part of your body is a terrible weapon. Even the blood has such terrible acid corrosion."
"It's a pity that there are too few equipment on the battleship. If you can take you back to the Imperial Biological Research Institute. Borrow the equipment there and study it carefully. I believe I can unlock more secrets from you!"
Said to himself, Li Tianxin suddenly felt something was wrong.
The ugly and ferocious beast, its mouth suddenly turned up slightly, as if to show a mockery to itself.
Shaking his head, Li Tianxin felt that he had been working too long and was too tired, and he was about to turn around and leave.
"Aren't you going to continue research? Don't you like me?"
Li Tianxin's body suddenly froze with a clear and beautiful female voice.
With a horrified expression on his face, Li Tianxin looked at the hideous alien beast in disbelief.
"I am actually quite interested in you, especially your brain. The smarter the person, the more delicious his brain tastes..."
The voice was full of cruel smiles, and before Li Tianxin, who was amazed, reacted, several tiny tentacles came out silently among the dense meshes.
Fast as lightning, before Li Tianxin even saw what was going on, a few tiny tentacles rushed in front of him.
Drilling through the earholes, mouth, nostrils and even eyes, before he even screamed and screamed, Li Tianxin lost control of his body and trembled violently like convulsions.
One by one tentacles, the bulges visible to the naked eye gush out from Li Tianxin's head, and flow into Yunyue's body along the inside of the tentacles.
While sucking Li Tianxin's brain, Yunyue protruded another tentacle, and then tinkered with something like a metal box on the grid.
With a slight "click", the grid that tightly bound Yunyue fell into two halves, and it was put into the box in an instant.
Yunyue, who had recovered herself, habitually moved her body, waved her tentacles and threw Li Tianxin, whose brains had been emptied by herself, to the ground.
The tentacles retracted and grabbed the metal fence. Yunyue slammed hard, and the fence that seemed to be the thickness of the thumb didn't move.
Without attempting to get rid of violently, Yunyue carefully looked at the fence, and then cut the tip of her left finger through the palm of her right hand, smearing the black corroded blood on it.
Unexpectedly, the metal fence was not corroded. Yunyue frowned, feeling something she raised her head to look at the pipe at the top of the sky.
At the pipe joints that were hard to see with the naked eye, blue smoke was also hard to see clearly. Then, a dozen spider-like face worms drilled out of the holes that were corroded in the pipe.
Their goals were very consistent. They bounced off the pipe wall and landed directly on the bulkhead not far from the metal cage.
On the bulkhead there was a miniature console with a flashing light screen. A dozen face-carrying bugs did not hesitate at all, but they cruelly divided a face-carrying bug.
The action was simple and neat, the face-carrying bug that was dismembered had no intention or action to resist at all.
The almost undetectable corrosive blood melted the console out of a small hole, and the remaining worms got into the console immediately.
Soon, electric sparks emerged from the console, and the metal fence trapping Yunyue opened silently.
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