Chapter 502: Simulation

Everyone's body is like a high-end precision instrument. Different organs perform their duties. From thinking in the brain to pulling out an iron nail, it is the result of the cooperation of different organs.
Alien bodies are no exception, but compared to humans, the latter are better at thinking and creating, while the former prefers destruction and killing.
Before the evolution of Yunhai, his body was like an advanced instrument made by earth scientists, but after all, the time was too long, and the synchronization of his mind with his body was still not perfect.
He has truly completed the first evolution, and now he is like the most cutting-edge technological creation of the third-level technological civilization, at least much more perfect than before.
The speed of genetic analysis is very fast, and the comparison with the genetic structure of human beings on earth will soon have results.
The fact, in Yunhai's expectations, may also be said to be unexpected.
The humans of the Silver Dragon Empire have exactly the same genetic structure as the humans on earth.
If there is any difference, it is that there are more human recessive genes, but they are all dominant genes in Alice.
To be more certain, when humans competed with heaven and beasts for their lives in ancient times, their stronger power, faster speed, and more agile reactions, the genes related to these, most human beings on earth are recessive, while silver The humans in the Dragon Empire are all dominant.
This is also the reason why the individual human qualities of the Silver Dragon Empire are far stronger than the human beings on earth.
What caused this may be caused by the environment, or the result of the progress and development of biotechnology civilization.
Yunhai can't determine this, but he can be sure that the earth humans and the Silver Dragon Empire humans definitely have a certain origin.
The Milky Way and the Moyun River System are too far apart, as far as the three-level scientific and technological civilization, the most sophisticated and high-tech detection equipment can't see any trace at all.
Two river systems, which are not known how many light years apart, are living with exactly the same creatures. This makes Yunhai puzzled.
And Chen Gong said a "conspiracy theory" when he was on Earth. The conclusion at this time further confirms this point.
The appearance of the "wormhole" that has been destroyed by Zhang Heng and Fatty Abel can be determined by the hands and feet of the alien spacecraft that fell in the Pacific Ocean.
The wormhole connects the earth and the Moyun River system, which is obviously not a coincidence.
"Who is controlling all this in the end!"
Yun Hai couldn't help thinking about all this. My heart is like raging waves, I can't calm down for a long while.
"Are you OK?"
Alice looked down at the wound on her right arm. She was silent, but Yunyue was a little uncontrollable. She was eager to know how the evolution of Yunhai is different from before, and she couldn't help but ask for a spiritual exchange.
"It's okay."
Yun Hai did not respond with mental energy to all of this. His drooling and terrifying giant kiss trembled slightly, but he responded to her with a voice.
"Isn't it just evolving the ability to speak? I can do it all."
Yun Yue was slightly disappointed, and she also opened her mouth.
The huge kiss turned up slightly. Yun Hai showed a smile that was enough to make Alice who looked at him cold war, and said, "I want to get something from you."
Slightly startled, Yun Yue looked down at herself subconsciously.
Alienated upper body, multi-clawed octopus-like lower body, under the cluster of tentacles are a pair of alienated powerful hind limbs.
No matter how her body was not as strong as Yun Hai, Yun Yue was a little confused for a while.
"Stand on the fungus blanket."
Yunhai's tail blade swung to the side.
More than a dozen huge aliens lay quietly on the edge of the jungle, and the thick green shade under the towering giant trees has been covered by a large amount of mucus secreted by them, forming a large black fungus blanket.
"How many days have I been away?"
Looking at the mushroom blanket with an area of ​​nearly 100 square meters, Yun Hai remembered the fork and asked with open mouth.
"Three days."
Yunyue answered casually. At the same time walked over and stood on the fungus blanket.
Three days, neither long nor short.
Looking at the thick and damp fungus blanket, Yunhai knew that its formation was obviously unintentional.
If these dozen big guys are willing to build a nest. Their mucus secretion speed will increase at least twice, and the area of ​​the fungus blanket formed by mucus deposition will definitely be much larger.
When Yunyue stood on the fungus blanket, Yunhai immediately bent down again.
Watching this scene with wide-eyed eyes, Alice for a while left her faint pain out of her mind.
Yun Hai could speak openly, which she was not surprised.
After all, Yunyue, who can freely switch between humans and alien forms, has become accustomed to it. It is no surprise that the obviously stronger or more evolutionary alien master opens her mouth.
Obviously Yunhai was going to do something, and Alice who heard their conversation didn't want to let go of any details.
The huge skull was like a cloud of lead, which was heavily pressed down.
Alice stared wide-eyed. Yunyue also raised her skull slightly, her mental power tightly locked onto Yunhai's every move.
Under the smooth skull. Another tentacle like a "beard" slowly drew out.
When the seemingly slimy but extremely resilient tentacles touched the fungus blanket, Yunyue's body trembled.
It is difficult to describe what happened at that instant. Yunyue only felt something that resembled energy and spiritual power, and had a lightning-like "communication" with her body.
At the same time, more than a dozen guards on the fungus blanket raised their skulls, and then buried their heads deeply.
"That's it!"
Seeing Yun Hai straightened her body, Alice showed a confused expression, and Yun Yue was even more confused.
Thinking of his performance just now, considering that he had just completed the first evolution of Alien Domination, Yunyue felt that he was a little serious, how could it be so simple to finish.
Yun Yue must have happened at that moment, something she didn't know.
Yun Hai did not respond to her question, except for the slight trembling of the "beard"-like tentacles, but he straightened up and remained motionless for a while.
There was a moment of silence, and curiosity flooded into a mess. When Yun Yue couldn't help but want to speak again, the scene that happened immediately caused her to open her alienated mouth almost endlessly.
The sea of ​​clouds is shrinking, shrinking sharply.
The situation was like an alien gas model, which was poked a hole to leak gas, and it shrank rapidly.
Not only is it shrinking, but Yunhai's body is also undergoing weird changes.
Pieces of smooth bone armor that originally covered the body's surface became one piece after rapidly shrinking.
At the same time, the hard bone armor became soft at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the color gradually became the color of human flesh.
As the narrow skull shrank, it began to deform like a twist.
The razor-sharp blades shortened, and the thick and long tail blade behind him was rapidly retracting into the caudal vertebrae.
However, in an instant, it is five or six seconds at most.
The huge sea of ​​clouds, in Alice's horrified gaze, quickly turned into a human being in the spirit of Yunyue boiling.
To be precise, he became the original self.
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