Chapter 445: Ranma

Human beings all have a heart longing for flying.
In other words, yearning for freedom.
Yunhai is no exception. In fact, when he watched some science fiction film and television dramas on the earth very early, he was extremely envious of the mutants who could fly.
An apocalyptic storm has changed the earth and the fate of everyone.
In a silly way, he achieved the "Alien Master", especially after possessing the winged beast alien, Yunhai finally fulfilled his desire to fly.
Even if it was just the wing beast flying, Yunhai couldn't do this at all.
In the past, it was not necessarily. Now, Yunhai finally fulfilled his wish.
In a group of uncertain cirrocumulus clouds, the sea of ​​clouds is like a bird facing the impact of a huge wave, flying quickly in the void of colorful lightning.
He rushed into the clouds and flew upwards in the face of lightning.
When he was about to leave the gas giant planet, he suddenly turned around and plunged into the cloud.
The hearty flight brought the pleasure of the sea of ​​clouds at this time, even stronger than everything else.
This kind of flight, the sea of ​​clouds has been going on for almost an hour.
And he seemed to be tireless, still maintaining the highest speed, flying happily in the atmosphere of the gas giant planet.
When it finally felt a little boring, the sea of ​​clouds stopped flying and began to slowly approach the deeper part of the gas giant planet.
"What is the principle of our flight?"
In the process, Yun Hai has not forgotten to ask the alien beast and alien spirit in a distant location.
After a moment of silence, Alien Beast Alien responded: "I don't know."
Knowing that this was probably the result, Yun Hai still gave a wry smile in his heart.
More often, alien beasts and aliens are acting on instinct.
Its level of understanding of this world is simply incomparable with Yunhai.
Even Yunhai can't be sure about things, how can the alien beasts and aliens clearly express it.
I don't know how I did it. Yun Hai has a certain understanding of human bodies, but he still knows too little about aliens.
But then again. Even if he can dissect an alien, study its body structure thoroughly. But he believed that he still couldn't explain how he flew in space.
This is a completely arbitrary state, whenever Yunhai wants to fly, he can fly.
Of course, this is just a fantasy.
In fact, Yunhai could perceive that when he was flying, his body would release a kind of energy to the outside world, under the reaction force of it acting on space. He can fly.
As for where this energy came from, how it was produced, or how much of this energy was stored in his body, Yunhai knew nothing.
"It seems that if you want to find the answer to this question, I am afraid that the scientists of the third-level civilization cannot explain it, and you may only get the answer if you find a monster similar to Barbak."
Thinking in his heart, Yunhai felt heavy pressure at the same time.
In fact, it should be gravity, which comes from the powerful gravity of this gas giant planet.
When it first reached the gas giant planet, the sea of ​​clouds did not feel much gravity. That's also because he is in a relatively farther space.
And he himself is like a technological creation equipped with an anti-gravity engine, and the general gravity is blocked by him.
Now it is different, as he explores deeper with the gas giant planet. The stronger the force of gravity, the greater the pressure.
Not only gravity, but also the mysterious material energy.
If the space he was in before, the invasion of this mysterious material energy was like a hot spring, then as he deepened, it became a violent moxibustion hot volcanic lava.
"To borrow a word from human beings on Earth, impulse is the devil. The limit distance you can bear now should be within the space you are in now. If it goes too deep, it may be dangerous."
Just as Yunhai hesitated, the words of the alien beast and alien in his mind made him make up his mind.
"My current speed. How far is it from the speed of light?"
The sea of ​​clouds then stopped in that piece of space, looking deeper into the atmosphere of the planet with ever-changing clouds. He sent out a mental communication to the alien beast and alien.
"According to your evolutionary speed in these three days, it will probably take what they call seven sidereal days. Only then can you reach the speed of light."
The tone of Alien Beast and Alien is not sure, obviously it is only a rough estimate.
"It's still seven days..."
Yun Hai was a little dissatisfied when he heard it.
Just in response to that old saying, people's hearts are not enough.
Just ten days, or one or two days less, or one or two more days.
In such a short period of time, from being unable to move freely in space, to having the speed of light flight.
This kind of thing, let alone the small number of alien beasts in the universe, is the human and material resources of a wise race, and I don't know how long it will take to complete.
But in an instant, Yun Hai also thought about this problem and couldn't help but smile.
"How many years has the earth's human civilization developed. They want to create fighters and spaceships that can fly at the speed of light. Without the help of alien civilizations, they don't know how many years they need to develop."
"I only have a few days, so I should be content."
With a laugh at himself, Yun Hai was stunned.
"Crocodile Fleet!"
"Silver Dragon Empire Fleet!"
"The safety of human civilization on earth!"
Thoughts flashed through his mind like lightning, and the sea of ​​clouds suddenly became a little confused.
"Why have so many days, I never thought of the earth?"
"As long as the wormhole exists for one day, everyone on Earth, including the clouds, is in extreme danger."
"Why haven't I thought of this for so many days? Why even if I think of it now, I feel that all this is irrelevant in my heart!"
"I can't do this! Why?"
"Am I still me?"
"I became the alien, or the mother of the alien finally completely controlled me!"
"My consciousness is still there, and I still have complete control over this body, but why would I ignore the most important things to me in the past!"
The more he thought about it, the more fear he became. Eventually, the fear turned into an angry him. In order to prove that he paid him back, Yun Hai made an unreasonable choice.
"Look at the wormhole, I might have to go back to Earth."
"You should calm down now and slowly absorb energy evolution here. If we encounter an enemy fleet halfway to the wormhole, you who cannot reach the speed of light will most likely be killed by them!"
Alien Beast and Alien responded very quickly this time.
"You resist my order?"
The confusion became a numb, and Yun Hai, who had become irritable, asked viciously.
"As you wish."
The alien beast Alien, who is more and more able to chat, didn't say much, his huge body was quickly revealed in the cloud, and it instantly flew to the sea of ​​clouds.
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