Chapter 647: Weird signal range

Four squares.
Seeing the appearance of the metal thing clearly, Yun Hai couldn't help being startled.
"Over-distance communicator?"
He lifted his skull and looked at Alice not far away, while opening his mouth to ask.
Quickly stood up and walked over, Alice squatted in front of the sea of ​​clouds, took a few close glances, pointed to a star-shaped mark on the shell, and said: "It's an ultra-distance communication device, and it is produced by Mogefang Yinxing Technology Company. of."
Speaking of this, Alice showed a strange expression on her face, and added: "However, this ultra-distance communication device has obviously been modified. For example, here, there should be three sets of modules, but now it has only become It’s a set, but it looks more sophisticated."
"Open it and see, make sure it is an over-range communicator, not a bomb."
Yun Hai thought for a while and said to Alice.
At the same time, a drone alien flew up quickly.
A touch of anger appeared in Alice's eyes, but then it became helpless.
They are all sensible people, although Yunhai didn't speak thoroughly, Alice knew what his plan was after seeing the situation.
Picking up the "Ultra-distance Communicator", Alice activated the individual armor under her coat, and after her head was covered by the stretched glass mask, she stood on the back of the drone alien.
The latter shrugged his back slightly unaccustomedly, and then quickly jumped into the sky.
Immediately afterwards, on the mountain that seemed to be empty except for vegetation, more alien shapes rose into the air and quickly followed.
"What does that guy want to do?"
Looking at the alien shapes that quickly turned into black spots, Yunyue said strangely: "If there is something, why did he not say it face-to-face, what kind of ultra-distance communication device. At his speed, he wanted to escape after speaking. We are helpless."
"Think of what those do, and you will know the result immediately."
Yun Hai replied casually, and looked at the alien and asked: "How is the first queen?"
"Soon, with less than ten sidereal days, the first queen can completely occupy that planet of life, and the entire star system will be ours by then."
Compared with the initial communication, it was very difficult and obscure. With the increase of experience, the alien animals and aliens in the spiritual communication can already express their opinions smoothly and clearly.
"Are there any new alien queens bred by the original queens? How many?"
Yun Hai had never doubted the ability of the first generation queen, but he asked the question he cared most.
"Two, on that planet of life, the first-generation queen chose two most suitable hosts, and let the queen hug her face. When I left, one alien queen had been born, and the other was still growing in the host."
Alien Beast and Alien responded to him instantly.
"came back."
Yunyue spoke suddenly.
High in the sky, as the fireball turned into a black spot, the drone alien that carried Alice on a space trip in the shortest time, slowed down when approaching the top of the mountain, and finally landed lightly on the spot.
The other aliens fell silently into the mountains and forests, as if swallowed by vegetation, silently.
"No problem, it's just a modified over-distance communication device."
Jumping from the drone's alien back, Alice, who was regarded as cannon fodder, had clearly corrected her attitude, and there was no dissatisfaction in her tone.
"Have you contacted your home planet? Maybe your family?"
Yun Hai asked suddenly.
"I tried it, but it didn't work. This communicator has been modified. The communication signal may be more concealed, the distance may be longer, or it may have other features that I don't know. But there is one thing that it can only accept, but it cannot initiate contact. "
Alice responded frankly, she didn't have a trace of panic on her face.
"You should actually be more fortunate that it has been modified. If you try to call your home planet or family, if you have the ability to talk to them in the universe, you will never say a few words. Alien will treat you Torn to pieces in an instant."
Yun Hai said lightly.
"It's not that it can't actively send out a communication connection, but it is limited, and can only call a signal range. Also, this signal range is very strange, and its frequency is I have never seen or heard of."
Alice opened her mouth as if she did not hear him.
"What do you mean? Be clear."
Although Yun Hai probably understood it, he wanted to figure it out thoroughly.
"Let’s put it this way, your earth’s communication connection is based on digital numbers to distinguish different signal intervals. Our more over-distance communicators are justified. But this over-distance communicator is limited to the signal range that can only be called. , It is not a set of numbers, but a code string of thousands of digits."
"In my common sense, this is the wrong signal range and it is impossible to establish a normal communication connection."
Alice explained carefully.
"Why is it so troublesome? Since it is limited to call the established signal range, just call it directly, and you will know everything if it is connected."
Yunyue reached out and touched the "over-distance communicator", and said impatiently.
"Do as she said."
Yun Hai also felt that he had made some fuss, but the matter involved Chen Gong from the sixth level of civilization, and he felt that there was nothing wrong with being more cautious.
Alice didn't say a word, nodded, and then activated the "over-distance communicator", and then sent a communication link to the signal section that was just a bunch of garbled codes in her eyes.
During this process, Yunhai's back arched slightly.
If something abnormal happens, he will fly away from here in an instant.
Fortunately, Alice's judgment was not wrong, it was just an "over-range communicator", not a bomb.
Within three to five seconds, the communication connection was quickly connected.
When beams of light were projected from the "over-distance communicator" to form a three-dimensional projection in the void, the sea of ​​clouds couldn't help being stunned.
In the three-dimensional projection screen, it is not Chen Gong who he imagined and wants to negotiate with himself or brainwash him.
That is a beautiful and shameless girl.
Beauty, Yunhai actually saw a lot.
Yun Duo is definitely one, even Yun Yue and Alice in front of him are first-class beauties.
However, the beautiful girl in the projection screen is the most beautiful he has ever seen.
She has a temperament that Yun Duo does not possess-temperament is not innate more often, and a person's status and background sometimes play a decisive role.
She has the agility that Yunyue doesn't possess, especially the pair of eyes and eyes, as if she only needs one look to let people know what she wants to express.
She also has the charm that Alice doesn't possess. The latter is more of an alternative wild hero, and this girl, her brows and eyes are full of charm that makes her heart beat faster.
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