Chapter 441: S.O.S

"Zhang Heng, tell me, what did she show you that day?"
Sitting on the large and comfortable seat of the battleship, there is the presence of the super brain "Sarah", and there is no need to worry about the fat man Abeluo, who is controlling the spacecraft, and asks Zhang Heng with interest.
While talking, Fatty Abel's mouth was still busy.
Dark bacon, pancakes with vegetables, fried dumplings with crispy yellow and crispy, white simmering dumplings...
The dining table extending from the edge of the main console in front of him was filled with various foods.
A sip of beer, a sip of food, the fat man Abel, who has been on the earth for a few days and has gained weight, eats happily.
He glared at the fat man dissatisfiedly, and Zhang Heng said, "Be careful to kill you, fat man. If you spill food on Sarah, I will definitely throw you outside."
"Cut, just you..."
The people of the earth also learned a little bit of language. The fat man happily swallowed a piece of cake, and added contemptuously: "As for your small physique, you can carry my thigh, and you want to throw me out."
Zhang Heng did not speak, but just clicked on the watch.
The sonorous sound of footsteps sounded, and a mechanical creature standing in the corner of the main control room like a statue came over.
Like this dilapidated spaceship, the robot with the same style looks stupid and ugly, but its footsteps are very steady. When it walks a few steps to Fatty's side, its giant hand made of special alloy faces Fatty. Grabbed his neck.
"No need!"
The fat man was startled, his fat body was destined to be insulated from agility and speed, and he hurriedly shouted: "I promise I won't spill it."
The robot's giant claw stopped in front of Fatty, but his left arm slammed.
A thin, shiny white blade protruded from the robot's left arm. During its violent swing, the dining table extending from the edge of the main console was immediately cut off.
The fat man let out a scream. I completely ignored the sharp blade that the robot hadn't retracted, jumped up from the seat at a speed completely inconsistent with the body, and grabbed it toward the dining table that fell to the ground.
The robot ignored his movements. Properly probed with his right arm, he firmly grasped the table in his hand.
The large amount of food placed on it has hardly been moved.
Slowly raising his arm, the robot stood beside the fat man holding the dining table, the red light spots in his eyes flickered.
He patted his chest and signaled that he was taken aback. The fat man sat back on the seat and stretched out his hand to twist a piece of bacon into his mouth. He turned his head unwillingly and asked again: "Talk about not going to die, Zhang Heng, that day How did you attack you? I think you are almost peeing in shock."
He glared at the fat man. Zhang Heng obviously had no plan to respond to this question, and he lowered his head and calculated on the light screen in front of him.
The fat man only felt a little boring. Before he picked up the beer, he suddenly heard an alarm sound, and immediately controlled the seat to slide to the main console.
"The distress signal, look at the frequency of this signal, it is still emitted from the crocodile man escape capsule."
Zhang Heng took a look, his eyes suddenly turned red.
No one knows Zhang Heng's life experience better than Fatty. When the Imperial fleet was defeated and retreated from the Orr Galaxy, they only took away some so-called elites from the Blue Star. At least the humans inhabited on a few other planets are simply ignored.
Zhang Heng, who was doing an internship at a scientific research institution affiliated to the Imperial Academy of Sciences, was lucky enough to escape. But his relatives are not so lucky.
Until now, Zhang Heng's relatives are alive or dead, he doesn't know.
But people who are in the same situation as him are well aware that under the and violent rule of the crocodile, the living may not be luckier than the dead.
Therefore, Zhang Heng hated the Silver Dragon Empire or the demon crocodile.
Fatty Abel knew this very early.
"Maybe it was the crocodile who was lucky enough to escape in the escape pod after the conflict broke out with Yunhai. There are about five or six signals gathered together, how about? Do you want to kill them?"
The fat man glanced at random. I probably estimated that the source of the distress signal is not very far from here.
After hesitating, Zhang Heng decided to do what the fat man said.
It's simple. Zhang Heng in the Orr galaxy is absolutely afraid to go, not to mention how superior his seemingly broken spacecraft is, even if he owns hundreds of such spacecraft.
There are very few crocodile men in the Silver Dragon Empire-this violent and brutal race has no habit of being captured. It is the tradition of crocodile men to choose suicide at the last moment.
It's okay to catch a few crocodile men to get rid of their qi, or ask about the condition of the surviving humans in the Orr galaxy. After making a decision, Zhang Heng input instructions. Under the control of the super intelligent brain "Sarah", the huge spacecraft quickly entered After getting out of the speed of light, he flew towards the source of the distress signal.
It didn't take long, probably a dozen minutes before Zhang Heng's spacecraft finally arrived at the target.
Like the empty universe, this space is still empty.
In the space not far from the spacecraft, six escape capsules floated in front of them at unequal distances.
The super intelligent brain "Sarah" is extremely powerful. Although it is not an intelligent life, it is far more advanced than the average intelligent brain.
It was only through voice control that Zhang Heng and Fatty, who had nothing to do, stood in front of the light screen and watched quietly.
Several steel cables made of the toughest synthetic material were explored out. Under the precise control of Sarah, the hydraulic device at the top of the six steel cables was firmly sucked on the escape capsule. As the spacecraft moved slowly, six The escape cabins were captured by steel cables in turn.
The interior of the spacecraft was already in full battle. In the cabin where the escape capsule was pulled back by the steel cable, several laser weapons in the wall were firmly locked on the escape capsule.
And beside each escape pod, there are two robots who are obsessed with micro-particle weapons. They have received the highest-level alert order, and they will stifle all possible threats at any time.
The first escape compartment was opened, and the fat man who had not stayed in this compartment jumped up in shock, worried about the danger.
"Not a crocodile! How could it be her!"
Zhang Heng also had an unexpected expression. He didn't even expect a beautiful human girl sleeping in the crocodile man's escape pod.
"Blue Fox, how could she be in the crocodile escape pod!"
The fat man said, he ran towards the cabin.
"and many more!"
Zhang Heng grabbed the fat man's arm and at the same time ordered the robot to open the second escape pod.
This time it was another familiar face. Although Zhang Heng did not remember her name, he had seen this blue-skinned woman on a battleship.
One after another escape pods were opened, all with familiar faces, including Aps.
When the last escape pod was opened, seeing Lei Li sleeping in it, Fatty and Zhang Heng couldn't help showing horrified expressions at the same time.
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