Chapter 523: Silver Heart City

A race born to fight, how can it fear death.
Whether from a most common messenger or an alien queen, they are all like this.
They don't even care about the value of death, they just enjoy the battle.
The cruelty of aliens is not only aimed at the enemy, but sometimes at themselves.
Quietly looking at the big pit that was blown out on the ground, the shape of the drone alien flashed through a simple thought, and when it approached very quickly, the messenger alien finally turned and left.
The sky has darkened, and with various bunkers, the messenger Alien has enough confidence to reach the target without knowing it.
Just after the messenger alien left, that is, ten seconds later, a miniature detector flew over.
Under the dazzling strong light it emits, all the details are clearly visible on a wolf ground.
After making a circle along the field, the recorded images were transmitted to the military base in the distance. The probe immediately began to search around in concentric circles centered on the battlefield.
Before the probe could finish the first concentric circle slowly, the messenger alien almost ran several kilometers away.
Drone Alien used his life to solve the crisis of exposure, and even prepared a delicious meal for it.
After the meal, the messenger was alien, and his physical strength quickly returned to normal levels, running particularly fast in the shadow of the dusk.
Through the jungle, swim across a small river.
When the dark curtain replaced the bright blue sky, the messenger alien finally reached the target.
Standing on a high post, overlooking the brightly lit city, the messenger's alien lips trembled slightly, and after a short pause, he ran down firmly in one direction.
A city with a third-level civilization has a higher level of technological civilization. But there are many things that are the same as humans on earth.
This is the same even for all civilizations.
Such as domestic sewage, such as sewage channels.
It didn't take long. The messenger Alien arrived at its target place-an underground sewage treatment plant in Yinxin City.
He sneaked in like a ghost, in this factory that was almost entirely mechanized. Except for the person who controls the instrument in the duty room, it is not easy for the Messenger Alien to meet a few people.
There was hardly any wrongdoing, except for a brief period of stagnation when entering the sewage treatment plant. The structure diagram of the entire plant seemed to be printed in its brain at that moment, and the messenger Alien quickly found the water inlet pipe.
Silently got into the stinky sewage pool, the messenger alien found the water inlet pipe and got in.
Ten minutes later, somewhere in the underground sewer pipe on the outskirts of Yinxin City, the messenger got out of the sewage with all kinds of domestic garbage floating in it.
It's like being waxed. As it stepped out of the waterway, a drop of sewage slid down its smooth and hard bone plate.
Stepping on the steps in the sewer, the messenger alien ran in one direction in the labyrinth of intricate sewers.
After a short run, a deep neighing sound rang out in the dark sewer.
Almost without stopping, the messenger alien also responded with a low hiss.
In the sewage of the sewer, a drone alien protruded its skull and "looked at" the messenger alien that ran past, and then dived again.
After a short run, the messenger alien finally reached his final destination.
The first "eye". It saw the companion who had passed the message to itself.
Very small.
How to call it, this is not the reason the messenger alien needs to consider.
It's just that in its simple thoughts, it inexplicably feels a sense of joy.
The messenger dominates the named branch. No longer will be the smallest existence among the aliens.
The most primitive worms, with their size, are destined to not be able to parasitize hosts that are too small.
But with the evolution of the queen, all this has become different.
The emergence of spider worms makes it possible for them to parasitize small hosts.
Just like the little guy noticed by the messenger alien, it was almost a miniature alien.
The body length is like a wasp on the earth. What kind of host are these guys parasitizing? The messenger alien does not know, but it knows that these little guys are all gathered together, at most as big as themselves. .
Xiaogui Xiao. But it has all five internal organs.
Smooth and slender skull.
There are even internal nest teeth in the miniature version of the mouth.
A pair of wings vibrated at an ultra-high frequency, which allowed them to hover in the void for a long time.
The tailbone that is as long as the body is also dragged behind the body. Although small, the messenger Alien did not doubt the sharpness of the tail blade.
It broke away from the big army in the melee. I ran into such a little guy just a day ago.
After a brief exchange, the little guy hurried away to find the next target, and the messenger finally arrived here after a long journey.
Never doubt his companion, whether it is an alien as small as a worker bee, or a guard alien like a giant in its eyes.
So the messenger alien has come, and it firmly believes that more aliens are also marching here, or have arrived before it.
This is an intricate intersection of underground passages. There are dozens of pipe mouths staggered high and low with sewage flowing slowly. The wide platform in the center, including the sewage surging like a lake, is full of abnormal shapes.
Almost all drones or messenger aliens, the existence of guard aliens is rarely seen.
The messenger Alien didn't know who arranged this action, but in its perception, there were nearly 300 Alien here, and there was no special existence at all.
I don't care about it either. Obeying orders or issuing orders makes no difference to Alien.
As long as there is a goal, whether it is right or wrong, whether to kill or die, as long as the goal is worthwhile, they will not hesitate.
The wings vibrated silently at high speed, and a "worker bee alien" quickly flew onto the messenger alien skull.
The inaudible neighing sound, simple mental communication, the messenger alien communicates with it very pleasantly.
This "worker bee alien" notified twenty-six aliens before and after, and this messenger alien was the eleventh alien it notified to arrive here.
It didn't take long to communicate. When another messenger alien limped and ran from the passage, the "worker bee alien" shook its wings and greeted him.
"It's still alive!"
After receiving the last message left to him by the "Worker Bee Alien", the messenger Alien immediately felt a sense of joy.
And its confidence increased several times in an instant.
No matter what the companions who gather here from all directions want to do, as long as it is alive, their actions and the possibility of success will infinitely increase.
Of course, what about even failure.
The spiritual command of the master has been deeply imprinted in the depths of their souls, even if they were just an embryo in the body of the worm.
This planet will become an alien planet sooner or later.
This world will eventually become an alien world.
This messenger alien had never doubted this before, and it believed that all the companions here also firmly believed this.
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