Chapter 614: Burst like a wave

The black panther is alien, in the classification of the alien in the sea of ​​clouds, it is just a drone alien.
Stronger than the messenger alien, and even more stamina.
If compared with the Guard Alien, the Black Panther Alien's defensive power and offensiveness are worse.
But the biggest advantage of the Panther Alien is speed and agility.
In any complex environment, it can quickly advance with ease, almost unaffected.
Today is different, not to mention that the black panther is alien and can't fly, even if it has a pair of wings, it is difficult to fly at this time.
The dense clusters of insects blocked almost every inch of space.
Even if you want to advance one meter, you have to use your life to squeeze the pile.
No matter if there is a bug in front of him, or a thousand or ten thousand bugs, the alien that never knows what fear is is like a flood that bursts a bank, violently swept into the swarm.
It is false to say that he does not regret it, but Yun Duo is not regretting his decision to dive into the cave, but regretting why he didn't listen to Zhang Heng, Lei Li and others' persuasion early and bring some high-tech weapons.
Don't say anything else, as long as you are now equipped with a few high-energy explosive grenades, or miniature nuclear fission grenades produced by Level 3 civilization.
There is no need to make a deliberate choice at all, as long as she throws it at will, she can kill the densely packed insects in patches.
However, it was unnecessary to think about anything at this time. The black panther alien riding on the cloud slightly arched her body and was ready to attack at any time, while she herself slowly opened her eyes closed tightly.
I can't see anything, I just can't see my fingers in the dark cave.
Except for the short and sharp neighing of insects and aliens, the refreshing mountain breeze blowing in from which cave was sobbing was like a devil's cry.
The spiritual power poured out like a stream of light, and soon Yunduo found his goal.
Among the dense swarms of insects. There is an unusually large body.
In the cloud's three-dimensional mental perception, the bug that was even bigger than the first queen she had seen for the last time was consuming something quickly.
A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Yun Duo knew exactly what it was.
Mother worm.
Among the swarms of insects now appearing on the earth, the largest existence.
Its reproduction speed. Even better than the Alien Queen.
It doesn't need a host, it eats almost everything, and it can produce endless insects almost continuously after the nest is built.
From plants and trees to flesh and blood creatures, and even in the nest where the female worm was last found last time, when Lei Li and others searched carefully, they even found some ore residues.
After their analysis and investigation, they unexpectedly came to the surprising conclusion that the female worm can swallow and absorb even the ores rich in certain heavy elements.
This discovery is also the reason why the lunar base was quickly put on the agenda.
Can swallow minerals to survive. Such bugs are definitely not just a simple first and second level alien beast civilization.
If they are level three civilizations, they are definitely not something that today's earth civilization can handle.
In fact, at the same time as the establishment of the lunar base, on the more distant Mars, a small base that can only accommodate 100,000 people is also secretly built.
If the earth is completely occupied by bugs, considering that bugs may evolve in a short period of time, the moon base is also in absolute threat.
The Mars base is the last hope of mankind.
If even the secret Mars base is not safe, then there will be no hope for the Earth humans or alien immigrants Lei Li and others.
The most outstanding Zhang Heng’s "Goddess" spacecraft is more like a mobile research institute than a battleship or transport ship.
There is no giant transport ship or spacecraft that can sail. Without huge carrying capacity, they don't even have the qualifications to be a wandering civilization.
And all this, clouds are clear.
Horrible facts can be hidden from ordinary people. For Yunduo, a special existence that doesn't have any real power but no one dares to underestimate, no one will hide these important information from her.
"We must seize this opportunity, and it can't be wasted."
After finding the mother worm, Yun Duo felt that she was halfway through, and as she secretly said in her heart, she began to give spiritual orders to the alien.
The aliens, who were stretching their fronts and colliding fiercely with the swarm, quickly gathered in one direction.
The cruel battle only started in tens of seconds, and the number of dead bugs reached about a thousand.
The aliens also paid a heavy price for the death of 300.
More than a thousand insects died, and there were eight or nine thousand insects crammed together waiting restlessly.
Only two thousand aliens came in. The contrast in quantity is too big
After Yunduo's spiritual order was given-just stated his purpose, more than 1,700 aliens followed Yunduo's wishes. Smart and flexible to put out the best battle formation.
The formation is the same as the word "human", with the sharp knife at the front. It is a war crocodile alien more like a reptile.
They are about five meters in height, but their body length is more than ten meters. Compared with the evolution of moulting, they have obviously grown a lot.
Not only the growth of their size, their strength and speed have increased dramatically, and the bone armor outside their body is also harder.
If it is said that when Yunhai first encountered "Yunyue", the war crocodile alien that was born with the "biochemical beast" was more like a hairy boy after molting and growing, then they are now completely old bandits. .
At the forefront of the "people"-shaped formation, they almost ignored the dense swarm of insects blocking their way, just rushing.
Pieces of insects were knocked down by them and trampled into meat, and some insects were even hit by them.
The thicker and more powerful tailbone swings arbitrarily and roughly, which makes the bugs who want to break through the lines of defense on both sides of the "human" formation to hit them either by breaking their bodies or being driven away by a huge force.
The dense swarms of insects finally realized the fatal drawbacks of their formation. No matter how large they were, the insects in the distance could only scream irritably, but they could not squeeze to the front. This made more insects only serve as a wall of flesh. .
Taking a deep breath, he drove the Black Panther Alien under him to start running along the rapidly advancing Alien formation, and Yun Duo slowly closed his eyes.
In her mind, billions of stars are shining.
Like a river system, thousands of stars' light points slowly flowed along the invisible black hole in the center.
When the cloud's mental power was concentrated in the invisible and huge "black hole", the light of hundreds of millions of stars suddenly dimmed, as if a large amount of matter was rapidly losing from them.
At this time, the "human" formation composed of more than two thousand aliens had already entered the insect swarm like a sharp knife.
Inevitably, a large number of bugs surged up from the opening of the formation behind.
However, at this moment, the triangular skulls of the insects running in the front burst suddenly and without warning.
Not one by one, but exploded in pieces.
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