Chapter 606: Yangsan insects

Earth, Yangshan.
The place where the sea of ​​clouds was parasitized by the "Mother of Alien", the place where the sea of ​​clouds was "brought down", has now become a mountain of insects.
There is no doubt that until now, humans including Lei Li and others who migrated from the Moyun River System, no one knows where these bugs came out of.
In the past, when a large number of aliens existed on the earth, apart from a few people who have seen a few such bugs, more survivors were completely unseen and unheard of.
At that time, they could not even compare to mice on earth.
Mutated fierce rats, every time they appear, they will form a horrible rat tide. The survivors who survived the early stage of the "virus" outbreak have no idea how many temporary bases and people died in their mouths.
However, the current insects have become a cancer of the earth.
The cruel and violent beasts, even the aliens that humans on earth, including Lei Li and others, are palpitating until now, can't compare to these insects that are also like mechanical creatures.
Triangular sharp head.
The gray body is completely keratinized bone plate, and when the wing-wing periosteum on the side of the body is tight, it is enough to cut off the head of the beast easily while flying.
There are a total of four pairs of articulated limbs, the sharp edges are like sickles, and the tops are completely spikes.
The triangular head has two inner arc-shaped palatal limbs protruding on both sides, and a few unusually sharp pointed palatal limbs grow on the inside, which looks abnormally hideous.
Like aliens, they can switch postures freely.
They stood up to a height of nearly two meters.
And this is just the size of more worms. Just like the big men in humans, there are some very large worms among them, which are more than six meters in length.
There are big ones and small ones.
The smallest bug is only about fifty or sixty centimeters. Their number is the largest.
The body features are extremely similar to the aliens, and they are full of mechanized styles.
The only difference is that the alien is different because of the host. While having similar body characteristics, more aliens are different.
These bugs are different. They all have the same appearance, as if they were mass-produced on a mechanical biological processing line, except for the individual size differences, they were completely cast out of one mold.
They are called insects not only because of their spectacular and terrifying number, but also because of their appetite.
If you look at the earth from outside the orbit of the earth, people will be surprised to find out because of the emergence of the "virus" or "evolution agent" in the end times. On the surface of the earth covered by wild vegetation, large patches of moss-like gray appeared again.
There is nothing left to eat. The difference between these insects and locusts is that their diet includes almost all living things-plants are also living things.
The moss-like gray, advancing from the coastal zone, has now advanced to Yangshan.
Hundreds of thousands of insects were lined up. Except for thousands of insects on alert at high altitude, other insects were advancing frantically on the ground.
Rustle rustle...
The grass taller than their bodies disappeared in pieces in their palatal lips. When a giant tree collapsed under the stabs of their arthropods, there would be different numbers of insects coming together to catch it. stand up. It was quickly transported to Yangshan.
Occasionally one or two frightened fierce beasts ran out of the grass and woods hurriedly, and before they ran far, they were killed by the swarming insects.
Just kill. Instead of dismembering or devouring.
Dead beasts, mutant wild boars as large as five meters in height, and fierce rats as small as half a meter in length, will be picked up by insects and transported to Yangshan.
Yangshan has completely turned into a bald mountain.
Except for the moist moss that even bugs can't see, the vegetation covering the mountain has been swallowed.
The mountain is almost full of bugs.
Especially on the top of the mountain, nearly a thousand extraordinarily huge bugs guarded vigilantly, and nearly a hundred hovering in low altitude.
A large number of trees were evenly cut off by the sharp arthropods of these big insects at the entrance of the cave on Yangshan Mountain. Then the smaller bugs were carried into the cave.
Including a large number of corpses of beasts, although relative to delicious meat. More bugs that can only eat plants want to take a bite, but not a single bug steals the food. Even if it does this, it won't be discovered by other bugs.
Just as hundreds of insects respectively grabbed the divided pieces of meat and landed on the top of the mountain, in the uneroded forest behind Yangshan, an angry roar exploded like thunder.
Immediately afterwards, in the towering woods, giant trees fell suddenly.
The ground shook and the mountains shook, and the dense leaves trembled.
The loud slamming of footsteps slammed the surface like a drumhead like the gods.
"Jie Jie..."
Hundreds of thousands of insects on the mountain and the top of the mountain fluttered up, collectively making a strange sound.
When a particularly sharp weird cry sounded, more insects flew to the top of the mountain and held the low altitude of the mountain like a dark cloud.
Nearly a hundred large bugs over six meters in length flapped their wings and flew quickly toward the forest where the movement was getting bigger and closer.
Another angry roar resembling thunder rang out. After approaching Yangshan in the shortest time, the unknown creature jumped up amid the roar and hit the cliffs of the back mountain of Yangshan heavily.
Just like a behemoth.
It is more than 20 meters tall and covered with black steel wool.
The eyes of the mutant great ape who did not know where it came from were red. After knocking out a pit from the cliff, its thick and powerful arms staggered, and it climbed to the top of the mountain at a speed disproportionate to its body. .
The speed of the worm is faster than it, although these larger worms do not understand why this mutant great ape stupidly chooses to attack rather than escape, just as they cannot understand that its pregnant mate was just cut into pieces and brought in by the worm. After the cave, this great ape was completely crazy.
Can’t understand Gui can’t understand, but in the face of great apes who dare to invade and provoke, these insects actually prefer it-nesting requires too many corpses, and flesh and blood creatures are obviously better than plants.
With the weird cry of grizzly people, a large group of insects spread their wings and dived toward the cliff like a .
The giant ape with extremely bloodshot eyes swiftly crossed his arms and quickly climbed to a platform on the cliff. It still had no sense of escape. Faced with the black and swooping insects, it punched itself with a violent roar. High puffed chest.
With a loud "bang", one of the first insects that flew over was pinched by the mutant great ape's left paw, and then hit the triangular head with its right fist, and hit the cliff hard. .
The cliff cracked, and the skull of the giant worm exploded, leaving a dark gray damp on the hard rock wall.
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